Chapter 36: Cladis

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The damaged transport ship soared through the open space as the tired passengers saw different blinking stars in the background.

Larry was sitting down at the back of the ship as he flipped through reports and information. Cam was flipping his knife and catching it repeatedly. Bob was at the co-pilot seat, looking for potential threats to the ship.

There were a few rapiens dressed in different clothing. Some wore jackets, others simple clothing with hats and arm wraps. There were also soldiers with blood stained helmets and armour. Many of them had taken off their helmet and closed their eyes, seeming to be praying or resting.

The brawlers were restless and some were questioning whether it's worth it to continue this adventure. These conversations softly crept into Larry's ears.

Soon after, Larry decided he should finally speak up. He removed his seatbelt and stood up, ready to announce what he wants to announce. But, a sudden alert message was sent to the crew,

Larry scrambled back to his seat, "Maybe later I guess." Some passengers groaned from needing to face more trouble. Some soldiers woke up and proceeded to man different systems. Weapons and shields.

Colonel Ruffs looked out the window as he grunted, "Never seen these before. Sure is a deadly galactic fo-" the ship suddenly jerked which cause everyone to stumble. Though, the enforced seatbelts helped to stabilise most of the shaking.

Bob talked into the mic, "Hold on tight, we are trying evasive manoeuvres, we can't light jump with all the asteroids here."

The ship started rolling left and right. Pitching up and down. Ruffs held the seat arms as he felt mild nausea. He could here other people complaining of the dizziness and nausea but he kept his composure. Weapons fired at bigger asteroids to reduce their size and help allow the shields to block them.

"Asteroid swarm!"

"What?" Ruffs looked around and braced, not knowing what he was facing. A wave of asteroids peppered the hull and shields of the ship and it jerked violently, causing many people to gasp and yelp.

The jerking stopped and the ship pitched down. Ruffs shook his head and had to see what was going on at the front. He unbuckled his seatbelt and walked forward. "Those aren't suppose to be unlocked! What are you doing?" Cam asked urgently. Ruffs waved him off as he struggled to climb up the ramp of the ship due to the ship pitching up. It then rolled to the left, causing Ruffs to hold on to a rail.

The ship was hit by a small asteroid which shook the ship a little but Ruffs continued on. He reached a door which he knocked on. "Passenger! Why didn't the seatbelt work? Must be damaged...Go back to your seat at once for your own safety! We aren't in a good position to answer you right now!"

"I'm here to help pilot the ship. The door opened and Ruffs quickly went in a sat down on one of the four seats. "Do you expect me to believe you to be good at piloting? Even so, I'm working with one of our fighter pilots, he is sure to handle this better than you.

The pilot was focused but had sweat trickling down from his head, Ruffs looked at the pilot's hands which were mildly quivering. Bob shook his head, "At the very least you can help look out for large asteroids or pirates.

Ruffs sighed, "Your pilot is trained for light fighting ships, piloting such a large beast of a ship is not what he does an thus rely more on the autopilot more. Bob raise his brow and looked to the pilot, who nodded quickly while focusing on evading.

The pilot swerved the ship to dodge a large asteroid. Ruffs shook his head, "Why swerve so hard? Let me handle this." Bob was about to protest but the pilot quickly let Ruffs to the wheel. He sat behind Bob and looked at how Ruffs piloted.

"Alright! Let's get out of this wretched nebula!" Ruffs looked at the controls and understood them. He focused on the asteroids as he sped the ship up, "What are doing? You gonna kill us!" Ruffs ignored Bob and continued acceleration. Ruffs skillfully turned different levers and pressed different buttons. The ship zipped around in a zic zac manner and dodged many asteroids. A large asteroid came into view and Ruffs simply pitched down to avoid it. He hadn't swerved at all and only turned the ship mildly, making sure to keep a steady ship angle.

He looked at the radar, it was blank. "Are we going in the right direction?" Bob looked through a directive map, "Yes, I believe so." "Who builds bases near nebulas with asteroids? It's so dangerous." Ruffs grunted and continued.
"The best offence is a good defence."

Asteroids started clearing out but Ruffs stayed on guard as asteroids could still come out of the clouds without him knowing.

After flying for a while, they exited the nebula. Ruffs leaned back on his chair, "Finally, that was fun." He turned to the door and unlocked it, "Everyone fine?" Most people put a thumbs up. Though some could be seen vomiting at the back.
Ruffs smiled and continued flying forward.

Bob was surprised by Ruffs flying skills, "You aren't all that bad after all." "I studied all of this for god knows how long, and that paid off I guess." Bob nodded and turned to the mic, "We'll be approaching another planet soon. Advanced cameras in the nebula were detecting us and keeping watch, so we are safe to land in the planet. They would be sending scouting ships to check our identities."

The brawlers shrugged as Larry and Cam prepared their identity cards. "You are free to roam around." Many passengers stood up and stretched as they looked out the window.

Larry stood up and went to the brawlers looking at a planet. "We'll be landing there soon."
A bland purple planet with splotches of black that resembled clouds was seen. The water was dark blue with black accents and mini nebulas were dotted around the planet.

The ship suddenly stopped and a rapien in a suit came into the ship, he greeted Larry politely and shook many brawlers hands, "ID please." He took Larry's ID and smiled, returning it after examination.
The rapien went to the pilot seat and was surprised by Ruffs presence, "New pilot?" The rapien asked. Bob shook his head as he gave his ID, "He wanted to help navigate the asteroid nebula. Did a exquisite job helping to minimise damaged!"

The rapien smiled, "I may address you as?" Ruffs replied, "Colonel Ruffs but call me Ruffs for short if you want. I don't know how ranks work here." The rapien nodded, "Plesure meeting you colonel."

The rapien was about to leave the ship when he stopped at the door, "Welcome to Cladis." He hopped out of his ship and used jet boots and hands to fly towards his ship.

The brawlers saw the planet coming closer. Larry thought to tell the brawlers something later.

Destination reached: Planet Cladis

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now