Chapter 27: Inf€ct0r's Servant

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Meg noticed the flickering lights and broke into a run as she heard echo's of the voices of Max and Surge. The four brawlers picked their pace as the closed themselves towards the heroes.

"One more turn!" Meg reassured. They kept running until they saw a turn in the hall to the right.


Max stepped back as she prepared her wrist blaster, "Surge? I don't wanna hurt you." Surge turned around as the lights flickered again. "That's a command you are pleading that I don't need to obey." Surge aimed his wrist blaster to Max. Max gasp and ducked as he fired the juice shot.

Meg and her team took a quick turn and charge in to help Max. Meg took a glance at Surge as his lime eyes shifted towards them. Amber blew fire to blind Surge as he used his blade to blindly swing around. El primo tackled Surge and was going to land in a punch when Surge grabbed his hand, "What the..." Surge threw El primo across the wall and dodged back, away from the fire. Poco was healing El primo up and Meg was aiming vital points on Surge, "What happened to him?" Meg asked Max. She shrugged and dodged Surge's swing.

Surge turned off the lights and threw his blade towards Meg, who was closed to getting her super. Meg saw the neon turquoise light coming towards her but did not had the reflexes to dodge. When everything seemed to be over for her, a figure jumped forward to take the blow. Meg was closing her eyes and opened them when nothing happened. "What? Where did the sword go?"

She looked to the ground and saw El primo laying on the ground, grunting as he felt the sword in his chest. Meg felt her heart fall to the ground and shattered. "El...El primo? I'm sorry...I'm so sorry!" She cried as El primo smiled. "El primo is here, and he has gone through worse!" He laughed as blood trickled down from his mouth, through his teeth, showing a small smile. Amber knelt down, "I know we have always competed for fame but, please stay with me..."

Max was now Surge's target and non of the other brawlers seemed to be helping anymore. "Guys! A little help!" Max shouted as she began to be pushed back into a door, "Surge, I know you're there Surge! Just feel it in your hear-"

Surge punched Max in the nose and she was punched through the doors. What was thought to be a normal room, turned out to be the middle of the base where the tallest room is. A bridge was over there and it was still building. Towers of floors towered down into the underground and rapiens were scurrying about at the bottom. They did not notice the two fighting at the top.

Max was getting desperate, she fired her blaster but Surge fired and orb and it blasted through her shots and hit her stomach area. "Gah!...Surge! This is a really big fall! Just stay back! Please...?"


Meg turned her head up to see the door opened and Surge walking towards an uncompleted bridge. "Max...Max? MAX!" Meg shouted as she saw Surge kick her friend off the bridge. Meg charged as she fired once more and charged her super. She got into Rob while running and the earthshaking steps caught Surge's attention. He turned around and tried to grab his sword, but realised it's gone. "No!" He shouted. He tried to push Rob back but both heroes were pushed off and now fell, with Meg wrestling with Surge in mid air.

Amber and Poco stayed behind to care for their friend.


Max was free falling as she saw multiple scientists rushing to the railings to see her. She heard shouting and calls for caution but couldn't make out the words. "I' able to survive...right? I'm a hero! I can-"

Max's right leg hit a horizontal pipe and she screamed in pain, "Okay! Hmm! Maybe I won't survive-gah! This freaking hurts!"

She spinner in the air and tried to get a good glance of the ground. It was filling itself with liquid! She can still make least she wouldn't die like a normal human from such a fall to water. She took a deep breath and held the pain of her leg in. She stopped herself from spinning and placed both her arms on top of her head and tightened her legs for a dive. Max managed to land in the water. She survived the fall, but the pain was excruciating.

Some rapiens dived in to grab her out as she had troubles swimming with a shattered leg. She found herself tearing up unintentionally due to the pain so she decided to relax a little in a star position.


Surge and Meg were falling faster and faster. Meg had Surge pinned down and was going to use him to break her fall. "Get out of Surge!" Surge tried to use his jets but Meg used Rob's arm to punch out the jets. Surge aimed his wrist shooter at Meg and fired. She ducked into Rob and braised for impact.

The two collapsed into water as Meg felt her legs getting impacted on the ground. Her hips hurt terribly but the cushioning managed to negate any fatal injuries. Surge on the other hand was incredibly damaged and laid motionless in the water. Meg got out of Rob and patted him, "Thanks bud!" She said. She looked around and saw rapien scientist reaching out to help her out. It seems that Surge and Rob had crashed through a bridge. There was also water that weren't that deep that slowed the fall a little. Meg looked at Surge from the railing, "I'm sorry it had to come to this. You always looked out for me."

Scientist and engineers took Rob out as they examined Surge. However, when one of the engineers got too close, Surge punch him in the jaw and got up. He galloped away due to his damaged leg and found the nearest wire. He looked at the other people watching as he transferred himself into the wire.

Meg and Max were giving the necessary medical attention. Max sat down on a chair as she looked at her broken leg. It was in a metal cast and she was told that it would give a speedy recovery to her bones but it would still hurt and can be easily damaged again. "As long as I can walk normally again." She said. Meg was only winded from stress and getting punch by Surge a little.

Meg told Max about what happened with her and Larry and filled her in on Virus's return.

"Huh, must be our first time fighting him. I was busy fighting my own villains when Virus struck. Tara and Bibi were hanging out. Bibi was touring Tara on the area while also experiencing the new environment for the first time. They saved the day with Jessie. Now he strikes back, stronger than ever. But his consciousness can't really be destroyed. He can only be reprogrammed. But he has too much hack score to let anyone break the code."

Meg looked at Max, "So essentially, you are saying we are fighting an immortal being?" Max shrugged, "Kinda I guess...though he requires basic mechanical items to operate." Meg sighed, "I guess Surge was infected by Virus."

Max rubbed her head solemnly, "I guess he was after all. No wonder Rico was suspicious of Surge."

Max turned her head to face Meg, "Hey, I never thought I say this...but..."

Meg looked at Max and raised and eyebrow.

Max smiled, "Thanks, you really are a hero!"

Meg smiled as she looked up. "I wonder what's going on with Larry right now?" She thought.


Surge came to an unused engineering room and repaired himself. "I'll strike soon." Rico said as he entered from the door Surge was surprised to see Rico hear but nodded and told Rico to repair him.
It felt oddly odd for Rico but he did it anyways.

        "How do we get this virus out of us?"

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