Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Bella's POV -

"Are you sure you've got everything?" Edward asked Rosa as he put her lunch in her backpack.

We insisted they take a homemade packed lunch with them due to remarkable bad experiences with high school lunches ourselves. The past three days have been tireless trying to get the twins enrolled into school. It was hard enough to decide where we should send them, Forks High School soon became a huge contender but we decided that we moved to the Rez for a reason - to spend time here with friends and family so the twins would attend school here too hopefully making friends of the tribes descendants. They had been briefed many times on their new story, an adoptive nephew and niece of Charlie's as his sister had passed away tragically due to contacting an illness abroad. And today was the day they go off into the big bad world completely by themselves. I was more than a little apprehensive about it. It was crazy to think that my two eldest children were now setting of to school as they had almost fully aged only four years after their birth. They looked like young fifteen year olds and Carlisle had predicted that in the next year or so they should reach full maturity at a steady rate (enough to fit in to society) and they would stop ageing completely after that.

"Look after your sister," I told Masen, becoming protective over the pair of them.  He nodded in response as he often took the older sibling role in his stride.

There was no doubt in my mind that he was nervous - they both were. I knew that they'd stick together today but I wondered if they'd end up being the same whacky duo with their friends as they were at home or if they'd finally settle at school with different groups of friends.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I let the pair of them go after I gave them a final hug. Edward was taking them to school as the wolves were on their way around to help with the last bits and bobs of unpacking and decorating. the looming introduction of the newest member of our family still remained.

"I definitely enjoyed Iceland the most. It's an absolutely beautiful place and it calms you remarkably," Leah told me when we were about an hour into our catch up.

It was great to see one of my old friends. She had came back to La Push as her mum was moving in with Charlie and Sue had left the house to Leah and her brother. Her little break to Florida ended up a full three years travelling the world and she ended up in Europe.

"Skinny dipping in the blue lagoons wth all the Icelandic chicks hey Leah?" Edward chuckled as he folded the last of the cardboard boxes taking them to the garden.

"You have the cheek," Leah replied, "what's this one, your sixth child?" She joked, referring to Renesmee who was sat on her knee, drawing at the dining room table.

"Third actually," I laughed, playfully punching her shoulder. We made some more small talk before Edwards phone rang loudly. He answered it - Awan was calling.

"Where are they now?" He asked urgently. "Okay, okay. We're on our way."

He dismissed the phone quickly pulling off his shirt, "Leah, Quil. Come on," he stated, making his way to the patio doors, standing against the beam to take off his shoes. Leah and Quil raced on into the trees of the forest. I rose immediately, something was wrong.

"There's a leeches trail along the perimeter of the treaty line, Awan doesn't think it's friendly," Edward told me. I nodded in acceptance before he took off.

He always let me know what was going on with the pack, I enjoyed it very much. It allowed me to stay involved in more ways than making food for after patrolling times.

"What's a leech mum?" Nessie asked still sitting at the dining table.

Suddenly, my hands grew sweaty as I remembered the only other time Edward had referred to vampires as leeches and that was when he and the rest of the pack had to track down Victoria and James. Sometimes I forgot how real and how dangerous this world I lived in could be. I was often ignorant to the fact that there are others out there who don't have the same restraint as myself and my family. The two nomads that the pack destroyed a few years ago had shown me that - James was particularly relentless. Only this time I had three of my own to worry about and the danger seem all that little bit more real. I checked the clock and found that Masen and Rosa should almost be home by now as school finished twenty minutes ago and the walk to the Rez only takes ten.

Just then the pair of them walked in the door laughing together and I exhaled the breath I didn't realise I was holding, hoping Edward had a good outcome because I now had to protect my three kids without the help of my family.

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