Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Edward's POV –

Bella has been sleeping for twelve hours – it's five am. The birth had taken a lot out of her as Renesmee's birth had taken a lot out of her. She didn't want to wait around that's for sure. I rose from the bed, making sure not to walk a sleeping Bella and went to check on our new-born. When I got to the crib at the opposite end of the room I discovered she didn't resemble the physic of a new-born anymore. In her short first hours of life she already looked like she was over six months old. She looked at me with glowing eyes and a huge smile. I carefully lifted her from the crib and slipped out of the room quietly. When I left the room, I was pulled into a vision.

Masen and Rosa sat quietly at the end of the bed as Renesmee feed on some blood in her mother's arms. I ruffled Masen's hair as Rosa asked Bella if she could hold her.

Immediately Carlisle was at my side as I was completely disorientated. Renesmee reached her hand to Carlisle's cheek.

"Such a gift," he muttered.

"Whoa, what?" I asked him. His face looked puzzled as if deep in thought, thinking things over inside that magnificent brain of his.

"Edward, she's gifted. It's much more powerful than Masen's little gift. What she showed you, it was her memory of the twins. She wants to see them," Carlisle revealed.

I thought back to what I had just seen. It was the first time the twins had been brought to meet Renesmee and sure enough, it was her only memory of them as Esme had taken them to the guest bedroom and readied them for bed soon after. Her gift was legit, there was no way I could have thought that myself. Perhaps this was something passed on from her Grandad and her Great Grandad through Bella as Carlisle and Emmett both had gifts of the mind and somehow overnight, she had figured out how to use it as she had grown quite a bit in the last few hours.

"About that Edward, I'd like to take some measurements of her, if that's okay with you? I'd like to trace her growth because it seems to be so much faster than the already fast ageing twins. I can then predict how soon she and the twins will stop," Carlisle confessed. I handed her to him and went back to see Bella.

When I entered the room Bella was awake, starting to sit up in the middle of the bed. I immediately saw the resemblance between my wife and our youngest child. The chiselled face, high cheek bones and her small curls. The only thing that stood out were her brown eyes, which were inherited from me. I smiled at Bella.

"She's fantastic," I grinned at the discovery myself and Carlisle had just made, moments ago.

"I'm sure she is," breathed Bella.

"Come see," I suggested, holding out my hand to her. She took it without a moment of hesitance, stepping out of bed in her little nightshirt. I loved Bella's body no matter what, but after she had beared one of my children it was especially special to me. She looked great even with a curvy figure and a little bit of baby weight. I held her hips and pulled her closer to me, kissing her lips with the utmost love.

"Come and see our daughter with me," I said, leading the way out of the bedroom.

We finally arrived at Carlisle's office and he had Renesmee sitting on a small padded seat as he weighs her. She sat up herself and as she laid eyes on Bella she cooed loudly, grabbing the air with her hands suggesting she wanted Bella to pick her up – obviously recognising who she was.

"She is great," Bella agreed, thinking I was referring to how much she had grown.

"Pick her up Bella," Carlisle prompted.

Bella lifted Renesmee into her hands and she froze, just like I had. Carlisle whispered to me that she had indeed showed Bella the same memory as she had shown me. This also confirmed that she realised that Masen and Rosa were both mine and Bella's kids and that she understood that they were also our children.

"What was that?" Bella asked.

"It's her gift," I smiled, putting my finger into Renesmee small hand.

"How did she do that?" Bella asked, dumbfounded.

"How do I hear thoughts; how does Alice see the future? How do Jasper, Emmet or even Masen use theirs? She's just gifted Bella," Carlisle told her.

After Bella's fascination with her new daughter's new found gift we let the kids spend some time with their new baby sister. It was quite hard for them to get their head around how fast she was aging. We had to pitch the idea as one of their own, reminding them that they aged ahead of humans except their sister would most probably race on ahead of them.

The rest of the day was spent having some quality family time at the main house. It occurred to me that these were the most important memories to make. People tell you that the short time while they are still young is the most important, but when like ours the short time only meant a few years max it was all that more sacred and I for one wanted to value that deeply and hold it close to my heart.


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