Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Edward's POV –

"You know I told Jasper that I would talk to Scarlett when we get back," I told Bella as she was lying across my chest under a tree. It was nice to spend time with her, no matter what we were doing. Just her presence made me happy.

"That's nice. Hopefully it helps her. But don't talk about you stuff you aren't comfortable with," Bella started but I cut in.

"You can say it you know. I have to move on at some stage," I pointed out. I felt in control at the minute so I decided to tackle it head on.

"I just don't want you to be upset," she answered.

"It's okay, my Mum is in a better place now," I said, realising the truth of my words. I pushed a locket of Bella's hair out of her face.

"Yeah. What was her name?" Bella asked, sitting up to look at me.

"Renee, Renee Dwyer," I replied.

"What was she like?"

"She was the most amazing woman I have ever known," I smiled. "Except from you of course."

This earned a little chuckle from Bella.

"She was so kind, and giving. She put everyone else's needs and wants before her own – she was so selfless," I continued.

"Like someone else I know," Bella confessed, kissing my lips lovingly.

"On a lighter note, thank you for the most amazing birthday ever yesterday," I thanked.

"Thank you for allowing me to share it with you," Bella replied. "And thank you for looking after me last night."

"Don't be so ridiculous. Come on, let's get back," I said.

We made our way back to the house at human pace. There was no need to rush. We were both very content in each other's presence. When we got in Scarlett was reading a book. I didn't want to just demand her to talk to me, especially about a topic of loss. I wouldn't like it, so I wasn't going to force it upon others. Myself and Bella gathered the checkers board and sat under the stairs playing. Just as we were finishing Scarlett approached us.

"I'll play you," she offered.

"Sure, whites or blacks?" I asked.

"Whites," she mumbled.

Bella walked off and left us to talk. I just wanted to get to know her first. We played in silence for a few minutes. Then I started asking her a few common questions.

"So, how old are you?" I wondered.

"I will be 16 in May," she admitted.

"That's cool. I bet Alice will through you a super sweet 16," I laughed.

"I don't like them. They are for rich kids who don't value anything in life. Have you seen the show?" she asked.

"Nope, I think it's more of a girls show," I replied.

"I thought that Bella might have made you watch it, isn't that what boyfriends do?"

"I'm not sure, it probably depends on what type of guy he is," I stated.

"Oh, I thought you and Bella were pretty tied up, so I just presumed..." Scarlett mumbled, trailing off

"Well, we are but I have only known her for a short couple of months. We're just getting back on track, things happened after... My mum died," I confessed, approaching the subject carefully, not only for Scarlett's sake.

"Your mum died?" she questioned.

"Yeah, in a car crash."

"That's terrible," Scarlett responded.

"I know how you feel, my mum was the most important woman in my life until I met Bella. Then she was killed in that smash. I seen the news report of her death on TV," I admitted.

"I never knew. I'm sorry," she apologised.

"Don't be. She is in a better place now," I maintained my attitude from earlier.

"Yeah, I suppose," she murmured.

"You know you're not alone, and if you need to talk about anything I'm here. Everyone is. This is one loving family; they all already care for you. Especially Jasper and Alice. But you do need time to grieve," I explained.

"Thank you," Scarlett said.

"You are very welcome," I replied.

"Another game?" she asked.

"Why don't we make it a tournament? Bella and Emmett think they are invincible, but I have beat them both," I chucked.

"Okay, you're on," she giggled.

So we went and everyone had a checker's tournament. Bella was out first so I let Esme win and sat with Bella, making out a little. Then Seth called, he wanted to know where I was as he had nothing to do so Esme invited him over and insisted I call Charlie and ask him to come too. When Esme was put out she wanted to go make us some lunch. That woman's cooking was to die for. Carlisle won of course, with Jasper 2nd and Scarlett 3rd. We watched some Sci-Fi movies with lots of popcorn and snacks. Everyone had to pretend to eat because Scarlett didn't know about any of us just yet.

"Bella, what do you want to do for your birthday? It's in two weeks," Alice informed us.

"Is it really that close?" Emmett asked.

"Yep!" Bella exclaimed. "I was thinking that maybe we could have Edward's friends over, they're great."

"Sure," Alice said.

"No alcohol," I laughed.

"Why?" Bella asked, blushing.

"Your encounter with alcohol last night was rather... appalling," I teased.

"Was I that bad?" she questioned.

"No, you weren't awful for it being the first time," I answered.

We watched another movie, well except for Seth – he crashed and was snoring. Half way through the movie Bella faded too. With her Mum's permission, I took her up, changed her and put her to bed, climbing in beside her for another night.


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