Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Edward's POV –

"Dad? Where is Masen's cup?" I had been fumbling through the cupboards for 10 minutes looking for Masen's safety cup, while Charlie was trying to keep him amused.

"It's under the sofa," Charlie called back.

"Ah, finally." I picked the cup from below the sofa and took it to the kitchen to fill it with juice.

The kids are at the stage where they are into everything now, especially Masen who's walking like a trooper. Rosa hasn't actually taken her first steps get but can stand without any support. Being a parent is tough, but it has been wonderful. Masen is like Bella so much, it's unbelievable. That reminds me, I better call Bella to ask her to get them some more diapers. I picked up my phone and dialled her number. It rang twice before she picked up.

"Hey Bells, could you pick up some more diapers for the kids while you're out?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure. Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine. But you should treat yourself," I suggested.

"I just got a new pair of shoes, and some new nail polish," I could almost hear her smile.

"Oh, fancy," I chuckled. "Did you get me any?"

"It's fine, you can use mine. I think hot pink will look good on you." Bella offered sarcastically.

"Okay," I laughed.

"Yeah, I'll be home shortly, see you soon," Bella informed.

"Okay, I love you," I told her.

"I love you too," she replied before hanging up.

I returned to the kitchen and made up some sandwiches. Bella and I were taking the kids to the park for the first time today and we were having a picnic. After the picnic we were popping around to the Cullen's house to see them. I heard 4 little pattering noises crawling across the floor, coming closer to me.

"Da!" Rosa yelled.

"For someone so little, you sure do make a lot of noise," I stated.

"She sure does," Charlie agreed, coming into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I wouldn't change them for the world," I confessed, picking Rosa up and holding her in my arms.

"Nope." Charlie smiled. "I've never really told you, but I'm so proud of you Edward."

"Thanks dad," I replied, blushing slightly.

I grabbed some yoghurts and fruit and I placed them in the picnic basket, along with spoons and a blanket – no picnic is complete without the signature red checked blanket after all. I left Rosa with Charlie and check Masen was still sleeping before I went to get showered and changed. I wore a white shirt and denim shorts, as it was a nice day. Bella came back not long after I was ready and went to get ready herself. I changed Masen into a cute little shirt and denim shorts to match mine and Rosa wore a little pair of dungarees. Bella came down, and she looked beautiful, as ever. She wore a frilly little peach top and white linen trousers, her hair falling naturally around her ivory coloured face.

"Hey beautiful."

"That's getting old," she chuckled giggling.

"Rosa, isn't Mommy beautiful?" I asked her.

"Yes! Nice," Rosa shouted.

"Hey, I have an idea," Bella announced. She went to the kitchen and into a bag. I saw her pull out a bar of chocolate and knew what she was going to do. I went and sat on the chair with Rosa. Bella sat on the other chair, a few steps away.

"Rosa? Would you like some chocolate?" Bella asked.

"Yes! Yes!" she eagerly replied, trying to reach for the chocolate.

"You better go get if off mummy then," I urged. She frowned at me. I nodded telling her to go ahead. Rosa eyed the chocolate, working out the distance between it and where she was. I let go of her and he stood with no support.

"Come on and get it," Bella pressed.

Slowly she stepped onto her left foot, wobbling a little. She gathered her balance and waited. Then she quickly waddled the last few inches to Bella earning a cheer for me, Bells and Charlie. She clapped herself. Of course now that she realised he gained praise from this she walked straight back to me, then to Charlie, then back to Bella. Soon Masen was joining in remembering the same procedure from last week and they were both walking around the living room together.


We got to the park around 2pm. I picked a comfy little spot under a tree, so the sun wouldn't bother Masen and Rosa too much. I lifted the basket from the trunk of the car and set it down on the blanket. Rosa was running around the tree like a lunatic. Masen was sat on Bella's knee

"Hey little man, why don't we get you some food?" I asked him.

"Sandwiches?" he inquired.

"Do you want a ham sandwich Rosa?" Bella asked her.

"Yes!" she yelled.

Soon we had eaten everything. Well, it was me who ate the most. I retrieved the football from the trunk of my car and we all played football. The kids just chased the ball most of the time. We headed to the Cullen's when the sun went down.

"Nana!" Rosa shouted as soon as she seen Rosalie. She was squirming in my arms. I know she wanted to show everyone she could walk now too. I set her down on her own two feet, smirking to myself. As soon as her little feet hit the floor she zoomed over to Rose. Everyone cheered and soon the little game of walking to everyone had started again as Masen ran around after her once again. The kids soon tired out and fell asleep.

"We need to talk to you two," Jasper said.

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked.

"People are noticing I am not aging," Carlisle informed, taking a seat beside Esme.

"What does that mean?" I inquired.

"We have to move away," Rose said in a saddened tone.

"Where are you moving to?" Bella asked.

"We're going with them Bella," I assured her.

"What about Charlie and what about the pack?" she inquired.

"Charlie will be fine, I can still be a part of the pack," I tapped my head, indicating our functional mind abilities. "And I made a promise. Both to you and myself, now it's a promise to Masen and Rosa too. I said I will never leave, unless you want me to. We are going, Charlie and everyone else will just have to accept it. And I'm sure I, or we can come back, we aren't going that far are we?" I went on.

"We are going to Jefferson in New Hampshire," Carlisle admitted.

"Oh. I could still run back in under a day," I replied.

"We have a small private jet up there, you are both welcome to use it at any time, with the correct training of course," offered Carlisle.

"I'm going to miss this place," Emmett chimed in, holding Masen in his arms.

"We'll come back, we always do," Carlisle amended

"We are going to be fine," I told Bella, while giving her a hug. Even though I wasn't totally sure of it myself.

"Can you tell Charlie? I don't want to be the one to break his heart," Bella replied and with that we left to go back to Charlie's.

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