Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Edward's POV –

The weekend was boring. I disappointed Charlie and I knew it. I couldn't look at him. He said he understood but how could he understand, when even I don't understand myself. It feels like I'm not in control of myself. I'm being sucked into be this person I'm not. My temper issues are getting worse; any little thing could set me off. I can't cope with this anymore. Hopefully being back to school will help me, just by offering a distraction.

Charlie successfully got me into Forks High School. Billy and Jacob seemed reluctant for me to go there. This was something I didn't understand. I mean I need an education after all. I couldn't understand what had gotten into Jacob and his father. They were constantly being difficult. I don't know why my dad put up with it and I don't know why he had them round so often. This caused an argument earlier in the week. As I voiced my new opinion on the Blacks Charlie got defensive saying they were close family. I walked out slamming the front door, and breaking the pane of glass that sat in too.

I was lying in bed and it was shortly after 12am – I was nervous. No, extremely nervous. I don't know why I just knew I was. I was hoping that things would be different in Forks. That I would just go unnoticed. I am just so sick of this situation, and I am going to try my absolute best to stop whatever is happening to me winning. I was going to go in tomorrow and keep my head down.

That was my last thought before sleep took over.


My positive mindset from last night was already ruined, I overslept by 50 minutes and I was incredibly late. I brushed my teeth, put wax in my hair and pulled on a black hoody, some jeans and canvas shoes before grabbing my rucksack and leaving.

I made it just before the bell rang.

I approached the office, to ask for my timetable. I was having a Deja vu. The receptionist, who I learned was named Mrs. Cope. handed me the piece of paper with my classes on it. Which consisted of Calculus, History, Gym, Biology and English

I still couldn't help but feel like school was a chore. By lunch I had one friend. Tyler Crowley he wasn't an overly popular guy, but had a few good friends. I sat with him at lunch, getting stares from everyone as I crouched over my prepacked lunch.

"Is everyone always like this?" I asked him looking over my shoulder.

"You are fresh piece of meat, it will die down," he explained.

I continued to look around the old beaten up canteen which looked worse than the one at La Push, noticing five people that weren't staring at me sitting at a table at the bottom of the dinner hall. They all looked very polished, almost too fake. They chatted amongst themselves as they went about their normal business.

" Who are they," I wondered aloud, referring to them.

"They, are the Cullen's. They kind of keep to themselves. The blonde curly haired man, is Jasper, I think is dad was in the military. He kind of looks like he's always in pain. The little pixie with the spiky hair – she's Alice and she is very weird, she daydreams a lot. The big burly guy is Emmett, he gives everyone death glares all the time. And the attractive blonde girl, her names Rosalie. Her and Jasper are siblings. They are all together, like together together. Emmett and Rosalie, and Alice and Jasper," he explained. Just then Emmett looked over, and pulled his chair closer to Rosalie. For some reason I started imagining him punching me in the face, blood spurting out of my mouth, it was very graphic.

"Who is the other girl?" I questioned, talking about a smaller girl sitting with her back to us. Her hair a beautiful burgundy brown.

"That's Bella Cullen. She's well, pretty normal I guess," Tyler shrugged.

Just then the bell sounded, informing us it was time for class.

I made my way to Biology, getting I got lost on the way so I ended up late. As soon as I walked in I excused myself to the teacher and he ushered me to a spare seat – beside Bella Cullen.

""Mr. Swan, here is your booklet," he stated, handing me the science booklet lightly pushing me down the aisle towards what was now my seat.

From behind she looked good, but looking at her from the front of her there were no words. She must be Emmett's sister, as I could see some of the resemblances from him in her. As I climbed onto the risen wooden stool we briefly made eye contact. Looking into her eyes I seen the most astonishing violet shade of blue. I'd never come across anyone with such startling eyes. Her rosy completion made her eyes stand out even more. She was memorising. Her loose curls bounced around her face as she turned her head to look at me.

"Hello," she whispered.

"Hello, my name is Edward Swan, your Bella," I asked.

"Yes, I'm Bella Cullen," she replied. Her voice sweet and soft.

The rest of the class went by smoothly but I couldn't stop seeing those beautiful eyes. The class started with a paired exercise and Bella chatted to me a little, making small talk and asking the normal questions. As the class concluded we listened to the small lecture we were being given I felt her move beside me as she breathed. Her presence only grew stronger.

I was intrigued my Bella Cullen.


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