Chapter 22: Know the Enemy

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Everyone was armed with a close-quarter combat knife and an emergency camera when they need it.

Leon walked with his high school buddies, Jessie, Sandy, Spike, Bibi, and his sister Nita.
"I can't believe we got survival items, like, this looks serious." Leon emphasised as he compared his spinner blades and the combat knife.

The combat knife had a nose that was aerodynamically shaped, having a smooth triangle nose. It had different buttons that switched the mode of the tool, similar to a multi tool knife(it is). There was a vegetation cutting mode where the blade turned more bolo-shaped.(knife for agriculture) then there was hunting mode which was the current mode, it allowed the blade to arc through the air and was mostly silent when slicing. Then the final mode, was survival mode, where it could switch to making fires, building shelters and chopping trees.

Leon sheathed the knife to his spinner blade belt and heard Bibi, "This looks neat, looks like a tactical knife. Maybe I can finally kill something for real." She commented as she spun the blade in her fingers through a hole at the bottom of the blade.

In that time of talking, Jessie was awfully silent, Sandy was expected to be usually silent, but Jessie was uncannily silent, placing a hand on her chin with a distressed look.

Spike pat her shoulder which accidentally pricked her which made her yelp, getting everyone's attention. "Ouch! Who-oh wait, sorry Spike..." Spike quickly went to the back of the group in fear that he angered Jessie. "Jessie, are you alright? You've been oddly silent lately..." Leon asked. Jessie sighed, "I...well, you know Virus right?" The others looked at each other and nodded, Jessie continued, "Not all of us know much about Virus due to being out of the fight during his time on Brawltopia. However, some brawlers like Bibi and me know very well on how Virus fares."

They reached Leon's room first so they went in to discuss.
"Well? I think I know what's going on here. When I was hacking the audio clip from the wearten ship, I saw lime. When I heard from Rico and Cam, I saw robots. During the meeting, 8-bit was absent. So, do you see it now?"

The others placed the pieces together and nodded with slight worry. "Guys, I think Virus is back." Bibi swallowed.

Jessie stood up, "I have been working on this theory for the bout of the time when this started, so I'll have to bring this up to the others. You guys can stay here." Bibi stood up too, "I'm going with you as an escort." Jessie appeared offended. "Assistant." Bibi corrected.

Sandy told Leon that he and Spike would be returning to their rooms soon. "Let me a bit." Sandy yawned as he leaned on the wall. Leon chuckled and stood up, walking towards the balcony. "It seems like it's evening now. All that took longer than expected, but I'm glad I'm back with my buddies." Leon smiled as he looked into the stars.

Rico turned on his camera and placed it on the table beside his bed. He sat at the table for diner as he ate silently with Piper. "Piper, this war, why did we even come? Larry told us not to, but we did. Why?"

Piper looked up from her food and out her hand up to ask Rico to wait a while. She swallowed her food and used a napkin to clean her mouth.

"Well, you see. It started off when a ship was being salvaged, as a prototype or something. But the dog brawler, uhh what was his name...Colonel Ruffs." She paused to start a full story-telling. "

"Ruffs had a world-changing idea that could help carry many people to outer space! So for the experience test, he called the best fighters, us, to help test the ship out in case anything went wrong. Everyone was excited to going to space. Us too! But, it all started going down when the gold dragon told us to visit Larry, claiming that they 'needed help' ."

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