Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Edward's POV -

I slid the brass key into the lock and turned it, unlatching and unlocking the door at the same time. The house was quiet, too quiet. There was no TV blaring in the living room. There was no fumbling with cutlery in the kitchen and there were no floor boards creaking upstairs. Charlie wasn't in. I went through to the kitchen while Bella went into the living room with a stirring Masen. I heard Bella making a quick phone call so I let her have some privacy. I got into the kitchen. A pink sticky post-it on the fridge quickly caught my wandering eye.

Edward, I've gone to Sue's, everyone's over there having a catch up with some Vitamin R. When you get back you, Bella and the kids should come over. - Charlie.

I contemplated just going to bed when a screeching voice filled my ears.

"Want Da," Masen shouted.

"I'm here," I said, lifting Masen into my embrace.

"Want to go to a little party?" I asked Bella, pulling her into my chest.

"Yeah, why not? I need to go back to my house though, I forgot Masen's cup and Rosa's blanket," she informed.

"Okay then, back into the car."

"We have had a busy day," Bella stated.

"A busy day with my favourite people. What more could I ask for?" I sighed in satisfaction.

Masen was thrilled to be going out again even though he was worn out. I put him in his car seat, which he was quickly growing out of as Bella did the same with his sister before I took my place in the driver's seat. Bella got in the passenger's side and we took off to her family's place. Once we were at the Cullen's I let her run in quickly. She took longer than I expected.

"Did you get it?" I inquired when she got back into the car. Bella looked at me guiltily.

"No, I couldn't find it," she admitted.

"Oh well, I'm sure we can get him another one," I shrugged.

When we arrived at Sue's the place was alive. We went in and Seth jumped at the chance to hold Rosa. He adored her. Another member of the pack took Masen. I took Bella by the hand and went to find my father. In the living room a slow song was playing and couples filled the room dancing. I spotted Charlie dancing with Sue in the corner. I approached him.

"Where is the kids?" he asked as soon as we got to him.

"With Seth," I shouted over the music.

"Oh," Charlie replied.

"Dad, I need to talk to you," I explained. We made our way to the garden where Seth and Embry were said with the kids, Masen spied me. He ran over and hugged my leg.

"Um, Dad. Err... We have to move away," I started.

"Oh," Charlie said, with surprise.

"I know that it's a shock but we are only going to New Hampshire. There's a plane up there and we will come down at every opportunity we can," I elaborated. "People are noticing Carlisle isn't aging and you know I wouldn't leave if it wasn't necessary."

"Edward, it's not a shock. I knew this time would come, I just didn't expect it to be here so soon. When are you guys leaving?" He questioned.

"We aren't sure, but I want to have the wedding before we officially move," I confessed looking at Bella.

"Well I trust it's going to be the right option for both of you," he replied.

"It is," I assured. "And I'm sure we will come back when the time is right for us."

"Then that's good," he said, forcing a smile. "Now let's get on with the party. You two enjoy yourselves."

Bella and myself went out to the garden to get a drink. Of course, we couldn't drink too much as we had Masen and Rosa to take care of. Bella got a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and I just had a beer. I saw her take a small tablet with the drink and got worried.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing, just a pain killer," Bella replied.

"What? Are you okay?" I wondered, putting my beer down and taking her face in my hands.

"Just a bit of a sore head from all the music," she admitted.

"Okay, let's stay out here in the fresh air for a while then," I said. If I could do anything for Bella, whether that be a need or a want or anything to make her better, I would do it.

We took a little walk around the garden. There were couples making out everywhere. I spotted Jacob and Scarlett among them. I can't believe Jasper allowed her to come here. He would go ballistic if he knew what was going on. I pointed them out to Bella. She assured me that Scarlett wouldn't push Jasper's rules, but I wasn't completely sure that Jacob would stick to them. She won me over reminding me that we were much, much worse than them.

I spied my father making his way outside, still with Sue clinging tightly to his side. I hope this is the start of something new for them both.

"Hey Edward!" Charlie waved me over. "I'm staying here with Sue tonight to clean up after everyone leaves. The kids are more than welcome to stay if you and Bella want to go home and have some time alone..." Charlie trailed off blushing.

"If Sue is okay with that," I politely asked.

"That's fine," Sue chimed in.

"Thanks," I replied.

After a few more drinks, we went inside. Myself and Bella were both a little tipsy at this point. I pulled her onto the sofa beside me. We cuddled into each other's sides. Bella yawned – it was eleven o'clock and we have had a pretty busy day.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked Bella. She nodded in response. I called us a cab, as both of us had some alcohol and we couldn't drive. I told Charlie that we were going home and double checked with Sue that it was okay for Masen and Rosa to stay here with Charlie. We got into the cab and we arrived at my house ten minutes later. We went in and sat on the couch together, putting on a movie. Bella had other ideas. She kissed up my arm, over my shoulder and on to my neck. I turned and smiled at her.

"Your perfect," I complimented.

"Hmm," she mumbled on reply.

She found my lips and kissed me passionately. I returned the affection. She pushed her little tongue into my mouth. I grazed her lip with my teeth. Her hands flew to my hair, intertwining her fingers in my roots. Bella pulled away breathless.

"We should go upstairs," she breathed, with a cheeky grin plastered on her face. I got off the sofa and held out my hand.

"Be my guest," I challenged.

Bella dashed out the door quickly, but I was on her tail. We laughed together as we climbed the stairs. I couldn't keep my hands of her round little bum. She pulled me onto the bed with her. Our top halves were quickly banished, soon followed by our bottom halves. Being fully undressed together was out of the ordinary since Bella had the twins. We moulded together lovingly and the heat in the room went up.

"Edward," Bella murmured, although it sounded like a question. "I want you, tonight."

"You have me, I'm all yours," I assured.

"No Edward, I'm ready," she longed, her eyes penetrating mine.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she replied softly.

I reached over her and opened the top drawer of the little bedside table. I knew we had to take the necessary precautions now as Bella is fertile. I pulled out a small silver package. I opened it quickly putting the contraception where it belonged before making love to Bella foe the first time in forever. 

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