Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Bella's POV –

I didn't sleep at all last night, not one single solitary wink. I hadn't slept well for a few days now. I just couldn't believe this was happening, or had happened. But I expected it. I knew it would come so I didn't understand why I was so disappointed about it. I always knew something like this would happen. In all my 53 years of existence have I 'dated' or got romantically involved with anyone. Now though, I wish I had. I wish I had some experience with boys. I wish I knew what I could do, instead of sitting here helpless. I almost wish I could talk to Edward about it.

My mum is furious, and Esme is quite upset because I'm such a state. I think it's worse for dad and Jasper though. Jasper knows how I'm feeling, and dad, he can tell too. I'm so glad Carlisle isn't here a lot of the time though. I knew that I should have told him about us before, I always knew that he would find out somehow. I don't understand how he found out though, and I don't know what made him make this decision. It was probably his so called friends getting into his head at La Push.

We haven't seen each other in a few days. He hasn't come back to school, which I get. His mother had just passed away; he needs time to be alone. I know I'd be catatonic myself if it was my mum. He got sick too, which was pretty unavoidable. How did he change his mind about me so easily though? He seemed happy, I thought I made him happy. Maybe he just needs him to grieve.


A few more days had passed, and I still haven't heard anything from Edward. I haven't been in the best of moods, but the thought of him actually meaning what he said brought me utter devastation. Grandpa Carlisle said I'm moping about but I'm not really. I have been in my room ever since I received that phone call from Edward.

"Bella?" Mom asked, sounding annoyed.

"Yeah?" I replied, distantly.

"Do you want me to make you food of not," she questioned.

"Yeah, food would be great," I said, absentmindedly.

All but ten minutes later my mum arrived with an omelette and a glass of pure orange juice.

"Maybe," she started, "maybe, you should hunt. Come with me, let's make a weekend of it. We could ask Esme you wanted, and I'm sure Alice would like to go too."

It was important that I fed in the traditional way for my family every so often, it helped me stay strong and healthy. It was nice of her to offer but I wasn't really feeling up to taking a weekend away.

"No, maybe I'll just go for a few elk later with Dad," I replied, still gazing into nothing, just thinking about Edward

"Okay," mom finished.

She stared at me for a few seconds before glancing at my untidy room. After she left I took a looking at my room and myself, I realised how bad things actually were. I was usually quite a tidy person, but my room had become cluttered with plates and cups that I had ate and drunk from. There was dirty clothing lying about everywhere and I still hadn't put away my books from school on Friday. Then I got up off my bed for the first time all weekend, and looked in the mirror. I hadn't washed, cleaned or changed in days. My hair was a greasy mess, what was left of my make-up was smeared across my face and my face looked somewhat sunken. Finally, me and the person in the mirror made eye contact, the bags under their eye's showed me the lack of sleep. I couldn't believe that person was me.

I took my dirty dishes down to the kitchen and everyone stared at me. Alice came over to me.

"Bella, this is enough, look at yourself. Get into the shower now," she said, standing against the wall with her arms crossed before taking me by the shoulders back upstairs.

"Okay," I muttered.

I met my dad in the landing and he stopped in front of me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. Obviously, I got really worked up by this.

"Dad," the words just seemed to get stuck.

"Sh, I know," he soothed. "Go to the shower and then we can go for a quick hunt before we go into town and get you some new clothes and stuff to try and cheer you up."

"Yes! That's just what you need, a shopping trip," Alice screamed for downstairs. This made me giggle..

So I went and took a long relaxing shower. The shower really did help, even though I broke down, it helped relax my muscles. Hunting with dad also helped – it gave me something else to think about. And the blood felt good as it trickled down my throat soothing the burning thirst I didn't know would be there. Once I was done I went back to the house and fell asleep on the couch for forty-five minutes. When I woke Esme brought me a try of food.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty," she greeted.

"Hi," I said, my voice thick with sleep.

"I think that yourself, your mom, your dad and Alice are about to head into town to do some shopping, to help cheer you up."

"Yeah, probably," I admitted to her and myself. I pushed myself up, so I was lying on my side propped up on and elbow to eat my food. She stayed with me making small talk until I finished eating.

"I'm glad you're back, we have all missed you," Esme confessed.

I let her take the tray my tray and I went to the bathroom using the toilet and pulling my hair into a messy bun before I headed outside to meet my family.

"All set?" Mum asked. I nodded and we set off.

We visited all of the stores in the mall in Port Angeles, Alice insisted on me trying on hundreds of items of clothing and of course Dad made us visit the gaming store. We actually got some new games for our games console. We headed to a beauty store and mum got me some new make-up. I didn't see the point in any of this, we had plenty of everything at home but they were right, it did make me feel better. Until we were on our way back to the car. I spotted Edward's car parked at the opposite end of the parking lot. He and Jacob were walking towards the mall laughing with another guy I didn't know except Edward didn't look like Edward at all. He had grown in size hugely. He wasn't a small guy to begin with but he had gained another few inches on his already 6-foot figure and his muscles were now bulging out of his black crew neck t-shirt. His shaggy brown hair had been cropped up and sat tousled messily on his head. A bold circular tattoo sat on his left arm.

"Bella," he whispered as I looked into his eyes and me into his. I felt a shift and it was like I was being pulled to this new Edward.

"Bella, come on," Mom growled, and Dad pulled away me by the arm.

I looked back at him with tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't understand it, what caused Edward to have this huge transformation? What happened?

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