Chapter 39: Target

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The elevator ride was short lived as it rumbled to a stop and unlocked it's triple reinforced doors. The four people stepped out from the elevator and made their way towards another area, Larry taking the lead. The walls here were like connectors. They seemed to curve as if they were flexible.

After going through the connectors, the walls changed to sturdy purple walls. They seemed to be plated with purple rocks and were illuminating the place with neon lights. Haniging lights hung from the ceiling as the lightly illuminated halls descended.

They reached a highly reinforced pair of doors that was unlocked when Larry went close. Cam and Bob were standing inside a room with a large table that was surrounded by chairs. They were talking with some other soldiers that looked important. Everyone was waiting for Larry and the trio to reach the meeting room.

There were boards with images, connected dots, and papers with plans and ideas for them.

"You're finally here, take a seat, we started discussing already."

Larry took a seat while the Leon, Bibi, and 8-bit took their seats near Larry.

Everyone sat back down and Bob explained, "So Larry, remember the motion detection modifications we were talking about? They are finally tested and finished, we can start our counter strike on the weartens."

Larry nodded, "Does it cause side effects to the user?" Bob shook his head, "Not really, but it will tell the user what movement has been detected. To prevent allied movement to be detected, we can sync special sensors to prevent the helmets from detecting them. Though, once the helmet or sensor gets damaged or destroyed, it may deem them useless, due to the constant sounds." Bob explained.

"These helmets are very good against finding snipers as their detection radius is rather far. It will try to predict what the source of the sound comes from if it detects what kind of life it is. In half of its distance, if an entity makes too much movement, it will detect and identify it. Special targets like names will not be given."
Bob added.

Larry nodded, "Cool. So we still doing the baiting strat?" Larry asked.

Cam nodded, "We three would be going with the brawlers while in detection of our targets presence. He is usually assigned to try assassinate us, but never managed to find away close enough to us. We will purposefully leave ourselves exposed. He would send his team of snipers but the motion helmets should allow us to take them out without them knowing how." Cam answered.

Larry placed his hands on the table, "Our main focus is to find out where he retreats too. So baiting him into attacking us may allow us to fend him off and let us find his transport. This allows us to place a tracking device on it."

There were murmurs of agreement, "Yes, however, we will have to enhance our weaponry to allow us to deflect multiple shots from his cloak rifle. I single block could cause our bond weapons to tire out. While normal weapons would probably be bent."

Leon then asked, "Wait, what's a cloaking rifle?"
Larry chuckled, "Bad stuff."
Bob did the explanation, "The cloaking rifle is a dangerous weapon that allows projectiles fired from it to be cloaked, invisible unless you have sensors. Once hit, no one would know where it came from. Worst thing is, the name is just what it's infamous for. The rifle our enemy uses is multipurpose and can switch from different modes. That includes melee mode."

Leon nodded, "That gun breaks the rules on Earth."

"We could use shields and do a formation." Someone suggested.
Bob shook his head, "No, that deems death. He would switch his gun to fire and explosive shot, killing all of us in one shot. The only way is to reflect the rounds, this will not toggle their effects."

"When was last seen?" Cam asked.

A rapien took out a clipboard and started talking like he's looking at a script.
"Suspected to be near forest on Earth, locking down zone as burning forest. Shot at civilians, one wearing an eagle hat, one wearing a bear hat and one wearing a chameleon hoodie."

Everyone looked at Leon, "Uhh, why look at me? I don't know where he was, I didn't even see him. But he was the one burning the Sacred Forest down? Oh this guy's gonna get trashed!" Leon asserted as he cracked his fist.

"This kid's lucky he got away." A soldier said.
"Im glad he didn't get shot. Would have been an awful way to go."
"Wonder what is a sacred forest?"

"Silence!" Bob announced as the meeting room went quiet.

"Alright, so, we are clear on what to do, enhance weapons, motion helms, baiting, stealth, and possibly some shields." The people nodded. Leon was not informed of stealth but kinda expected it.

"When do we depart?"

The three brawlers looked at each other, "Tomorrow? But we are kinda untrained. And we are possibly facing a very dangerous person." Leon asked. Bibi shook her head, "I think they'll be worried about you. You have nothing to block against the round. At least I have Mr. Bat and 8-bit had his turret to act as a shield."

Leon thought about it, "I can throw blades at the bullet and I can go invisible."
"Until it wears off." 8-bit attacked. Leon raised his hands up in defeat, "Fine! I'm the weakest against him."
"We never got his name..." Bibi added.

They were told to wait outside the room for Larry because he was fetching their crafted equipment.


After a few minutes, Larry came over with a large bag slung over his shoulder. "Right guys! Got your stuff."
He placed the bag down in front of them and took out stuff.

Larry had two small chips and a visor. He gave the visor to Bibi and it fit her perfectly. Larry then looked at the chips and inserted one in Leon's communicator.

A new option popped out in the communicator, "I can now automate smoke bombs, it's just a fancy way of saying, secondary cloak that does not need to be charged by attack and instead automatically recharges after use." Leon remarked as he tapped it. He went translucent, almost invisible.

Larry then inserted the other chip in 8-bit turret. Material started forming on the turret and a mirage like effect was there. "It feel lighter."
"It's self repairing." Larry added.
"Oh cool."
Larry looked to the relaxing soldiers, "You guys can get mental rest or you could do training. Most real training goes to field experience but we do have ways to train our soldiers."

The three chose to train, "We don't have much to do anyways."

"Come on then, let's go train."

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now