Chapter 37: Decisions

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The transport ship pulled into a space port to be repaired. The brawlers followed Bob into another room after everyone departed. A large chamber was presented and everyone was told to stand in the middle.

The walls looked like they were in a room of rings as the different layers of metal started spinning faster and faster. A cyan flash was seen and everyone felt that they were moved somewhere else.

"Good, no one has any infiltrators in them this time or something." Cam joked. Larry shook his head as he directed everyone to follow him. He took out two metal sticks, and pulled horizontally, revealing a holographic map. They followed the route, "Okay I remember this." He turned the map off and proceeded to go on walking through memory.

The place looked very armoured and strong, with no pipes or glass. After walking through many different rooms, they reached a room with many tables and chairs. It looked like a meeting room. Larry sat down at the front of the table while Cam and Bob sat beside his sides. The brawlers stood, "Where do we seat?" Someone ask. Larry though for a moment and directed for the people who weren't called to stand while he let a few people seat down.

"There are reasons for this, please take a seat if I call your name. Colonel Ruffs, Leon, 8-bit, Bibi, Surge, Max, and Jessie. Please sit down."

The brawlers were murmuring about what sitting down meant. Jessie and Bibi were surprised to be called.

Larry sighed as he placed his hands on the table. He took off his helmet and revealed his bald head.

He rubbed his forehead and started talking, "Okay, we all agree that you guys aren't suppose to be here...right?" The brawlers discussed again and nodded.
"So naturally, all of you would want to go back to you home planet and do what you used to do and forget about everything else that happen here...right?"

Without discussion, many brawlers nodded, but not all.
"How about the brawlers that did not nod?"
No one spoke up.
"Alright then, how about this, you all have a chance of dying. A high chance too."
Some people spoke, but Larry put his hand up and continued,
"Being under equipped, having limited knowledge of space and not knowing how to counter 99.9% of the enemies' attacks."
Brawlers started talking again, "Don't you all wanna leave this place?" Larry asked.
The brawlers stopped talking, some nodded, some kept still.

"So, I have some things to say. This was my fault. I was assigned a mission to study your power as brawlers, but I was attacked and could not evade. Leading to me, crashing into Earth and loosing much of my equipment. I attracted too much attention, let the weartens attack Earth, and have you find my distress signal during the battle of Sadon."

The brown coated man was looking down now,

"So I decided, that I should send all of you back with the best escorts I can find. We will fight by ourselves, and no longer put outsiders in danger."

The brawlers whispered and some brawlers asked, "What about those who's seated down?"

Larry was taken aback, "Oh that, we expected that many of you would want to return, So I left it out. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to mention it. So I'll tell you guys. Call me bias, but I feel that those seated, can help benefit us if they stay and fight along side us." The brawlers erupted conversation again.
"BUT. But...but, I know you guys want to take your children and family home with you! So...we'll be letting you leave."

The meeting room went silent, "What? Don't you wanna go home?"

8-bit looked towards Larry, "I'm staying." The brawlers were surprised. Brock and Rico went to 8-bit's side, "Hey, you don't have to do this." 8-bit turned to them, "I want to do this. My job at arcade city is wasting my time. I'd rather be out in space that one dream I got about being in space and traveling through wormholes." Brock and Rico nodded, "We understand." The three stood with each other.

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now