Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Bella's POV –

My eyelids fluttered open as the sun beamed in through the window. My brain registered the fact that I was lying in Edward's embrace in his bed, I'd done that a lot recently. It was nice to have some privacy at his dad's place – without my family being able to hear or see everything. I got up and showered before Edward and Charlie woke up getting dressed and ready for school. Edward followed suit once I had woken him and made a few comments about how good I looked today, just like every other day. I made some breakfast and threw a few packets of tortilla chips into my bag for lunch. We drove over to my house to head to school with my family, just as we had every morning. Carlisle had no problem getting Scarlett signed up under the impression she was another one of his foster kids. She had been getting on particularly well lately, especially at school where she kept her head down and worked hard and there was no doubt in anyone's mind that she fitted in here and was a part of the family.

As we left for school Carlisle headed to the hospital and Esme planned to do some gardening before she made a nice dinner for everyone once we got back from school.


It was a pretty normal day and nothing happened that was out of the ordinary. Our classes passed quickly and it was now lunch time. As ever we gathered around our table in the canteen that was now bigger than ever with Edward and Scarlett joining.

"Oh, I forgot I had chips!" I exclaimed pulled a couple packets out of my backpack digging straight into them.

"Can someone tell Bella that those things are bad for her?" Edward asked playfully hitting my arm.

"What? They're nice," I defended with my mouth full. Emmett scrunched up his nose in complete disgust.

"Greedy cow," my Dad teased.

Finally, it was the last class of the day and my only one without Edward – English. I kind of fell asleep briefly while we were supposed to be reading the boring extract from Macbeth. So I decided when I went home to have a nap. Edward joined me when he got back from patrolling as my mum dad, Jasper and Alice went to hunt and obviously, with a predominantly empty house one thing lead to another before we fell into a slumber.

I woke to an empty bed and loud laughing coming from downstairs. I could smell the glorious smell of an almost cooked roast beef coming from the kitchen. I went downstairs and spied Edward on the couch; his face a bright red.

"At it again? You two are worse than Emmett and Rose," Jasper snickered as I came in and sat down beside Edward, throwing my legs over his lap. I blushed. Esme threw me an apologetic look.

"No," I grunted. It was awkward talking about my sex life, let alone comparing it to my parents'.

"I could hear then when I was still in the woods," Jacob cackled, when he got here I don't know.

"Leave the poor girl alone you pair," Esme said coming to the rescue. "Food is ready for you guys."

I went to the kitchen and there were five plates stacked with a roast dinner and all the trimmings, the potatoes a creamy white, the beef looked succulent and the steam was still rising from the rich gravy poured over the top. Just then Seth arrived in the door. What is with this family and perfection? We ate together and I finished Scarlett's plate of food too when she insisted she was full.

"I think Edward's rubbing off on her too much," Rosalie laughed when I piled the two plates I had finished up after scraping every last bit off the plate.

I let out a burp which was a little louder than I thought it was going to be. "Gross," Edward said, pretending to be disgusted. Suddenly I felt nauseous. I excused myself from the table and headed to a bathroom upstairs, where I emptied my stomach. Edward followed and held back my hair before taking me back to bed where I slept right through to the next day.

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