Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jacob's POV –

It was coming up to lunch time and Edward still hasn't made an appearance yet. He's been skipping a few of his class recently, too many to go unnoticed. He appeared just before the lunch bell rang. Obviously, I had it out with him. Edward was changing and we could all see it – Sam was extremely edgy. It wasn't an easy time for anyone. The change was affecting him physically, mentally and emotionally. He had been having major growth spurts and he was now hoovering over Charlie and myself, almost on par with Sam. Charlie had noticed a huge increase in Edward's sleeping patterns, sometimes sleeping right through his alarms. Mentally, his thoughts were scattered and this made him unable to focus. My guess is that's why Edward has been skipping school as he's normally quite studious. The biggest challenge was the emotional state he is in. His rage is becoming worse and it's becoming harder for him to control his temper, often resulting in aggressive outbursts.

Charlie bore the brunt of the transformation. It wasn't nice to see and only brought back horrible memories of his own transformation to the forefront of his mind, just like it did with the rest of us.

I wasn't too pleased with the whole situation either. I hated this mess just as much as Charlie did.

Edward used to be my best friend and the distance between us was growing. Seeing my best friend going through the same thing we all had to wasn't nice. I told everyone we should tell him what was happening so he knew what to expect, but they said we shouldn't, that it wasn't how things were done and it would only make it happen faster.

Sam wasn't in class. He went to ring Charlie to let him know about Edwards most recent antics.

I think Sam was the person who was most apprehensive of Edward's transformation. He was scared of the power he would possess. No one had stepped up to him in all his years and I hoped the Edward would do it. Then I heard footsteps in the corridor, just outside the classroom door. I waited to see who it was but no one appeared. Then it clicked – it was Edward, Awan, Micah and Brady.

After asking for a hall pass for the bathroom I went to see what all the fuss was about. I could already hear what some of the guys were saying. As I rounded the corner and they came into sight Edward began spraying the windows with the spray paint that came from Awan's bag. I knew why he was acting out like this but he was pushing being expelled. If he got expelled he'd have to attend Forks' High School and everything would spiral out of control hugely there. Suddenly, Mr. Blake rounded the corner and came into my line of sight causing Edward and his little acquaintances to run my way and the four of them were standing between me and Mr. Blake.

"Edward! Why haven't you been in class," I called.

Edward and I got into a bit of an argument and as I tried to get him out of this one it was made apparent that wasn't happening. Then to make matters even worse Sam and Charlie entered the light corridor. It was hard to watch Edward's reaction to his father being here, and even worse to see their relationship deteriorating.

"Edward!" Charlie and Sam shouted at the same time.

"What the hell is he doing here." Edward said.

"That is enough Edward," Charlie demanded.

"Don't tell me what to do Charlie!" Edward yelled.

I noticed Charlie flinch before the shivers that we knew too well started rippling down Edward's back as his body started to repel some heat. My eyes, along with Sam's picked up on the heatwaves in the air as well as being able to see the air vibrating around him. We knew that this couldn't happen here. It was much too dangerous. I eyed Sam expectantly and we made eye contact for a brief second before he decided on an intervention.

"Edward, it's okay. Calm down," spoke Same.

And as predicted the tremors rocking through Edward's body began to slow coming to a complete halt – no one could disobey an order from the Alpha.


Charlie's POV –

The small drive from La Push to Forks was silent and quite awkward. Edward seemed as hesitant as I was to break the silence. I didn't want to say anything in fear of putting my foot in it and having another blow out. But I needed to talk to him. I knew exactly what he was going through, but I had Billy and Jacob's support and they were adamant that it was going to happen soon. I felt something coming myself. This wasn't going to be good. For anyone. I knew how hard it was though, we all did. However, it was different from person to person and the process was such an individual thing.

When we got home Edward was still reluctant to talk to anyone so he simply retired to his bedroom. I knew it was just best to leave him to it. His mind probably wasn't a great place to be right now. I decided on just ordering a take out, probably a pizza. I had to know on how to go about this, what to say but keep it calm. I think I'd ask Billy and Jake to come over. I grabbed the house phone and dialled the Black's number.

"Hello," Billy spoke into the phone.

"Hey Billy, I was thinking that maybe you and Jacob should come over, I need to talk to him, and I need your help," I explained.

"Jake said it was pretty bad, we will come on over now," He replied, sadly.

"Okay, maybe we should make this more of a daily thing, I won't know what to do when it happens," I admitted.

"Sure, Charlie, we are all here for you," Billy said, comforting me.

"Thanks, see you soon,"

"Bye," Billy said, hanging up the phone. I just left Edward in his room until Billy got here. I'd just order something I knew he liked. Billy arrived in 20 minutes later.

"When the pizza is about to arrive just go up and talk to him, show him your disappointed and that he has let you down, just don't start shouting and keep it cool," He advised. "If it happens, we don't want it to be inside."

I sighed. I wasn't comfortable expressing my feelings but I could do this. I had to, for my son's sake. He was the most important person in my life, and I needed to help him. I couldn't let his future take over just yet. So I got up from the chair and make my way to the stairs, there I started the ascend to my son's room. I opened the door to find him asleep, once again. He laid, chest down, on the edge of his bed with his arm dangling towards the floor. He looked so vulnerable, and almost childlike. I sat on the side of his bed and shook him gently.

"Edward," I whispered loudly.


That's when he started to stir. He heaved his eyes open which were thick with sleep. He mumbled groggily.

"Billy and Jake are downstairs, we just ordered a pizza," I explained. He just nodded.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I watched as my son's face scrunch up with an array of emotions; pain, confusion, worry, and some more pain. It wasn't an easy thing to see.

"Da-," He tried to speak, but the words seemed to get lost in his throat, either with emotion or sleep.

"Dad," He tried again. "I don't know what's happening to me, I feel like I'm trapped, and I don't know what to do," He stated.

"Edward, your behaviour really has disappointed me," I confessed. Even though I knew it wasn't his fault.

"I'm so sorry. I was angry at myself for not walking away! It seems I just can't control what's happening, it just happens. I feel like I should be locked away in a padded room or something! I just don't feel like myself anymore. I don't know what I'm becoming dad," he sighed, getting angry at himself before seeing the sad part of the situation.

"Sh, it's okay, I understand," I said pulling him into an awkward hug.

"I don't know what has gotten into me, it feels like I'm changing," He admitted, not knowing how true that statement was. "I'm sorry Dad."

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