Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Bella's POV –

"Hey Edward!" Seth exclaimed as he came out from the woods just fixing his tie around his leg along with Awan.

"Long time no see Seth!" Edward shouted, pulling him into a man hug.

It was nice to see Edward and Seth reunited as they used to be close friends, especially from the get go. They were brothers after all, and no one wants to leave their brother. I reckoned that we would probably end up going back to La Push shortly. Edward and I had talked about it frequently. He missed all his brothers and his dad. It would be nice to see them and Charlie hadn't seen the kids in so long. Sure, video calling helped with missing them a little but it wasn't drastic.

"You okay Bella?" Seth asked me pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm good, thanks. How you keeping Seth?" I replied warmly.

"Yeah, I'm good," he said, his cheeky smirk.

Rosa suggested she cook us a meal to enjoy after having a long hearty catch up with Seth. She had missed him too, the pair of them used to be almost as close as Seth and her dad. He used to chase her around the house when she was little back in Forks – Seth just generally had a great personal and was such a character, it was nice to have him back.

"Let's go meet the little monster then," Seth chuckled to Awan who followed behind him.

I hoped that the trip away from everything would help Awan settle a little bit. He has never been Edward's favourite because of their past but it was a relationship that was slowly on the mend.

After Seth and Awan had been introduced to the newest member of the Swan family we decided to do something a little more adventurous today and thought we would go hiking around the mountains nearby. Scarlett and Jacob were going to tag along and we would make a day out of it, however we would be leaving Nessie at the main house as Edward suggested that we spend some quality time with the twins.

It was hard to hear about the conversation the Edward had with Rosa. It wasn't apparent that she had matured so much since the birth of her baby sister only three weeks ago. She felt different to her brother because he still loved the attention but Rosa felt she was being treated like a kid and that pushed her away.

"Do you like Seth being back?" I asked her, breathlessly.

"Yeah, he makes dad happy. He's got his friend back, hasn't he?" She asked.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Awan certainly makes Masen a little more fun to be around," Rosa laughed as Masen climbed up a tree and shook all the conkers off it so they hit Awan.

"Oi, Scar. Look over there," Jacob said pointing before hitting her on the head with one of the conkers.

Everyone started acting up at that point, throwing things at each other, stones, conkers, acorns anything they found lying on the forest floor. Masen jumped out on Awan scaring him. Scarlett and Jacob had teamed up against Rosa and Seth, throwing things at each other as they tried to hide behind trees. Seth lifted Rosa over his shoulder and ran away.

"I'll have the beautiful princess!" He yelled dramatically.

Edward slipped his hand into mine as we walked on leaving everyone to play behind us, screaming, yelling and laughing.

"It's nice to have them here, again isn't it?" Edward asked.

"It is," I agreed.

We proceeded on through the track of the hike and ended up at an opening with a few large tree's and a wooden picnic table. We sat down and at the food which myself and Rosa had prepared. She was becoming a great little cook, something she inherited from Esme. The guys started climbing the trees around us and I had to tell Masen he wasn't allowed to compete in the who could get the highest, fastest competition. After we finished eating we cleared everything up and made our way back the way we came.

Soon Masen and Rosa joined us in front of everyone and we began to head back to the cars as it was getting quite dark. It was unusual for it to be just the four of us. I had gotten so wrapped up in focusing on enjoying Renesmee growing up that I often overlooked these two young teens who were also continuing to grow.

"It's been a nice day," Rosa spoke, breaking the comfortable silence as we approached the parking lot.

"Yeah," Masen said. "I've missed spending time with you."

Edward and I got everything back into the car while the twins perched themselves on the front of Edward's civic. Masen threw his arm around his little sister and I knew they were going to be alright. 

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