Chapter 40: Training

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The four fighters entered an arena like area with some soldiers resting at the colosseum seats. There was a room near the top roll of seats in the arena. An operator was sleeping with his cap on his snout.

Larry went to the middle of the arena and fired his pistol upwards. The sound caused most people to wake up. The operator woke up and started manning the controls.

Larry looked at the three, "Who's first? I'd go easy on you." He smiled smugly as the doors close. He motioned for one of them to come out in a mocking way.

Leon looked at the others and shook his head, "I ain't going, I already fought Larry before this." Bibi looked at 8-bit, "I fought Virus multiple times. I ain't going."

Bibi rolled her eyes, "Fine. I'll go."

She stepped out as the other two climbed the stairs to the front seats. The audiences looked prepared for something that would finally be entertaining.

"Go Colonel!" Someone yelled. People started cheering.

Larry quieted them down and went into a combat stance, Bibi going too.
The operator did some controls and a robotic voice called, "Weapons allowed. Sparring match."

The two looked each other down.
"You gonna take me on when I'm going easy? What a coward ha!"
Bibi frowned, "I was forced here, watch your words punk! Cause you're about to go down!"


One of them charged, Larry being the one sprinting with no melee weapons and Bibi with her bat in a batting stance.

Larry pounced at Bibi, attempting to tackle her. She swung and hit him, sending him flying back. He rolled and went down.

Larry got up, seeing Bibi still standing in her batting stance. He rubbed his forehead and ran towards her again. This time he slid. She swung and miss. But she kicked him, he rolled and felt his arm that Bibi kicked. She kicked him again and again.

"Not so tough now are you?" Bibi taunted as she was about to swing down with a bat.

Leon and 8-bit were confused to how easy Larry was and shook their heads, "Something ain't right."


Larry suddenly kicked Bibi's legs and slid away. He swiftly got up and grabbed her by the shirt. "What the-" Bibi was cut off as she was thrown into the ground.
Larry immediately kicked her and grabbed her again. This time however, she punched him in the face. He stumbled back and started jogging backwards.

Bibi then ran towards him. "So this is how you wanna play huh?" Bibi yelled as she was about to hit him in the face. He ducked.

She missed and nearly tripped. This prompted her opponent to do a slide kick. Larry spun his leg on the ground and kicked Bibi in the shins. She fell but managed to break her fall with her hands. She then rolled to the side to avoid Larry's elbow slam.

He hit the ground and grunted. Bibi then swept herself up to swipe at Larry's jaw. He was launched back into dragging onto the sandy floor.

When he got up, his jaw was slightly fractured and he was winded, "Not bad..." he complimented as he drank a liquid. His bone healed and he prepared his pistol. "Time to blast your ass to the galactic core!"

He aimed with one hand and fired at Bibi. She dodged and started running like it was a marathon. Larry fired multiple times but Bibi's fleeting boots and home run starpower allowed her to outrun the lasers. Larry grunted as he reloaded.

He removed the canister of ammo and reloaded quickly. He looked up and saw Bibi charging towards him. He snuck an evil smile and placed both his hands on his gun.

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now