Chapter 10: Shelter

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Max drank an energy drink and zipped towards Bo's direction. Surge wanted to help out but Max had left quick as a flash. The soldiers couldn't stop her and one sighed, "Those guys are so gonna die..." Surge jumped out of the base hearing this. "Make that three..."

Max already felt slight vibrations in the ground. Bo was still decently far so she ran faster and accelerated faster than a Surge could fly. "Max! Wait up!" She was out of sight.

Bo noticed the dust falling off rocks and the vibrations. He continued sitting down without moving. As the vibrations got worser, he slowly took out an instrument.

Max was beginning to lose balance while running and fell over. She saw Bo in the distance and shouted, "Bo! An earthquakes happening! Get back to base!" She felt someone tug her and suddenly she was in the air. "Surge protector!" Surge exclaimed. The duo flew towards Bo and landed. "Bo, we have to go! An earthquake was detected, and its already happening!"

Bo took many seeds out from his satchel and revealed a flute and some seeds in his hands.
Max and Surge were completely confused from this and tried persuading him to return but to no avail. Bo raised his hands and scattered the seeds on the ground. The earthquake had already begun and cracks were forming in the floor.

Max was about to call Surge to leave but she heard Bo started using the flute...

The cut was made by GalaxyShineLight.
The original Warden Theme was made by Scott Buckley.

I just thought that maybe I could use this as an example for the music because there isn't much music that's short enough for the few sentences. Most of them are one hour...

A green light began surrounding Bo as the flute music was heard miles away in an echo. The soldiers in the base heard the music and sent a drone out to scout. The rumbling from the earthquake subsided, and trees began sprouting from the seeds. The green light surrounded the trees and created a small grass patch that surrounded the orange stone that Bo sat on. The stone became grey in colour and was covered in greenery. The flute music stopped and so did the earthquake.

Max was astounded by Bo's work of art as she recognised what forest had grown. Bo had been meditating and still continued doing so. Max uttered few words, "So this was how the Sacred Forest came to be..." Bo shook his head explaining, "The sprits of the forest taught me restoration magic. I can call for the Sacred Forest to come to this place to meditate with me." Max understood and thanked Bo for stopping the earthquake.

The two quickly returned to base and noticed that all the brawlers were awake. Nita was making a scene as she missed her brother. She was told by Max to follow her to the Sacred Forest, hoping that will calm her down. The two departed, leaving Surge to explain the situation.

After Surge had explained about how everyone got here, Larry raised his hand. Surge was a little confused about this but told him to speak anyway, "I am speaking now to questioned whether anyone sleeping had a dream of seeing a forest grow?" Surge noticed all the brawlers who were sleeping witnessed the dream. Surge answered, "Perhaps it was the doing of Bo..."

Gene spoke next saying, "Bo used restoration magic to spread the Sacred Forest, this usually brings peace to the area. And everyone would have the forest in their hearts."

Larry crossed his arms,

"The reinforcements should arrive soon...hopefully we can depart to find 8-bit and Leon. But the thing I fear most is what the weartens can do to them. They are connected to many people, knowing the smartest hackers. The most cunning spies, and so on. They may be able to turn both of them on before."

The brawlers were exhausted from fighting the scorpion and needed a mental break. So they waited for the reinforcements to arrive. What they didn't know is, spies will soon be among them.

Unknown Planet: Wearten Research Facility

Bluebirds patrolled the area with cameras looking in very degree and angle with high resolution focus. Any movement was caught and no one escapes this place normally. There were two cells, both with new specimens of different species of human. A wearten with a cold expression walked into the room with a rifle in hand and a cup of hot water in the other. He sat down beside the cell...housing an unconscious boy.

Leon POV

My head hurts and I felt a sharp pain in my back. It made it hard to concentrate but I think I see something in front of me...
I think I should walk towards it. When I got closer, it became a little clearer but still hard to picture.

I saw green, orange and brown. As well as an array of colours in the middle. A blend of red and yellow came into the picture and started making inaudible noises. As if I was half-deaf. It was hard to catch the words but...I think I heard... 'Reach him?' Reach who? I am so loss. Where was I before? Wasn't there something that happened to me? I'm sure there was another person near me too. But who was it?

Normal POV

The wearten stared down at the boy. He seemed stressed from something. He couldn't tell, but he felt a slight feeling in his chest that he did not understand. The wearten continued sipping from his mug as he waited for Leon to wake up.

The cell on the other side also had something unique. A weird looking brawler that looked like a 90's arcade machine. This one didn't seem to have arms or legs. It even seemed like a normal arcade machine.

A few minutes of waiting later...

Leon was still in his dream as he was still trying to picture the picture. He finally realised that it was his father talking with Max. "I hope this reaches him..." 'Him' was referring to Leon. And it did reach him.

Leon finally woke up, understanding the situation. He still felt groggy and had a slight headache. There was a wearten looking at him while drinking water. He wanted to attack the wearten on site through instinct, not knowing who it was. But was bashed in the face by an invisible barrier.

Leon was confused by this and touch the barrier. He examined it before punching the barrier. His hand felt pain. Upon closer inspection,he noticed that there was a thick glass in front of him. He sat down and decided to examine the wearten who was outside, smirking.

The wearten wore no helmet, but had a headset. His armour was dark teal and cyan accents flowing throughout the armour. One of his hands was armoured and had a wrist device. He used that arm to hold his rifle. The other only had one shoulder plate that had symbols on it the rest of his arm being bare. His skin and feathers was a light shade of teal and purple accent flowed around his body. The wearten had a staring showdown with Leon. But the boy soon looked away. The wearten returned to his cold expression, "Kid, you must be wondering where you are now." The wearten said coldly. His voice was slightly deeper than the other weartens and expressed no emotion whatsoever. He was like chanting a script. Leon frowned in response. "You are far from planet Sadondos(San-dern-doss). The planet you remember being on before." Leon nodded uncertainly.

The wearten continued his monotonous explanation, "Researcher Cross may be here shortly. Be ready, no one will be here to stop what he does." The wearten kept quiet for a while,
"I have some advise to let you survive, kid. But don't expect me to be your ally. Answer as many questions as you can. It is advised to not avoid or shift his motives. Doing so may result in your friend in the other cell being put in danger base on your actions."

Leon raised his eyebrow, deep in his soul resonated a slight fear. He was still a kid, so you can't blame him. "I would tell you how to keep infomation from us, if that's even possible. But I'm not a trained spy. So I'm not gonna give false advise." The wearten replied. "Oh and by the way, I'm Walter Wingleton, call me Wingleton."

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