Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Bella's POV –

"I got you some more tortilla's," Edward called in the door of my bedroom. Well I suppose you could say our bedroom.

"Thank you," I croaked, my voice layered thick with sleep.

Today I would be having my first ultrasound. The house was filled with mixed emotions, but one which everyone had; hope. Mum and Dad were really edgy and I can see why. After all I had nearly killed my mother. I wasn't worried about that though, the love I had for my unborn child out-weighed all the negatives. I had life growing inside of me. That filled me with joy. Another aspect that made me happy was that it was part of Edward. I rose from my bed and went to the bathroom. Throwing up once I had been to the toilet was now part of my routine. I then proceeded to get changed. After pulling up my top I noticed it - a small, but firm bump between my hips. I smiled. maybe I would get to see my child quicker than anticipated. I don't know how a human could wait a full 9 months to be united with their flesh and blood.

"Edward! Come and see this," I shouted happily. I knew he was in the bedroom, he came into the bathroom and had changed into khaki shorts and a vest.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked in a worried tone appearing at the door. He always jumped to the conclusion that there was something wrong.

"Nothing, come in here and see this," I commanded. "Look." I pointed to the small bump.

"Whoa," he smiled. He was completely blown away by this. He stood up after inspecting it for a few seconds and took my face into his hands.

"I love you," he told me.

"I love you," I replied. He lent in and kissed me. I had to pull away for air.

"Let's go find Carlisle," I said.

"Okay," Edward moaned, before returning to kiss me once more. After a few more attempts at getting Edward to kiss me did go to see Carlisle. He took us up to his office (which he had part of set up like a hospital room). I sat on the bed.

"This is going to be a little cold," Carlisle warned, referring to the gel. I jumped when it was squirted onto my lower abdomen. Edward and Carlisle both chuckled at that. Then Carlisle started the scan.

"Hm..." We heard Carlisle ponder.

"Is there something wrong?" I questioned worriedly.

"No, quite the opposite actually," he smiled.

"Can you hear that?" he asked. I focused on a whispy sound much like a hummingbird. I nodded with a bright smile. I looked at Edward who was beaming.

"You must be further along than I anticipated. Either that or its growing fast. If it is growing fast it would be more vampire than human, but it can see the baby just fine. Bella, if you don't mind me asking when was the first time you and Edward were intimate with each other?" I instantly blushed a deep red. I looked at Edward, counting the weeks.

"Maybe six weeks ago," I replied.

"The baby must have some of your accelerated growing genes then. Obviously not enough to interfere with the ultrasound, but enough to speed your pregnancy by more than half," Carlisle explained. "You look to be about 12 weeks."

"Here you go, I will leave you to get cleaned up," he said, placing a small white envelope on my lap. I opened it and there was the picture of Edward and I's baby.

"Beautiful," Edward mumbled. I knew he was as scared as Rosalie and Emmet was about the pregnancy but I could see him coming around and starting to accept it.

"Yeah," I agreed.

I got cleaned up and we headed downstairs. I went and snuggled into my mum, showing her the scan. I guess she heard the conversation upstairs because she smiled at the picture, hugging me. Then my father came over to have a look. He congratulated us.

"I want to stay in school until I can't go anymore," I stated.

"It will be better if you stay here Bella," Edward disagreed.

"I want to graduate, it's only a few weeks away," I reminded.

"I think you should graduate," my Dad piped in.

"Only if she is under no threat," Edward declared.

"I'll keep an eye for that," Carlisle assured Edward.

"And we can have the wedding after the baby is born. I don't want to walk down the aisle looking like a whale!" I exclaimed. Everyone burst out in laughter.

"Edward? Have you told Charlie?" Rose wondered.

"No," he admitted.

"Maybe we should go tell him now," I suggested


"Come on then," he replied.

We got to Charlie's in no time. Unfortunately, he was at work but Edward had a key. He decided we should stay for dinner as we haven't done that in a while. We popped out to the store for a few things. Edward had decided to make chilli shredded beef. He got everything prepared and then we went and sat on the sofa. Charlie arrived at 5 o'clock and Edward finished cooking and served the meal.

"Dad? We have something we want to tell you," Edward said with a smile on his face, looking at me. He set down his knife and fork and scooted his chair closer to mine, putting his arm around my waist.

"Yeah?" Charlie asked.

"We are having a baby," he beamed.

"Congratulations," Charlie smiled. "But there is a lot of work in a child, trust me I should know," he joked.

"I'm sure he was a handful," I giggled.

"Grandpa Charles is always here to help if you need anything." Charlie promised.

Charlie rose and came over to give me a hug.

"You'll be great parents," Charlie assured.

"Thank-you Charlie," I responded.

We watched a football game. Well, Charlie did, I traced patterns on Edwards body as he had taken of his top. Charlie had a few of his precious 'Vitamin R' and fell asleep on the couch. I slid up on to my knees so I was taller than Edward. I looked into his eye's and saw the same lust as I felt. I pressed my lips to his and was quickly taken over by more lust.

"Mm... Maybe we should just stay her tonight," I purred breathlessly.

"You think?" Edward asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Mm hm," I hummed.

We quickly dashed upstairs. At the top he found my lips again. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. We burst through his bedroom door backwards. I got down from his arms and pushed him onto the soft bed.

"Is it safe?" he asked.

"Of course it is," I affirmed quickly.

"In your condition?" he continued.

"I am not in a condition. I am simply, but beautifully pregnant."


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