Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Edward's POV –

It had been an hour since I returned to my human form again. And it had taken me at least two to get back there. It was the most surreal thing ever but Sam assured me that I'd get used to it. Along with everything else that came with part time wolf adventures. Have you ever heard anything like it in your life before? I sure as hell hadn't. The pain that came with phasing for the first time was incredible. My whole body felt like it was being ripped apart at the limbs. At least my temperature had settled. The pain had me bed ridden, so it gave me time to think about things. First, this was so, so crazy. At least now I have some of Charlie's answers. I just wasn't so sure why he didn't tell me about the future I was damned to. I'd learned a few of the most basic things in my short time spent in the woods with Jacob and Sam; it was genetic so Charlie had also faced it, it was a tribe thing so I had a much more interesting family history than I could ever imagine and, that once phased the pack mind was one so any private moments that you see while in there are exactly that – private. I had a quick glimpse of the horrors of Sam's life and apparently inflicting the scars.

Second, I thought about my mother's life being snatched from all of us so tragically. I wondered if I'd stayed in Arizona with her would things have turned out life this? Would I have phased at all? It really hurt thinking about her. It was something I would never be able to move on from. It would take some time before I'd be able to deal with it in any way never mind a productive one. It brought me back to something I heard in the pack mind before Sam phased in, who was Seth? He missed his dad, it made me curious to what went on.

Finally, I thought about Bella. Things were moving really smoothly between us lately. I knew I was dangerous now, in more ways than one. I knew that our tribe's secrets were sacred and it was something that wasn't to be shared lightly. And I knew I could harm Bella, something I'd never want to do. It made me wonder where we stood. I didn't how if would could be friends anymore, never mind anything else. All of this was even more than the physical pain I was feeling.

I called her but she was busy so I left a message, "Hey Bells. I know we had things planned for tomorrow but I'm pretty ill. Don't come over, it's contagious," I spoke into the receiver. I got worked up and couldn't finish so I just put the phone down.

Just then I heard someone entering the hall and coming up the stairs. They came to my room, it was Jacob.

"Hey Edward," he said.

"Hey," I winced quietly.

"You okay?" Jake inquired.

I gave him a nod. I wasn't really okay but I was okay as I could be and Jacob understood that, he had been her after all. Maybe not all at once but he had been here.

"There's a bonfire tonight on the rez. A few of you guys need to hear the legends, it's just procedure really now so I'll let you get some rest," he smiled sadly before leaving.

I wasn't up to much but I knew I was part of this whether I liked it or not. So I closed my eyes and let the exhaustion creep in and sweep me to unconsciousness,


I woke up feeling just a little stiff and sore, I went and showered before going down stairs to get a snack before we had to head to the rez. The news was on, I had a Deja vu of the last time I was watching the news. I started quivering. Charlie was home because he was grieving over my Mum, I had no idea why, they were divorced. Thinking about my mum made me furious. Charlie picked up on the quivers.

"Edward, calm down," he told me.

"How can you even ask me to do that," I shouted. I lifted my coffee mug and chucking it across the room.

"Edward, don't," my father told me, sounding pained.

I took off out the front door running into the woods, phasing before I got there. Once I was on four legs I took off running. I ran like I have never run before. Instantly though, I regretted it. I need to stop running and I need to go back home, back to Charlie. I needed to apologise to him. Tell him that I'm sorry, sorry for everything – say sorry for lashing out and ay sorry for not being there for him. I've always knew he wasn't over my mother. I've been horrible to him since I got here.

Don't worry, Charlie will forgive you.

A voice said. It was Seth, he was the one who was there when I first phased.

Yeah that was me.

He chuckled.

I should probably leave you to think in peace.

He said.

No wait!

I shouted, not knowing why I wanted him to stay.

How can I stop phasing like this?

I asked, just to make some conversation.

Just with practice. I still haven't mastered it.

Seth admitted.


I inquired.

Yeah, you should see my sister, Leah.

Your sister is a wolf?

I wondered, surprised.

Yeah, you will probably see tonight.

He informed me.

With that I excused myself and headed back the woods beside my house. Here, I tried to phase back. It was hard to master but it didn't take me as long as it did the first time. I went back inside and Charlie was watching a fishing show.

"Dad, I'm sorry for earlier," I apologised.

"It's okay Edward," my Dad told me. "I understand this isn't an easy time for you, it isn't easy at the best of times and you've got twice as much on your plate."

"Thanks, it means a lot dad," I said.

"I'm always here for you. But you should go get some more kip before the council meeting tonight, we are both going," he replied.

"Ah okay," I spoke as I headed to the stairs.


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