Chapter 47: Mark's Last Stand

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Larry led the team forwards as they blasted through metal doors, rampaging against Mark's army. Vorhur battle rammed a door down and grabbed the broken door. Snipers behind the doors backed away as they fired at the behemoth. Vorhur threw the door at half of the snipers and cleaved them in two while 8-bit tackled and slashed the last of them with his shield.

Some of them surrendered so Larry left the room to another. But before he left he ask, "Where's Mark?"

"I'm sorry sir but we don't know! Mark left the building and told us he'd be back...but we all think he's dead now! You can try looking for the camera rooms...then find him from there. It's shown by this map." The wearten ask permission to take something out so Tellon aimed her rifle on his head. The wearten closed his eyes and handed over a map.
"Please don't kill us..."

Larry took the map and tried to locate Mark's room, but they were all normal rooms. He did see the security room though.

"Find him through the cameras."

Leon took a few quick glances at the surrendered weartens before sighing and leaving with the group.

They continued taking room after room out as they proceeded closer to the security room. As they progressed more rooms, the brutality of the three teammates, Vorhur, Tellon and Larry, scared most soldiers into submission. Leon asked Edwelm if Vorhur was always like this and he said yes, on special occasions.

"Basically, he only does stuff like this when he is very serious in his mission." Edwelm explained.

Leon couldn't really watch when Larry decapitates an enemy. It was just too much for a kid.

"Cover your eyes kids, don't want you guys seeing gory stuff- *slice* like this..."

Leon saw the fearful eyes of the snipers as more and more ran away and less challenged the team's power.


Mark unlocked the door to the security room as he stepped into the vast expense of screens everywhere. Overturned chairs were seen everywhere as a scared soldier was seen underneath a table. Mark rushed to him and consoled him a little, "It's alright now...I'm here. What's happening? Why aren't you with your team?"

The soldier just pointed to the screens, before running for the door. Mark was about to stop him when he saw something at the corner of his eye. He turned his head to the cameras and saw hundreds of dead soldiers.

"No...leave them alone...stop." He looked as they killed another gang of soldiers, "STOP!" He grabbed the speaker of the building and raked into the microphone. "Stop killing us! Stop it now!" Mark placed the microphone away as the soldiers started running away from the cameras view. Mark looked at the cameras with Larry and he walked up to it, "We are coming." He said before the camera went blank. Many screens went black after, causing Mark to feel impending doom.

He took a deep breath and thought of a plan.


Larry reached closer and closer as they finally reached a twin set of doors that was more reinforced.

He halted the team and used his sword to carve out the door. Vorhur grabbed the door and let the team in. They stopped when they saw Mark, who was doing something unusual.

Mark downed a flask of transparent red liquid that looked like classic health potions in games. He then threw the flask into the ground and growled.

"He's gone feral?" Leon guessed. "More like enraged." Edwelm corrected.

Vorhur threw the door but Mark caught it in both his hands. "Not so fast." He said, in a deeper tone. He threw the metal door into the air and kicked it hard, prompting the team to split and dodge away. Mark charged forward with his battle axe as he clashed against Vorhur.

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