Chapter 32: Surge

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Surge used his weight to push Larry down as he tackled him to the ground. Larry grunted as he felt his bones crunch from the metal and struggled to push Surge back. He tried to punch him but Surge countered by punching back.

"Someone call Max! For f**ks sake!"

Rico quickly went to contact Max.

Surge was still crushing Larry as he couldn't move. 8-bit got up and fired at Surge. But he then countered that by shooting them and hitting 8-bit.

He laughed but suddenly got lifted from the air. He looked behind and saw Cam controlling bots to grab Surge.

Surge growled as he struggled to move. Cam smirked and was about to slam him down when Surge suddenly jumped up and stood on the ceiling, before jumping down towards Cam immediately.

Cam grunted before dodging to the side. Although he dodged a direct impact, the area of effect knocked him back. He stumbled and fell to the ground. Surge turned his head to him and was about to slash him when spinner blades came into his head.

The blade hit Surge's side and damaged his head. He got irritated and fired several shots in Leon's direction. He dodged but the shots hit the wall and damaged the four brawlers anyway.

Bibi quickly used her Homerun bar and starpower to close the distance as Surge reloaded. He noticed Bibi and smirked, "Oh the mistake you made..."

Bibi raised and eyebrow as she went in for a swing. An energy shield suddenly appeared around Surge, causing the bat to bounce of rather well. Reloading all his ammo, Surge proceeded to pepper shots on Bibi.

Bibi yelped and rolled to the left but still got hit anyway. She laid on the ground as she felt the burnt wound. She crawled back as she used he bat to knock one shot from Surge away.

Jessie recovered from the damaged and fired EMP rounds on Surge. He was hit but didn't take effect, "This virus protects me from that problem rather well." Surge tried to fire but his gun was jammed.

Jessie chuckled, "Maybe not!"
She fired normal rounds which hit him as he was distracted trying to fix his gun. He stumbled back and met with Larry pushing him to the ground. He was enraged and changed course for Larry. He used his blade and tackled Larry but this time, Larry dodged.

Surge slashed as Larry parried it and they both locked their blades as they blocked each other. Larry was backing up from the weight and slowly loosing grip on his sword.

Suddenly, a distressed feminine shout came, "Stop!" Surge and Larry turned to look at the source of the sound.

Surge widened his eyes but then they frowned afterwards. He pushed Larry while his distracted and walked towards Max. "Hey Surge! You don't look so good." Surge growled, "I'm perfectly fine. Who are you? Why do you sound familiar?"

Max sighed, "Surge, I don't know how that virus affected you but, I'm just gonna explain everything again."

Surge held his blade ready but listened.

"My name is Max, I'm your super hero partner and we are best buds! We would fight villains and crime together and would always have a well deserved break after, drinking our favourite energy drinks. Meg came along after and helped upgrade some of your equipment. She also help repair you when needed. She's behind us right now."

Meg stepped towards Surge and held her wrench, "You are on the wrong side, and you were forced here...we are here to help!"

Surge looked at the two and kept quiet.

Max sighed, "Don't you remember us Surge?"

Surge was lowering his weapon but then he kept still and went on guard again.

Max continued, "We first met when organic  robots could move in to cities and towns. In school..."

Surge was having a hard time keeping still as he shuffled uneasily.

"And god...I miss going out to tower roofs with you when we are free. Those were good times. It hasn't even been a month and I already miss home..."

Surge sighed as he lowered his weapon and the green and black faded away...

"I miss the good old days too."

Everyone smiled as Max looked up. Surge was no longer infected. She went in for a hug as the two hugged it out...



**["Yeah? Oh good. Sent the escort as quickly as possible. Make sure it can fit him."]**

Virus felt another connection being severed.

Zod looked at Virus as he looked distressed, "What is it?"
Virus shook his head as he looked towards the base.
Zod looked to his direction and assured,
"Don't worry Virus, Surge is strong—he would hold them off well, especially the fact that they have no guts to kill their friend."

Virus grunted, "Tha-that's the thing...they don't kil-kil-kill them, they cure them."

Zod made an "o" on his snout as he looked up. He flew up for a while and scouted the base...

Virus saw him fly and waited for him to land, "Anyany-aaaaanyone yet?"
Zod landed and shook his head, "They are still inside the building. But I received message that the escort ship is coming."

Virus nodded. He didn't know when he would need to fight the brawlers again.
Virus looked at Zod and smiled to himself, "He-hey...Zod, u-uh-uhh...thanks." Zod raised his brow, "For what?" Virus sighed, "I don't usu-u-usually sa-say this to an organ-organic being but tha-thanks for saving me. Sincerely..." Zod smiled, "It's fine. That what I'm assigned for."


The two looked around for their ship and sighed, "We need to get outta here..." Virus said. "Fast too." Zod added.

The two looked towards the base as they see silhouettes coming out. "We gotta prepare for battle soon." Zod advised.

"Let's hop-hope we come out of here al-al-alive."

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now