Chapter 11: Spying Misunderstandings

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Larry was rocking on his chair while browsing his phone. Bo and Nita were meditating outside. Brock and Max were looking outside. The rest of the brawlers were just doing their own thing.

Unknown POV:
Damn, this sand is so thick. My friend can't even move in his legs! Useless! I trotted through the sandy plain as we approached the S.Sadon Base.

Normal POV:
Max was looking closely at the sandy plain. Hoping to get a glimpse of the two missing people. Larry had forgotten to explain why the weartens had big deals with them... So everyone misunderstood what he said earlier and ignored him, thinking that Leon and 8-bit would still be back.

Suddenly, Brock spotted two figures moving towards them. They watched from the windows as a satellite on the building scanned the unknown entities. Max called Belle over and asked her to use her sniper scope to scope out the two. She rolled her eyes and aimed, "It's Leon and 8-bit."

Max ran out of the building hearing this and went to go greet the two. Brock also joined. A few brawlers heard the commotion and decided to come too. Larry was still trying to find something on his phone. So he decided to let the brawlers off. That was one of his biggest mistakes yet.

Leon and 8-bit walked towards the base as they saw Max rushing towards them. They stopped and greeted Max. She placed both her hands on the sides of her mouth and shouted to the stampede of brawlers, "The missing peeps are are back!" Bo and Nita joined the run. Soon all the brawlers gathered round the two. They slowly walked back to base with their full team again! Or so they thought.

"I thought you were crushed by the scorpion!" A random brawler assumed.
"Nah. We managed to get away in time. The darn weartens that chased us down were too slow to catch up. Not to mention 8-bit's over the top powered bullets! Shredded through them!"
Edgar was looking at the two suspiciously, "I think we should bring this back to Larry first...this is keeping me on edge..." Many brawlers stared at him. He placed his scarf over his face and covered it, "Ugh. This is so absurd!" They came back into base and brought the situation up with Larry anyway.

It was all fun and games until Larry cleared his throat. The brawlers shushed down to hear Larry speak, "You two came from outside, yes?" Leon gulped and nodded. Larry then proceeded on, "Hmph, so pardon my rudeness..." Larry's eyes turned dark. He drawed his sword from his belt as it formed in his hands and held it tightly. He aimed the tip of the sword towards Leon and shouted, "Then what are you bloody spies doing here?"

Leon covered his head with his arms as he backed away. The brawlers were shocked from this and blocked Larry from hurting their friend, "What the heck's wrong with you man? I doubt he's a spy! He braved the sands and earth!" Brock shouted. Bo glared at Larry, "I did not think that even YOU can be that barbaric. All your ways are inhumane!"

Larry was getting frustrated from the comments, "Don't you understand? I fail to understand why you guys don't understand what I'm saying!" The brawlers raised their eyebrows but kept their hostile stance. The white skinned man placed his sword down and sighed as he explained,

"Leon and 8-bit were taken in by the scientist, Waden Cross. Their most experienced researcher they have. I flew a drone to spectate your progress and dive in to help if you guys needed it. As 8-bit, the real one, connected to my Bluetooth, I could see from his point of view. I sent out a drone to spectate both teams. At some point of time, I realised that Leon was missing. And suddenly, before I knew it, 8-bit teleported beside Leon and fought off the weartens, distracting them. I was rooting for them! But, I underestimated them and realised that Waden Cross was the one leading the charge. He always had backup plans, he always thought ahead of you...That's why we've been losing. His inventions are also are beyond our defences. After seeing 8-bit getting backstabbed by Cross, I noticed Leon get kidnapped too. They teleported away through his mechanical worm hole, and took Leon and 8-bit with him. Before I could inform you guys, I realised the giant scorpion attacking. This forced me to hop into the battlefield. Hence making me forget about the kidnapping. After getting injected by the weartens, they had memory fog fixed into the serums. Causing us to few insanely mentally tired after waking up. Thus causing me to give a terrible explanation on the two missing brawlers. And now that I'm slightly more awake, I now understand what they did!"

He pointed his sword after finishing the story and glared, "Now do you understand?"
The brawlers had mixed feelings as certain brawlers were uncertain about the two outsiders. Edgar jumped to Larry's side and advised, "I don't trust these guys, you guys shouldn't too." Larry kept his glaring expression. Some brawlers started siding Larry, but most kept their position. Leon spoke up, "Larry wait! That planet we were kept on was terrible and far, your satellites must have not detected it! We managed to break out with the help of some weartens there! Then we took escape pods! Trust us."

The brawlers looked at each other. 8-bit continued, "You don't know us well enough, but we are more capable then you think!"
"Nonsense! You need to shut up!" Larry boomed as his eyes turned glowing white and black outline. The soldiers tried calming their captain down, "Sir, I'm sure you can settle this more diplo-" Larry pushed the them away and slowly walked towards the two. "You trying to play innocent huh? We'll let me tell you what,"

Larry turned to the other brawlers and laughed, "Cross is at General rank! Are you telling me that his base is not guarded by the best security? He's higher than my rank! I'm only colonel and I already have veteran soldiers!" He kicked Leon into the wall. Bo went to help him up while brawlers stopped him, however he just pushed through. "You brawlers don't understand, the tragedies from darn wearten spies! After so so many, many many times of death and dishonesty, I have trained my life in locating spies. Heck that's even the reason why all of you brawlers ain't dead yet!" Some brawlers were fearful, while others were even more hostile, one being Bo, "Wisen up. You are trying to hurt a child! Don't join you dark side."

Larry had a crooked smile, he began laughing hysterically, "Hahahahahahahaha!" His face went dark again, "I already am." He dashed at Leon as he pushed Bo aside, slashing. Some brawlers covered their eyes while other tried stopping him.

What they did not expect was, Leon had a sword? Not just any sword, it was wearten branded, the Leon blocked his attack.
"Larry! You were really training your whole life huh! Seeing right through amateur classed spies. Well we'll see about your fighting skills." Leon shouted as he burst into a bright light and changed form to a flying wearten. It flew away and fired lasers in mid air. Larry deflected the shots and returned fire. The imposter 8-bit changed form and jumped the window. The brawlers stood and watch. Bo was the only one that sat down. He sighed and chanted for the real Leon's safety.

Larry was outside the base fighting two wearten spies. They backed out and let Larry fall to the ground. When Larry landed and looked back up, the two had injected themselves with something. The dropped the injector and flew towards Larry.
He braced for impact and was grabbed by one of the weartens. They started fighting with swords as the swords whipped through the air, Larry fenced against the two blades. Sparks of light was seen as Larry's transparent blade clashed with the unbreakable metal blades.

Larry was parrying the two sides that he was fighting as he boosted around with air walkers. He could walk on air. They fought and shot. Sometimes firing lasers and deflecting it.
Larry blocked one of the attacks as he swiftly kicked the guy behind trying to backstab him. He vaulted over the wearten that he was blocking as slashed his wings. The wearten screeched as it slashed backwards before falling.

Larry used the hilt of the sword to knock the bird's head. Before kicking the back. The wearten fell dazed but before Larry could finish him off with a headshot, the other one ambushed him from behind and fired lasers. He deflected it and saw the boots of the other spy. He was kicked out of the sky as the brawlers watched the white skinned man dropped down. Max felt terrible and told the other brawlers,
"We have to help him!"

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