Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Bella's POV –

After an hour wait at the airport we were finally in a cab and on our way to the beautiful hotel we had booked. Our flight was very comfy and awfully luxurious as we were in first class seats. Edward held me in his arms the whole way. The wedding ceremony was absolutely fantastic and everything went to plan. Both my beautiful boys looked stunning and my gorgeous baby girl looked like a complete princess. It was more than I could have imagined. After 20 minutes in the cab we finally arrived at the 5star hotel. The lobby was a vibrant red, with luxurious black leather sofas around rectangular coffee tables. We went to the reception and asked for our keys. Room 657, the penthouse on the top floor.

When we got up there Edward opened the door setting my bags on the floor. He carried me over the threshold and into the room like the gentle man he is. After setting me down and ushering me on in while he grabbed the bags at the door. I went in and saw the lights of the beach through the balcony windows. I strolled over there in a daze while Edward left the bags in the bedroom. I went outside onto the balcony and the view was amazing. The night life looked was amazing. Soon Edward was beside me. He pulled my hair to one side and kissed my neck, sending the all too familiar sparks flying everywhere.

"It's beautiful," I said, talking about the view.

"Yeah but in comparison it's like a sheet of blank paper," he stated.

I turned around and looked straight into his eyes. His eyes held the same lust that I was feeling suddenly. He crashed his lips to mine, skimming my bottom lip with his tongue. I allowed him access quickly. His teeth grazed my lip, making me moan into his mouth. He lifted me up so my legs could easily wrap around his waist. We slammed back into the glass door, fortunately it didn't give way. I tangled my hands in his hair as he walked us to the bedroom, somehow never breaking the kiss. We fell onto the bed, his body in between my legs. I broke away from the kiss to tell him what I wanted.

"Do you want to make a baby tonight?" I asked shyly. A big smile crept across his face with utter adoration.

"I never noticed how you smile when you blush," Edward confessed stroking my cheek. This caused me to blush harder. I bit my lip.

"Don't do that. Your lips are for me to bite," he teased. Then he passionately connected our lips again, taking mine in between his teeth, making me giggle. He chuckled in amusement. His hand wandered up my top, gently rubbing my sides.

"I surrender who I've been for who you are," Edward said, lovingly, before removing my top.

"Are you sure you don't want to use protection?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'm sure," I admitted. He kissed my forehead as he entered me slowly. He was making it perfect, more perfect than the first time I gave myself to him, but that didn't matter.

"You know, nothing prepared me for what the privilege of being yours would do," He smiled. I kissed him.

"I love you," I replied.

"As I love you."

He was breathing heavily on the side of my neck. I grabbed the hems of his top and lifted it over his head easily. He nuzzled his head into my neck nipping the skin below my early sensually. I tightened my grip on his waist with my legs pulling him closer to me. I felt him pressing onto the bottom of my abdomen. I knew I couldn't hold off any longer, I needed him more than ever. I wanted to make love to my husband.



As the morning sun light shone through the glass door, I felt Edward tracing patterns on my bare back and the rest of my naked body.

"Good morning Mrs. Swan," he greeted.

"Morning Mr. Swan," I replied. "How did you sleep?"

"Perfectly, especially since I had my beautiful wife laid in my arms," he told me. The romantic approach didn't last too long because he began tickling me. Soon he was on top of me, kissing me passionately. As things became heated again, we picked up from where we left of at last night.

"That was fun," Edward said breathing heavily against my right ear. I chuckled.

"I'm going to take a shower," I told him, getting out of bed and pulling my white bathrobe over me.

"I'm coming too," he shouted, leaping off the bed after me.

When we were finish messing about in the shower and actually got washed and dressed, I went to the kitchen to make an afternoon snack as we had progressed through the morning pleasantly. After we got done eating a small salad (well mine was small, Edward's was extremely large) I washed the plates and cups we used. Edward came and hugged me from behind.

"We should go back to the bedroom," he joked.

"As tempting as that might sound I would like to say I witnessed more than 4 bedroom walls while on our honeymoon," I teased.

"Well I'm sure we could make love on the balcony then," he joked trying to lure me into his little plan.

"Or we could go shopping and have a nice dinner together," I smiled.

"Ugh," he groaned. "Come on then."

We went and bought everyone a few souvenirs and I got a few shirts and a pair of shoes. Then we went to this fancy restaurant and had a delicious candle lit meal. When we got back to the hotel we ordered some fancy wine and sat on the balcony Soon it was ten o'clock. It would be around nine am back home so we decided to give the kids a little call. It rung three times before someone answered. I put it on speaker.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Momma!" Masen shrieked.

"Mommy, da!" Rosa shouted coming to join her brother.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey kids," Edward chimed in.

"Dad!" Masen yelled.

"What are you guys doing?" I wondered.

"Eat breakfast with Rosa and Scarlett," he answered.

"Sounds good. What you eating?" Edward questioned.

"Um, I don't remember," he told us. Edward and I laughed.

"It's an omelette silly," Rosa told him.

"Are you guys being good for, Grandad Emmett and Nana Rose?" I asked.

"Yep! Me good boy," he sung.

"Okay, well we will see you soon, okay?"

"Yeah, we miss you momma," Rosa mumbled, sadly.

"Daddy and I will be home soon," I replied.

"Bye, bye," Masen said.

"Bye guys," Edward and I replied before hanging up.

"Aw, the wee dotes. I miss them," I told Edward.

"Yeah, I miss them too," he agreed.

"I love you," Edward confessed.

"I love you," I responded. We kissed and made our way back to the bedroom, and well, you can probably guess where it went from there.

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