Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Edward's POV –

Bella and I have spent the last few hours together sitting below a tree, talking, kissing. Carlisle called Bella saying that he was doing some research into why I didn't heal properly. He also said that her dad wanted her back before eight o'clock. I still haven't phased since the accident, so I don't know where Sam is. Jake is with Emily, she's distraught. I would be too if Bella left. Jacob wanted to know where he was but I didn't want to confront him yet. Right now though, I'm taking Bella to my house. Charlie will be there so hopefully; he has gotten over his grudge.

As I walked in the door holding Bella's hand in mine, I smelt pizza. I took off my coat and helped Bella out of hers. We made our way into the living room.

"Hey son," Charlie greeted.

"Hey dad," I replied.

"And hello Bella," Charlie said, with a hint of pleasure in his voice. "Bella, I sincerely apologise to you, for my behaviour the last time you were here. I was being prejudice. That is no excuse. I happy that you two have worked things and hopefully, you will bring happiness into each other's lives."

I was gobsmacked. My dad doesn't apologise much, if at all. Bella was beaming. And I was thankful.

"Thank you Chief Swan," Bella answered.

"Bella, you can call me Charlie, and I hope you can forgive me," my dad added.

"Of course," Bella beamed.

Then my Dad went even further, he went and hugged Bella.

"Okay Dad, that's enough," I intervened, chuckling.

"Do you guys want some pizza?" Dad asked pointing to the boxes sitting on the coffee table. Then he realised and thought he made a mistake. "Sorry Bella, I forgot you don't eat."

"Dad, Bella does eat, we were all wrong," I interrupted Charlie.

"Charlie, I am not a full vampire, I am a vampire/human hybrid. I can survive on food, or animal blood," Bella explained. I smiled at her.

"Sorry Bella," Charlie apologised just then my stomach rumbled.

"Guys, can we just eat because I'm starving?" I questioned. This caused Bella and my dad to laugh at me.

After we ate Charlie went to the station, to file in a missing person report. Bella still had forty-minutes left before she was due home. Bella thought she should help me catch up with school work since I haven't been there in about 2 weeks. This brought me back down to earth, as I remembered why I wasn't there - I am a danger to everyone, to Bella.

"I'll go get my bag," I mumbled.

Once upstairs and in my rooms I threw myself onto the bed. Bella was in danger every second she was around me. I had to master not phasing, for her sake. If I was to me honest with myself it was also for my sake too. I couldn't lose Bella again because of what I am. I was interrupted in my thoughts my Bella entering into my room.

"You were taking forever, so I decided to come and see what you were doing," she explained, sitting down on the middle of the bed.

"What are you thinking about?" Bella inquired.

"Nothing," I replied.

"I could always get Carlisle to check," she threatened.

"You are always in danger around me," I began.

"Edward, don't do this," she begged, her face pain stricken.

"You have to know anything could set me of and what if you were standing to close? I couldn't live with myself. You saw what happened with Sam and that was only one of the occasions. Bella I was worried about hurting you when I thought you were a full vampire. You are half human, and that scares me. I could hurt you so much."

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