Chapter 6: Side Of Loss

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Ruffs put his hands up and explained, "Okay calm down now would you? We'll explain to you." Larry's face scrunched up into anger, "How am I suppose to calm down when we are on the side of losing? And as if that's not enough, I have to protect a bunch of morons!" He looked at the brawlers as some turned and looked away. Ruffs sighed, "I...I understand, we will leave..."

Larry'a face became guilty as they started walking away, he called them back before they left, "Wait! Perhaps you guys can help me win this battle! Then, our deal will be settled, you get a safe place, we get our base back! Ehh?"

The brawlers looked at each other. Byron nodded, "Sound like a good deal to me. What is you request?" Larry nodded, determined. The brawlers ran towards a bunker, the door was closed though. Larry clicked his fingers while speed walking and crashed into the door. "Oh yeah, forgot that got hacked..." he kicked the door opened instead and let the brawlers in.

Larry briefed:
"This is out last control point. We lost loads of soldiers and are planning to retreat, however, all our transportation has been destroyed by their unknown super ASB(anti-ship missile battery), they bypass shielding. Our soldiers are either injured and dead, or had witnessed too much trauma to continue fighting. Seeing different and perhaps stronger allies on their side may boost their morale. And I know for a sure fact that some of you here are healers, due to my research in your school."

Some brawlers looked at each other asking why he was in Brawler's High. The healers like Poco and Byron replied saying they are healers, Pam adding on. Larry smiled as he pressed some buttons on the war table.

"This hologram shows the map of the battlefield. As you can see, we only control one segment left. The weartens who look like bluebirds are progressing into our territory. Soon, all of us will be executed."

Larry explained as a holographic map appeared on the table.

He looked at the rest of the brawlers as he sighed, "Good luck to y'all, try to take down as many soldiers as you can, our main goal here is to capture the two bases at mid-front. I have no idea what you guys are capable of, but I'm sure you can save us." The brawlers looked at each other and nodded. They scattered as the brawlers had 27 and 23 brawlers to go to each side each.

Team A, Left side:
Wild West
Old Town
Gift shop

Team B, Right side:
Shaman Family
Junker Family
Star Force
Belle, Stu, Ash

Team A was advancing as they saw many rapien people either hurt or in hiding. Most of them were injured and were too afraid to go out. Byron told the team to hold on as he grabbed a bottle and started stirring up a concoction. Byron was their only healer there as Pam and Poco were on the other side. Lola just came to The Brawlywood Studios and could not join the fight, she doesn't know of it anyway.

Byron told the soldiers to group up and calculated his super range. Carl gave the signal and Byron threw his super on the ground in front of the rapiens. They realised that their wounds had healed and they were ready to fight along side the brawlers.

Team A continued advancing forward, brawlers started to spread out in groups of six. The obvious tower soon came into view and the rapien soldiers advised that their mission was to capture the building without destroying it. The brawlers discussed and soon came up with a plan.

Team B side:

Team B had progressed towards the base and noticed a hexagonal bunker. It wasn't very big and there were little soldiers patrolling it.

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now