Chapter 48: Classified

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Edwelm rested on the side as he lay flat on the ground. The healing potion was a prototype that the rapiens adapted from the weartens. So the healing was vastly slower. Vorhur healed his wounds as he sat beside Edwelm, "You saved me, Edwelm." "You saved me too! Big guy!" Edwelm laughed as he coughed a little.

Tellon looked to Larry and came towards him, "Sir, are you alright?" Larry looked at his shoulder, "I'm gonna need better healing care than the canister. Haha..." Larry sat down too as he looked towards Mark's dead body. "I guess we did it. Go check on 8-bit would ya? The guy that had his arm ripped off." Tellon nodded and went to 8-bit, Leon following.

8-bit had covered his bleeding arm with a bandage but he was feeling dizzy. "I...I managed to stop the bleeding in time...but...I need more...blood." 8-bit fell on Leon's hands, "We need to save him quickly..."

Bibi came over as she felt her body aching, "I think some of my bones are broken..."

Vorhur, Edwelm and 8-bit were called to evac. Edwelm and Vorhur stumbled out as they carried 8-bit, Bibi and Leon decided to follow them as they exited to the rapien ships which were currently taking over the place.

Larry went to Tellon as the two examined Mark's table. "There's information we can get from ere'." Larry said as he swiped through files.

"I'm finding little though. Only files about small operations. They seemed to be expanding. But nothing here is of that much importance." Larry mumbled. Tellon looked at her side of the files and did a 'huh'. "Uhh sir, you may want to look at this." Larry came over and examined the info.

"New materials found on a new planet. Wearten General Walter Wingleton is in charge of defending. Schedule sniper watch: T-0800 C—248 48 -593 P-[classified]

A patrol ship would lead you there. Find the train and take position. We cannot lose the goods. Convoy escort for the train. They will be at a station where they can unload the goods. The track is temporary, so it won't go far."

Larry looked at Tellon as he grabbed the files, "Grab Mark's body, I'll alert the others about this.

Larry jogged out the room, leaving Tellon to clear the mess of Mark's corpse.


Back in base...

Leon spun a fidget spinner in his hand out of boredom. The two wearten friends, big and small, waved goodbye to him some time ago. He felt tired but contemplated the recent events that happened. He flexed his hands before looking around at the quiet plain.

He rested his head on his shoulder as he thought of something... "I miss-" his thought was cut short as Bibi came out from another room. "My bones are all fixed, I was lucky there wasn't any internal bleeding." Leon nodded, barely listening to anything she said.

Bibi looked at Leon as he stared into a wall, seeming to be pondering.

"Bibi...can I...can I ask a question? Something personal." Leon looked to Bibi, who was listening. "Do you miss home?" Bibi was taken aback at the sudden response, "Umm...yes. Of course I do. But, we have a deal with Larry. We promised we will fight for him till this war is over. All this action, it's actually happening y'know." Bibi looked all around, "And it's crazy."

Leon smiled, "Alright, you're right. We do have to help Larry. But how long will this war be? When will we see another brawler's face? Who has arrived in Brawltopia? I just-*sigh*...I miss home..." Bibi nodded, "I get you Leon, I do too."

Leon leaned back on the bench he was sitting on and rested.


Larry was sorting out information as he looked for clues on details on Wingleton's mission. Bob was on the opposite side, "How are we going to get on the train?" "I don't know...grappling hooks can work..."

There was a short silence, "We need to know who is on the train." Bob suggested.

Larry sighed, "We know Wingleton's on the train, and when I see him, I will kill him. He took so many people from me. I hate him more than I hate Mark." Bon crossed his arms, "Brother, let's face it, you hate all weartens due to your paranoia." Larry dismissed his idea but and told him to concentrate on the investigation.

"What is he transporting though? What is the most valued item on the train?" Bob questioned. Larry then pointed out something, "There's a recording in the files." Bob played thre recording as the voice of Sinler was heard. Mark's voice replied.

"I don't know what you plan to do, but I want you to defend your base by yourself. I am one step ahead of those buffoons. They won't know what struck them. I have matters to attend too- good luck."

"Why didn't Sinler send reinforcements? And what step did he have?" Larry asked.

Bob continued researching with Larry.


"I want the relic in. The Lightning Stone. Yes, yes... the second train is safe I presume? Invisible. It's just a van anyway. No reports on this. Nothing. With Mark dead, that info is just suicide. Even if it isn't, I have my ways to destroy these mortals.

Sinler held a red gem and held a hologram of a blue gem.
"I'll be a god."

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