Chapter 20: Power Outage

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Surge woke up from his short nap as he hopped out his bed stylishly. He glanced at the mirror and clicked his fingers towards it.

Surge threw on his shades and stepped outside his apartment. As he glanced to the right, he noticed something peculiar, "What the..." the lights were slowly turning off by themselves, layer by layer. The echo of the electrical failing lights travelled through the half lit hall.

"This doesn't feel right..." Surge gulped uneasily. He prepared his sword and reloaded his juice shooter.

A short boxy silhouette started walking towards him. A pipe burst from the side and green mist filled the area. "Come out whoever you are!" Surge threatened, though he was starting to feel demoralised. The lights turned lime green when the figure past them.

Surge shifted backwards and but the place suddenly turned pitch black for a split second before returning to being dimly lit. The lights turned white again and 8-bit came running through the mist in a hurry.

Surge lowered his sword in confusion. 8-bit halted in front of Surge and digitally panted. "Surge *cough*...the powers down. Huff...we need to get everyone together. This place is like a maze! The person who turned of the power may be prowling round here."

Surge nodded suspiciously and questioned, "Do you happened to have seen anything strange in the room? The place was really green a few seconds ago..." 8-bit arched his eyebrows. "That's odd...we should check that with the others, I don't see anything abnormal." Surge followed 8-bit from behind and shook his head. "What was that all about? Was I hallucinating? But it felt so real!" Surge trailed behind 8-bit down the hall, growing cautious at every movement.

Rico stepped outside the balcony, feeling a cool breeze in his jacket. "Ahh, such a wonderful day. The sky really is someth-" "Sweetheart Rico! The oven just turned off!" Rico spun his head and ran towards Piper.

Rico noticed that the lights started flickering, "Piper...grab a flashlight. I think-" the lights turned off and they were shrouded in darkness. Piper yelp and fumbled around a wall with a metal box.

As she recklessly swung her hands trying to open the emergency tool box located beside the door, she accidentally hit her hand on a sharp edge of the metal box. "Youch!" Piper felt a hand and rubbed it. There was a small swollen area.

Rico quickly felt her hand and asked if she was okay. "I'm fine. Just help me grab the flashlight...ow." Rico nodded in relief and flicked on his eye as a miniature light. He looked around the box and found a flashlight and some medical supplies.
"Here, this can help." Rico found some medical oil and rubbed it on Piper's hand. "It''s getting better..." Piper whispered. She received the flashlight Rico gave her and took out a napkin to rap around her hand. "We should move quickly to find the others. Power cuts can mean anything." Rico speculated.

The couple stepped outside their door and scanned the area. "Seems clear, let's go." Rico confirmed. They strolled down the hallway, cautiously checking for obstacles.

Leon trotted down the hallway with Jessie. Suddenly, the power started deactivating. The lights flick off and the duo stayed close to each other. A pipe at the side burst and started pushing out cyan mist. The two backed away from the mist and took another route. After finding a way away from the odd mist, Jessie place her bag down and took out a flashlight and some googles. "What are those for?" Leon questioned.

"I prepared almost every survival equipment I got. Problem is, I only got one set. One of us will have the googles, the other will have the thermal camera." Jessie explicated.

Leon looked around while Jessie prepared the equipment. "Why DID the power go out though?" Leon conveyed. Jessie shrugged, "You've seen more space stuff than me so far, go make some wild guesses!" Jessie quipped.

Leon turned to look at Jessie as she was holding out two items, the googles that looked like a VR headset with lenses and a ordinary flashlight.

Out of courtesy, Leon gave Jessie the thermal googles. "I'll take the flashlight..." Leon picked. Jessie nodded and handed him the black canister. She put on the googles and told Leon that they can start moving. He turned the flashlight on and made sure not to flash it at Jessie.

"Let's go."
Larry  was typing on his laptop as he read some reports about certain things. "Lime energy? Wonder what that's all about?" Larry was about to click on the report but the hissing of the doors made him brandish his rifle and sword.

"Larry, it's just me, Bob." Bob reassured. Larry lowered his weapons and sat back down, "So what brings you here?" He asked awkwardly. Bob handed Larry a report, "The while building's shutting down for unknown reasons! No wearten ships were sighted and backup power is barely surviving...this seems to be some sort of leech to the power source." Bob explained frantically.

Larry analysed the danger of the situation and understood, "Tell the brawlers to gather in the lobby. We'll figure something out. Also check on the merchant we brought in. Evacuate the civilians and arm everyone with a weapon of some sort." Larry shot. Bob nodded and turned, "Stay safe brother." The scientist departed in an instant.

*Ping* Larry checked his phone and coughed in annoyance, "Larry halp I'm stuuuck!" Can sent. Larry rubbed the middle of his eyes and stood up. He fixed his sword onto his back as it disappeared and changed his rifle into a pistol before fixing it into his belt. He left his office in a hurry as he sent an announcement to the brawlers.

Cam jogged through apartments with his hands in his pockets. He reached a large room with some plants and benches in it. He stood in the middle and threw a four-buttoned switch on the floor. It sticked like a magnet on a certain piece of metal and he pressed the buttons in an order.

The room's door closed and another door behind Cam opened. He stepped into the doorway and pressed a button at the side. It was an elevator. The tight space kept Cam in a crossed arm position as it went down.

In an unexpected circumstance, the power cut off and the elevator stopped. "What the hell..." Cam cursed as he looked up at the ceiling of the elevator. The light flickered and turned off. "Hey! How did a power cut happen? This is unusual." Cam sighed and waited for a message to appear. "Backup power a-a-a-aiummm..." the elevator tried turning on its backup power but it glitched out and the elevator stuck itself in the tunnel.

"No...come on man! This sucks. Even the elevator hates me." Cam scoffed as he threw his hands in the air in frustration. He sent a message to Larry saying he was out of action for a while as he started an attempt to fix the elevator. "Attention all brawlers, pl-ple-e-e-uh-iieee." The announcement was cut off and Cam was left in slight worry about the situation unfolding. "Maybe all the electronics are just faulty?" Cam eased.

"I thought this elevator never broke...well I guess natural disasters do happen..." Cam commented as he tinkered with the elevator wiring.

"If only it were natural...heheh. But this minor annoyance was caused by me on purpose..."

"Hey 8-bit! You done staring at a map? I though you could scan it!" Surge complained. 8-bit chuckled with a sinister grin, "Oh yeah coming! I'm done scanning!"

Unknown Dialogue.

"I've reach the destination. The robot has started his assault. Yes. I will keep an eye on him. This will all go to plan. Casualties will be high. Thank you. Farewell, we'll meet again."

A forest green alien looked through the window of a room and smiled with malicious intent, "This will be fun to watch."

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now