Chapter 30: Virus's Fury

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Virus stomped down the seats of the arena as he fled the 4 brawlers. "I-I-I won't g-go down like this..." Virus grunted as he held his arm in pain. He looked at his crushed mechanical arm and growled.

Virus landed on the grassy plain as he laid on the floor. He looked back to the brawlers, only to see them peeking from the broken wall. He grunted, "Cowards."

He got up and prepared two jabbing arms and one gun arm. Both his leg arms clung onto the ground and he levitated his body menacingly. His eyes started glowing and he prepared to fire at the four as they started evasive movement towards him.

"I'll kil-kill yo-YOu guys-gu-guys for -th-" Virus talked but suddenly felt a bullet coming his way. His sensors located a sniper shot fired from afar as he swiped it away. "What the?" Virus turn to see Piper with maniac eyes, pulling snap shot after snap shot. Bullets flew in Virus's direction and he pounced away.

He landed near another hall and saw the five brawlers advancing. "God dammit! You-you, gahahahahah-Gah!" He whined as he retreated into the base. He stepped into the grey hall and looked back. The brawlers were charging at him, Piper already started to aim while running.

Virus sighed and used two arms to grabbed the sides of the walls. He pulled them down, creating a metal debris wall. Virus laughed and turned to face a figure behind him.



The two robots stared each other down. Virus made the first move as he used one of his arms to grab 8-bit. 8-bit dodged to the side and fired. Virus blocked the shots and counter fired with his own blaster.

"I can't beat him...Brock was right..." 8-bit thought as he backed away. Virus smiled, "I sen-sen-se-sense your un-nu-cer-sas-uncertainty...." he took a step and the ground shook. 8-bit snarled and fired his gadget, shooting three times the bullets.

Virus smirked and countered again by using his own gadget too. The bullets collided with each other and disintegrated. While 8-bit was firing, Virus suddenly sent an arm to grab 8-bit.

8-bit gasped and closed his eyes as the claws clamped him. He felt himself get lifted off the ground as he reopened his eyes. He felt pain conjure in his body as he struggled to break free. Virus pulled 8-bit close to his face and smiled, "You'll be the payment for what they did to me!" His face shifted to a scowl as he threw 8-bit across the hall.

8-bit crashed into a metal wall and winced at the pain. He looked up to see another arm coming towards him. "Oh crap!" He rolled to the side and got up to start sprinting. The arm that hit the ground pulled Virus closer to the wall faster.

8-bit ran for his life as the monstrosity of Virus came from the hall.

Piper lighted one of her grenades and threw it into the wall as it blew up the few remaining barricades. Bibi took the lead with Leon as they progressed towards Virus.

Larry dashed through halls as he ignored his dead allies around. He looked at the nano tracker he secret used on Virus. "I'll find you easily." Larry smirked as he continued running.

He was about to go through a door when a swarm of black microbots swarmed an area in the middle of the hall. Larry stopped as he drew his sword. The dimly lit blade caressed the ground as Larry got ready.

"Major. Mike Camill. Cam." Larry spoke. Cam formed from the robots as he sharpened a black and lime knife. "Correct. Too bad, that's the last time you would address me by that." Cam took a fighting stance as a smile spread across his boxy head.

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now