Chapter 2: The Path

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Colonel Ruffs came to his office and settled on his chair. Looking at the registrations for space travel, he rubbed his hands together, "This is looking good!" Squeak came in and made squeaky noises, translated: "I'm glad you are happy about the results!" Ruffs called Squeak over and replied, "I'm glad that many are as excited about travelling through space as I am! Then we will not be restricted by the borders of Earth." Squeak sat on a chair beside Ruffs as he sent messages on dates to prepare and arrive.

Most of the brawlers in brawl stars had registered to go in for the ride, including 8-bit. Rico and Brock tagged along to accompany their little arcade friend. All the kids came too while being with their parents as space was fascinating to them. Jessie was interested to learn about space, while Leon and Nita wanted adventure. Max was slightly uncertain about it as she was still worried about aliens attacking them. However, Ruffs had reassure everyone that the ship is armed with weapons just in case.

8-bit had closed the arcade for sometime, until he finishes his space adventure, he will not reopen it. Anyways, he has loads of money to pay for the arcade rent.

The days went by as usual and many people counted the days down until the departure of the Star Ship Mk.2. Using the one week they have, all the brawlers packed what they wanted and grabbed supplies for themselves. The brawlers also got their weapons for defence.

The day finally arrived when the brawlers gathered around the ship, waiting for the doors to open. Many soldiers from Star Force came too. Colonel Ruffs waited for everyone to arrive and activated the doors. The large drawbridge door came down and brawlers got onboard.

"Alrighty Ruffs! Everyone's onboard. We are ready to leave soon." Ruffs was at the pilot seat with the Infocomm. After some final checks, the ship was ready to go.

8-bit kept his serious face. But deep inside, he was smiling till he screen has a giant arced line. As the ship began vibrating, the engines roared to life and blue flame came from the back of the engines. The ship didn't move.

Darryl raised his eyebrow when he noticed this and asked, "Heck, this ship ain't even moving! Ha! Penny, I told you my ship was bett-" The ship was suddenly in the atmosphere and Darryl was still talking. "Would you quiet down! We're already going to space!" Bibi shushed. Darryl's looked around, "Bu-But how? How is it this fast?"

Ruffs was overjoyed at the result, "Alright crew, please buckle up, we are bursting through space at light speed!" The brawlers buckled up their seatbelts and the cruiser came to balance itself out a bit. After straightening itself and aiming horizontal, Infocomm announced, "FTL drive charging."

Author's mid note: The following sections featuring "FTL drive" are based of the game FTL: Faster Than Light.

As the ship when hypersonic speed, many brawlers needed to hold on tight to keep from moving around too much. After intense speed, the ship slowed down and Earth was no where in sight. Some brawlers started panicking,

"How far are we from earth? It's not like we left an oil trail or something?" Amber fretted. Carl was trying to calculate the distance, "For once, my calculations may be incorrect! We have travelled more than a hundred thousand kilometres in a split second!"

While some brawlers argued, Ruffs' voice came in, stopping them from continuing, "My friends, welcome to the cosmos, feel free to roam around, there is built-in gravity. And for those who are worried, we did put a trail back to Earth." The brawlers stopped panicking and decided to explore the ship.

8-bit came to the window to see the space around him. Pitch black, littered with many twinkling lights. There was a star rather close by, surrounded by many planets. As the Star Cruiser drove about, 8-bit saw a planet that was blue in colour with white accent coming nearer. The ship was near the planet and Ruffs was going to land in it.

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