Chapter 16: Experiment [V♓︎❒us] Log: 3

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Leon woke up again in his cell as he felt exhausted. "God dammit!" Leon cursed loudly as he stood up and started kicking the door and walls. He continued cursing and swearing until a soldier came by. "Hey you, knock that off." Leon threw his arms into the air and sat down aggressively. He then proceeded to cross his arms as he silently rested up on it.

Leon knew the place rather well now and decided to check on 8-bit. "Hey 8-bit...are you okay? I shouldn't have left you, I'm sorry." Leon leaned back on the wall waiting for a response.

Leon waited for a solid minute and 8-bit still hadn't responded. He started thinking that 8-bit no longer liked him and had decided to ignore him. "8-bit, I know you are mad at me...I-" something interrupted Leon before he could finish.

"Come on now! Move over!" A guard squawked as he kicked 8-bit through the door. 8-bit glared at him and walked towards the guard. They wrestled for a little but the guard soon overpowered him. The arcade cabinet was kicked back to his transparent box and the guard quickly locked the door.

Leon found the whole scene oddly entertaining, "I think I'm going to go mad here..."
8-bit sighed and leaned on the other side of the wall. Leon decided to stay silent to see if 8-bit wanted to say anything, which he did.

"Leon, they injected us with some sort of serum that makes us unable to use our weapons...and they also vigorously wanted to collect info about me. I don't know why though."

8-bit pounded his fists on the ground, "These birds and their serums, them and their fantasy where the only way they can get entertainment is by injecting innocent people with useless drugs and 'medicine'!"

Leon had never seen 8-bit so angry before, only sad. "8-bit...what's gonna happen now?" 8-bit sighed again, "You will not like it."
A few minutes has passed and Leon waited with weariness as he scanned the room multiple times.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers burst into the room and opened Leon's door. "Ahhh! Get away from me!" Leon shouted at the sudden commotion and punch one of the guards in the beak. He stumbled a little but continued with the group as they swooped Leon off the ground. in their hands and rushed out.

Before Leon could analyse what was happening, he was brought into another room where Cross stood. The soldiers shoved Leon into a chair and locked some cuffs around his hands to prevent them from moving.

"What the heck! What's going on?" Leon shouted as he struggled in the chair. He stopped struggling when he saw Cross. "Oh, it's you." Leon murmured as he leaned on the chair.
"Don't worry Leon, it would just sting a little...just some tests."

Cross was reading his notes as Leon waited impatiently. He examined the room and realised it looked like a dentil clinic but with medical equipment, and lots of lab items. Test tubes with liquid scattered themselves everywhere. There was a circuit board in a beaker near other tubes. "Wonder why that's there." Leon thought.

Cross flipped his notes into a compact box and placed it in his pocket. "Okay Leon. Time for the good part, for me I guess." He took out a syringe the size of his palm and examined it. He placed it on a table connected to the chair Leon was on. Cross then proceeded to grab another syringe. This one was smaller. Leon noticed Cross smiling as he grabbed a pistol. "What the hell! You said this was a test not a marksman's post!" Leon shouted. It didn't stop the maniacal scientist.

He loaded the syringe and shot Leon in the chest. Leon felt paralysis setting in as he stopped moving completely, as if frozen. Cross then walked over with the other syringe and laughed, "Stand still." Cross stabbed the syringe into Leon's arm and laughed.

Leon couldn't move, and the pain was extreme. All he could do is scream internally. Blood came out from the sides of the syringe as Cross pulled out up the plunger of the syringe. The large syringe filled up with red liquid (blood) as Leon watched, traumatised. Cross continued his maniacal laughter as he placed the blood filled syringe on a tray. He walked towards Leon and took off the cuffs. He carried Leon to a table and bandaged his bleeding arm. Blood was trailing on the floor. Leon still got extreme pain from the syringe.

Cross injected another syringe with less force this time and Leon stopped having paralysis. He realised his injected arm still had paralysis and still felt extreme pain to the point he did not feel anything in the arm anymore. He was thrown into his cell quickly before he could struggle.

Leon decided to lay in his cell as he sobbed himself to sleep.
Cross POV:

I finally have it. The ultimate comeback! Mwah ha! Mwahhahahahahahahaha! But wait, we need to mix it first. With the power of the brawlers! I have an unseen-[Redacted]! Gwah haha! Ha! *cough* oops, I need to stop.

8-bit POV

I heard Leon come back but he was crying, and not to mention the fact that he kept silent. I'm probably not gonna say anything and let the poor boy get over this. They probably did something horrible to him. I hope nothing else is worse than this.
A few hours had passed and both the brawlers had gotten sufficient rest. 8-bit was called out again. And Leon watched silently as his arcade friend proceeded out with mild frustration.

Leon stayed in his cell as Wingleton kept him company, "Your friend is not in a good shape." Wingleton monotonously said. Leon raised his head and asked, "What do you mean?" Wingleton shook his head, "That I cannot say." Leon took his gaze away from the general and closed his eyes, "Everyone's against me, I didn't even do much, were those bases really that important?" Wingleton sighed, "You opposed the weartens, thus sealing the deal off being at war. And they want to use you and your friends against the true foe. That being the Rapiens. We chose not to spare you, that's why."

Out of the blue, something erupted in a hall outside the cell room. A mechinaical scream could be heard and Leon was worried it might have been 8-bit. Wingleton had a crooked beak. One side was sad while the other showed no emotion.

A few minutes later, 8-bit came bursting into the room. His hands were on the sides of his screen as he stumbled and crashed into a wall, cracking the screen. "G$t #t ou-ouot1! G%{
V!^u? OUT!" 8-bit's voice glitched constantly as Leon watched in horror at the sight of the glitchy machine. 8-bit fell into his cell and became unconscious.

Leon quickly asked out loud to anyone, "What happened to him? Why..." Wingleton replied to his question, "They damaged his voice box, and I think something bad happened in there. I'm going to check."

A few more minutes passed (13 minutes) and 8-bit woke up. Leon heard 8-bit shuffling and asked, "Are you alright 8-bit?" No response, "I think your voice box is broken, that's why you can't talk."

Wingleton came back as he trotted through the door, "Bad news for you. But I can't say." Leon was about to asked another question when a mechanical body suddenly formed from a camera. It kicked the general and he fell backwards. He frowned and took out his rifle. The figure spun and dodge all the lasers before back flipping and kicking Wingleton through the door.

Leon watched as the figure spun a keycard in their hands and unlocked both cell doors. "Come on! We gotta get out of here. Larry sent me." The figure turned out to be a robot person with a box or tv for a head that resembled a media camera 🎥 with no additional protruding items. It had a mechanical voice of a young teenage boy and a cheerful yet serious tone.

Leon grabbed his hand and the robot grabbed 8-bit's arm as he started running out of the cell room.
Wingleton was outside and he grabbed Leon's arm. Leon losses his grip to the camera robot and was trying to break free from Wingleton's grasped. "Please Wingleton! Let me go! I trust you'll let me go...right?" Wingleton'a eyes had a flush of sorrow as he felt his chest. He fell down and replied, "Go boy, leave this place. It's no place for a kid like you." He let go of Leon's arm and Leon started running away, silently thanking the general. The camera bot was really shocked from that interaction and added, "What bond did you two have? My names Cam by the way." Leon nodded and shrugged his shoulders, "We can talk about that once we are out of this place."
8-bit was awfully quiet.

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