Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Bella's POV -

I sighed as I tried to relax in the passenger seat next to Edward who was driving next to me. The two day journey back from New Hampshire to La Push had taken much longer but it was notably easier, probably down to our decision to check into a hotel after the first twelve hours on the road. The kids contented themselves with the exception of Renesmee who had been very unsettled for the last 6 hours. We just had a stop at the service station collecting some snacks and now she was quietly snoring in her car seat while Masen played his video game next to her. Rosa was riding the rest of the journey back with Seth and Awan, and she was probably sprawled out along the entire back seat snoring her head of like her father would be. It would be four hours until we arrived in Seattle and a further one and a half before we got to the Rez.


"Mummy, what time is it?" A small tired voice asked me from the backseat finishing her question with a sleepy yawn.

"It's nine thirty princess," I replied. Renesmee had slept pretty much the whole way from our last stop at the services.

"How long's left mum?" Masen wondered also yawning after switching his handheld game console off. I'm surprised at the battery life that thing had, he barely had left it down since we left.

"About an hour," I told him.

The kids remained quiet for the next ten minutes and after looking back to see what they were up to I discovered that Masen was asleep with his head resting on the window and Nessie was drawing quietly with her colouring book and crayons. I decided that I'd give Seth a call and see how Rosa was. Apparently, she had finished up both Seth and Awan's snacks before falling back to sleep. Perhaps the decision to let her ride the rest of the way with the two of them wasn't such a bad one and I should have made it sooner.


"Just grab your own bags and take them to your rooms," Edward instructed as we opened the front door of our new house.

All of our belongings had been shipped down a few days prior to our departure so the next step was making sure everyone claimed all of their own things, meaning I made sure that the twins weren't trying to steal each other's video games, which was a more frequent occurrence than you may think.

I was throughly involved in the construction of our new place and so was Edward but the blue prints, plans and 3D images didn't really do this beautiful pad justice.

The house was a wooden lodge and was far more spacious that our small cottage in New Hampshire but it was dainty enough to be concealed as normal. The wooden frames gave it a very rustic feel, something that our family had in general and inside felt very warm and comfortable. It sat neatly against the tree line on the suburbs of the rez leaving just a short fifteen minute walk for the kids to school, which they would be enrolling in as soon as we were settled. Our main plan was to move back here and slip into the everyday life of everyone here in La Push. It was important to stay inconspicuous and maintain a normal lifestyle. The kids would be joining school and Edward had planned to apply for a job at the local hospital as he had been fully trained by Carlisle and had his bachelors honours in medical science and nursing, making him fully qualified for most jobs there. I was very proud of him. I decided it would be best if I blended in as a stay at home mum, or sister to the public, but I also planned on doing some volunteering for the local community to do my bit.

"Mum! Mace has my TV remote," Rosa yelled from upstairs.

"This one is mine!" Masen yelled back.

"No, it has the three missing buttons on it that Nessie ate," Rosa defended.

I sighed sinking into the couch. I really didn't have the energy to deal with them right now. I was a hair line away from putting the three of them to bed right this second. Luckily I heard Edward walking around upstairs and he gave Rosa her remote back before telling Masen that we would find his tomorrow.

He came and joined me on the couch and I snuggled into his side - which was one of my favourite things to do. He always brought me comfort when I was feeling stressed or worried, both of them in this instance.

"At least they're still fighting, that's a good sign," he joked.

"It's going to take us forever to get settle," I muttered looking around at the mess in what was ought to be my living room. "It's going to take us months before we get this sorted."

I was tired and in a full blown worry. I just wanted to be able to click my fingers and start living a normal life, just like everyone else.

"Do you think we can get the kids enrolled in school tomorrow?" Edward asked, a look of concentration plastered his face. "I know it's a huge step but perhaps it means the twins can get some sort of sense on normality and it will get them settled easier."

"Yeah, maybe we could try," I replied, taking his very valid point on board.

"And when they start school I'll invite everyone round to meet Nessie. It means we won't be bombarding our family with five hundred different things at once and it give us an excuse to rope them into helping," he chuckled.

He always had an answer for everything. And there was always so much thought put into his plans. Especially the one we were about to embark on, making sweet, passionate love in our new bedroom for the every first time - it will help us wind, he said.

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