Chapter 29: Warden's Light (Vs. Virus)

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Leon was sitting down near the injured brawlers as he waited in paranoia, "We can't just stay here. Virus is going to take over this facility if we don't do anything..."

Ruffs was sitting nearby and shook his head, "Almost all of us are injured. We can't beat him. He really is stronger."

Darryl was nearby too and was repairing his barrel which shielded him but it was severely damaged and the splinters were devastating. "Kid, don't try it. Just give up. He has many robots under his control. If any of us goes against him, we'll be taken."

Leon placed his head in his hands as he thought of solutions. Suddenly, Jessie's wrist communicator beeped and she got up from repairing Nani, "Huh? Someone's calling..." she accepted the call and a deep monotonous voice came in. "Hello. May I request the identification of the answering entity?" Jessie frowned, "Who are you?"

The voice seemed to distance and Jessie heard some talking, "It's a little girl. Understood." Another deeper voice came on the phone, "Greetings. May I assume that you are Brawler Jessie?" Jessie nodded and answered a 'yes' "Alright, awesome. I'm Warden. Larry's office assistant and butler. I am communicating through his abandoned wrist communicator. It is unknown thus far on what or why Larry left it behind."

Jessie sparked a memory, "Oh! You are the robot! You should hide. Virus is destroying the place and he can take control of you! Run before he takes you too!"

Warden seemed to laugh from her response, "Even if I wanted to leave, I can't. I am tied to this location. If this facility dies, I die. It is my duty to defend it at all cost. I am together with the other resisting soldiers. It would be safe to find us. An Elite Royal Guard is here to defend you. We need to assemble to take him on. If you would like to evacuate, we'll allow it. But I must advise that the sky's are not safe due to the boarders being down. There may be significant orbital junk that may hit you and our air bases are rather far into this facility."

Jessie understood the situation and replied, "Well, most of my friends are exhausted and injured...we can't really do much. Sorry."

Leon heard what Jessie said and rushed to her, "I can help! We still have people who can fight!" Bo glared at Leon, "Leon! What are you doing?" Jessie shot a look at Leon but he ignored it.

Leon asked of the location of their resistance, "We locate ourselves near the office. Depart quickly if you wish to find us. We may move soon." Warden replied. Leon took his chance and ran in to the building.

Jessie shouted for him to wait but he ran away. Nita looked at the situation and followed after him, "You can't go alone brother! Stop!" Bo was helpless as he couldn't get up with his injuries, "No! Get back here!"

Jessie was about to run after them but Pam held her back, "You aren't going." Jessie looked at Nita running away and sighed. Bibi walked to the entrance of the building and looked back. Crow and Bull rooted for her because they knew they couldn't do anything. She smiled and went in too.

Jessie saw this and frowned, "I'm sorry mom, but I have to go after them. Only I can stop my own creation." Jessie pushed Pam's arm away and sprinted away. Pam tried running for Jessie but stopped when she saw all the injured brawlers. "I...I can't leave my patients behind. God bless my daughter."

Piper got up, "I'm going too. I'll give that bastard what he deserves for taking Rico away from me!" Piper walked into the building with her umbrella in hand.

8-bit felt Virus's presence and followed it. He turned the halls quickly and continue running. The new agility felt great because he had always been carrying a heavy body on him. Now he's lighter. But that comes with a slightly less durable body. "I'll find you." He said and continued running.

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