Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Edward's POV –

Jacob, Jacob, please come back. Everyone needs to talk.

I have been whining to Jacob through my thoughts for the past hour and a half. The sun has just gone down and Bella is probably wondering where I am.

Then jog on back to her and your happy little family.

He snarled. Although it sounded cheeky I was a little relieved. It was the first time he has talked to me since.

No one is happy Jake. Come on.

I pleaded.

What so, that you and Jasper can yell at me again and tell me I'm not coming? You're a hypocrite Edward!

He exclaimed.

Jacob, I know how your feeling and I know how Jasper feels. If anyone was to take Bella away from me I would go crazy, but Jasper is being the father figure that Scarlett has been robbed off, you wouldn't want to take that away from her. Jasper knows you make her feel better, he wouldn't keep her away from you forever, he isn't that unreasonable. Just come back, please?

I begged.

No there is no point!

He shouted.

Look, Jasper is only trying to get you to be the best that you can be for Scarlett. Put yourself in his shoes, would you want your niece to turn up on your doorstep because her family had died. Then she met this guy, a wonderful, nice guy, that she was tied to for life. This is new to you and Scarlett, you are both so overwhelmed with it, I've been there Jacob. When you're with her nothing else matters. That is still how it is between me and Bella, but you have got to open your eyes to her family because at the minute Jasper feels like you're taking her life away from him. And that couldn't be a nice feeling.

I reasoned.

Jacob didn't reply to me for a while. I could see his mind discovering the truth in my words. I could understand the situation from everyone's point of view.

Okay I'll come.

Jacob gave in.

Good, come on.

We headed back to the house and to our surprise everyone was waiting in the living room for us. Scarlett had been crying and still had red eyes, of course when she seen Jake she ran straight into his arms. He hugged her for a few moments.

"Scarlett, maybe you should go sit down again," Jacob whispered and ushered her to go sit back down beside Jasper. He must have listened to what I said.

"I'm sorry for earlier, I blew something really small way out of proportion but I was just shock that you guys are leaving," he explained.

"This is something we need to talk about," Carlisle said.

"I don't want you to be there all the time with Scarlett, Jacob," Jasper started.

"Da- Jazz, don't do this," Scarlett tried.

"Both of you hear me out. Jacob, your 18, Scarlett isn't even 18 yet, you both need to graduate-"

"Can't I do that in Jefferson?" Jake interrupted.

"Listen, I want you to graduate here. Your father will be pleased with that. You both have a year of school left and if you are alone you can get good qualifications. At the holidays, you can visit each other," He finished.

"That's a long time," Jacob painfully recognised.

"Jake, we can't do this. I need to be with you. Long distance relationships don't work," Scarlett cried. Carlisle and Esme slipped out of the room quietly. Soon followed by Rose and Emmett. Jasper was the last to leave. Jacob had a change of attitude.

"We have to do this. It will be okay; a year is like nothing to your family. They are strong, like you. We'll be okay," he assured.

"We won't Jake. I need you, you're the only one I have left," Scarlett sobbed into his shoulder.

"Don't say that, you have Jasper and Alice," He said, nodding at Alice sitting beside Bella. "Besides we have their wedding to get by us yet."

"Jacob, about that; you have been my best friend all my life, will you be my best man at my wedding?" I asked.

"I'd love to," he smiled.

"Scarlett? Will you be one of my bridesmaids?" Bella asked, not leaving her out.

"Yeah," she replied, trying to smile.

"Now that's finally sorted, I can jump straight into planning!" Alice exclaimed, jumping up and down. Masen started laughing.

"She's funny, isn't she little man?" Jake chuckled.

"No, he knows you guys are happy and that Alice is excited," I smiled.

"He's gifted," Bella beamed.

"Oh, does that mean no matter how much vampire is in a child they inherit all their traits?" Scarlett wondered aloud.

"I never thought of it like that," Bella revealed.

"Me either," I admitted.

What did that mean though? Was all the worrying I did over his mortality for nothing? I'd be glad if it was. I would thoroughly enjoy living forever with Bella and Masen and Rosa.

"You think he is thirsty?" Jacob asked, towering protectively over Scarlett.

"He's never show any signs nor does Rosa. Their eyes are always the same colour," Bella replied.

"Wouldn't they have tried to drink something before?" I inquired.

"I have a theory about that," Carlisle cut in, coming into the room. "I don't think they fully understand the process of feeding. They've only ever tasted animal blood through a bottle."

"We should try hunting," I smiled at the opportunity to see both my fiancée and my kids hunting.

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