Chapter 25: Morning Crisis

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Piper yawned and stretched her arms as she got out of bed. She turned and saw a mess of items on the floor. Some glass was found near an overturned desk, and a camera was laying on the ground towards the right of the overturned desk.

"Oh my god, what happened? Where's Rico?" Piper desperately looked around the house and realised that Rico was no where to be found. She dialled his number and called, but realised that he left his phone in the house too.

Piper felt no other choice but to alert the others of her missing spouse. Before she left the house, she saw the camera and picked it up. The screen was rather protected and seeable. Piper pressed a button on the top, making the assumption that it was the on button. The camera flicked on and showed the latest footage of what was recorded.

Sprout felt like he was being moved, which caused him to wake up. Sprout noticed that he was out in the open, his body was on a table and he himself was in a large pot. Rosa's pink plant was sitting nearby in its usual pot.

Bea was writing some things down when she noticed the moving plant. She looked towards Sprout and asked, "Try talking."

Sprout shifted his attention to Bea and tried to speak.


Sprout immediately stopped as his voice was now a very manly robotic voice that was monotonous.

"Come on, carry on!" Bea encouraged as she gestured her hands for Sprout to talk more. Sprout did a mental gulp and started speaking again, "Am I going to be okay?" He asked.

Bea nodded, "You'll be fine in no time, we are already finishing the antidote for the corrupted part of you."
Sprout looked up at the plant on top of him, which was slightly limp, but still conscious. He looked around the room and saw a pair of purple claws in a container. There was also the tentacle roots that was also contained.

"Did you know what happened yesterday?"
Bea questioned as she interrupted Sprout's thoughts. Sprout blinked in his head a little and replied with a 'yes'.

"Can you describe the events?"
Sprout answered with an 'okay' and proceeded to explain the events from the previous night and how Rico had been attacking him.


Rosa walked into the room with a rapien soldier and informed, "I'll try to get help from the rapiens to repair Sprout. Apparently, there should have been footage of yesterday night's fight."

Saying this, the two left as Rosa carried Sprout's body out, leaving Bea and Sprout to themselves.

Larry woke up groggily as he got out of bed and took his morning drink( more or less coffee). He sipped lazily as he placed his hands in his trouser pocket. He sauntered out of his room, with Warden greeting him. "Greetings Colonel Larry, the young brawlers had not yet been woken up."

Larry nodded and waved it off, "Let them sleep, they helped a lot yesterday."
Larry came to a large computer screen and scrolled the reports of events...
"Let's see here...whoa, what's this?" Three new recordings popped up, Larry was curious and suspected nothing thus far, so he clicked on it unsuspectingly...

Rosa and the soldier jogged swiftly in the hallways and proceeded towards the camera room. They reached an already opened door, "This ain't right. Something interrupted the cameras yesterday." The rapien spoke in a mid screeching tone. Rosa rose an eyebrow and proceeded in with the soldier.

While they came towards the camera controls, Rosa stepped on multiple hard but tiny objects on the ground. She looked down and stepped back, "Um...soldier, you might wanna look at this." The soldier turned and came to Rosa, "What is it?" He bent down and saw tiny robots that were crushed into more tiny robots.

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