Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Edward's POV –

I woke up at shortly after 11am, gaining only a short three hours' extra sleep. I made a visit to the bathroom to ready myself for the rest of the day, quickly washing and brushing my teeth, before pulling some fresh clothes on. I decided that a pair of jeans and a simple navy t-shirt would have to suffice for now as it wasn't raining outside. Then I proceeded downstairs to make myself some breakfast. A piece of white of white stationary caught my eyes on the counter.


Sorry that I'm not there when you got up. I got called in at the station. A kid has gone missing in Port Angeles. I know you have a few things to do today but could you pop to the store and grab something for dinner.

P.S - there is a spare key under the plant, it's yours.


It seemed that I'd be here alone today. I decided to settle for a simple bowl of cereal. As I went to the fridge to grab myself some milk I spotted a pink post it note on the door with the Black's home telephone number on it. After finishing my breakfast, I decided that I should give Billy a call to see if Jacob was around. I dialled the number on Charlie's landline and someone picked up after three rings.

"Hello, Black residents." Jacob answered.

"Hey, Jacob, its Edward," I stated.

"Oh, Hey Edward, are you at your dads?" He asked, rather stupidly


"No Jacob, I'm calling from Charlie's but I'm in Phoenix," I chuckled

"Oh," he said, realising his mistake. "What you up to then?" I could almost see him throwing his feet up.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over? I have a few errands to run. Do you still have the Rabbit?" I asked him, it would be nice to have some company.

"Yeah, course I still have it. I didn't spend years building that beauty to throw it away," he sniggered.

"Good. Do you want to come with me? I'm looking to buy a car," I suggested

"Yeah, okay," Jacob agreed. "I'll be over soon."


10 minutes later I jumped as I heard the door being rattled. I grabbed my jacket and headed out the front door. The first thing I noticed was that Jacob had cut of his long, glossy black hair and was now left with a short greasy mess. After I noticed his hair, I seen his newly bulging muscles that were bursting out of his small black polo shirt. It literally looked like the seams would split if he moved a centimetre. A bold circular tattoo sat on the top of his arm in black ink. The change was something that took me by shock a little bit.

"Hey Jacob!" I called, greeting him as I made my way over to his car.

"Can you start calling me Jake again? Like when we were younger running around with our light sabers, I don't seem as stuck up then." He explained with a toothy grin.

"You still remember that?" I questioned, I honestly couldn't remember it at all.

"Sure, sure," Jake replied.

We spent the whole journey talking about our childhood memories. When I say we I meant Jacob. He told me about all the memories he had of us when we were just kids. He consistently told me the only reason I didn't remember them was because I was a weird child and we did some pretty random stuff when we were younger.

"What car are you going get?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I'm thinking just a little pickup or something small." I decided. I just needed something I could drive that would get me from A to B.

"You should get a bike!!" Jacob exclaimed.

"Can you see Charlie letting me get on a motorbike Jake?" I asked incredulously. Charlie despised the things. Especially when little boy racers zoomed around on them without a care in the world. He called them a hindrance to life and I could see where he came from. They were very dangerous.

"The girls at school would go mad, can you imagine pulling into the parking lot on your hot bike and a cute girl coming up to you, giving you a peck on the cheek..." Jacob trailed off. I could see him thinking about the possibilities for himself.

"Jake, I'm getting a car." I interrupted.

"I suppose you could always get a really great car. It would do the same job," he shrugged.

"I'm really not that interested in girls Jake," I sighed, trying to get my point across that I just didn't really care.

We got to the car showroom 5 minutes later. It was very tacky and they didn't have much variety here at all. A sales man who was certainly older than Charlie came over. His suit was tatty and old and his grey hair was starting to recede at the sides.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" the salesman asked


"He wants a bike, that shiny red one over there!" Jacob barged in as he spied a motorbike sitting in the corner of the small dim showroom.

"No actually I'm wanting to buy of a car something small perhaps a pickup," I amended. "Something small."

"I'm sorry, we don't have any pickups in store at the moment. If you're looking for something small and cheat we have a 2003 Honda Civic hatchback in black, I can show you that if you're interested?"

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