Chapter 9: Sleep

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Brawlers that are awake:

Poco(cos he's a skelly)

"Oh my god ohmygod! What happened." Max asked frantically. Mortis looked around and noticed something, "I appears that all the throwers survived..." Mortis walked towards Tick sweated profusely as Mortis leaned in. Sprout came in and pushed Mortis away, but he glared at the robot plant.

Seeing this, Sprout moved away and let Mortis stare at Tick. Max rolled her eyes and came over, "Mortis! Stop fooling around and tell me what's going on!"
"I don't know! I don't know what's going on..."
Mortis replied hastily as he walked into the sunset. "But I do know one thing..." Max raised her eyebrow, "Everyone's alive." Max was more hopeful after hearing this, "How do you know tho, there could have been venom in it..." Max mumbled. Mortis turned, "I can sense the human heartbeat! Are you stup- wait I forgot you are a normal human." Max brightened up as an idea struck her. She ran towards Larry and searched for his phone.

After rummaging a while, checking every pocket and hiding spot, Max couldn't find anything. "He doesn't have a phone! My plans are ruined."

Darryl was seating beside Penny as she continued laying down, motionless. Darryl sighed, "Why did we come here in the first place? It was for curiosity was it not?"

Pam was crying as Jessie was laying on her lap, "She's dead! She's dead." Max looked at Pam a with a look of confusion, "Can't you check her heartbeat?" Pam did so reluctantly but realised she was actually alive. "Oh! She's still alive, just knocked a state of sleep."

As Pam said this, a large bubble formed on Sandy's nose. It popped and everyone had seen it as it woke Sandy up. "Huh? What happened? Why's everyone sleeping..." Sandy asked drowsily as he sat down in a cross legged position stretching and scratching his head.

Poco was busy tuning his guitar when Edgar and Stu came rushing to Max, "Just outta do stuff."

Max was still trying her luck in finding a communications device. "Kid, would you mind helping me find a communications device like a phone or something?" Edgar came to Larry and rolled his eyes, "I'm not a kid-Ugh...Whatever." Edgar used his scarf and hands to take all the gadgets out as Stu did the same. After the two picked everything out, Edgar found a metal square he examined it but place it down after. "Hey nerd! We're done with your boring stuff!"

Max frowned at the comment but went with it anyways. She examined the stuff on the floor. There that square from before, bottle liquid, a combat knife, a small microphone, a few test tubes, some batteries, a clipboard and pens...a lot of pens. Edgar picked up the microphone and examined it, "Yo, does he rap or sing? Why's this here?"

Max looked at the microphone in Edgar's hands. The microphone had a more circular shape for the speaker and a short handle. When Edgar talked into the microphone, four arrows appeared on the top of him. He quickly placed the microphone back.

Max read the clipboard's notes as she flipped through the virtual pages. "There's loads of info here...even the attack of Virus! Guys look at this!" Stu, Edgar and Mortis came to Max's side and watched the clipboard.

"Shelly's spread-fire shotgun blasts the other team with buckshot. Her super destroys cover and keeps her opponents at a distance!"

Mortis looked at the page and replied, "This is exactly the same as the description Shelly has. Does this guy stalk us or what?"
Max looked at Larry and continued reading,

"Theory: It is believed that there are many other universes with Brawl Stars characters...including one that may be our next enemy in a million years time...The name given to it due to info was: Starr Park.Inc Superstar corp."

The brawlers looked at each other, "Creepy." Max gave the clipboard to Mortis and continued searching for a phone.

There was the square that Edgar had before. Max picked it up and looked for any buttons. She found line holes into the sides. As she looked more and more, she decided to use it like the clipboard, swiping her hand upwards.

"Access denied, if you think I can't see you, I can, you are not Larry." The square chanted with a more exciting metallic tone. Max flinched at the sudden speaking of a robot and stood dumbfounded. "Speak to me intruder." Max quickly replied back saying, "I-We aren't intruders. We are Larry's friends! If your commander or something can hear this, we brawlers are trapped on the planet Larry was fighting on. After fighting a giant mechanical scorpion, we are severely exhausted and need help!"

The square stayed silent for a while, "Hey! Are you there?" Max asked, slowly losing hope. "Am I going insane or what? Now I'm hallucinating talking squares!" The square spoke again,

"Okay, I believe you. And no you are not hallucinating. I'm a smart AI companion, I'm Larry's communications device and advisor. My brothers include Larry's sword, his machine gun and other captains' AI companions. I have sent the message to HQ, expect rescue soon. There should be a base nearby with supplies, you should try getting everyone there. Never know when a wearten can strike. Also there are earthquakes. So be careful."

"What? Earthquakes?" Max turned to Mortis, "Mortis! Earthquakes happen here! Get everyone to the base at frontal west! There should be survivors there!"
The 12 brawlers started getting everyone to safety, carrying or pulling brawlers to the base which was close by.

The soldiers in the base recognise the brawlers and let them in. They had to walk to the base behind the scorpion base for a quick route, the Weartens retreated due to the risk of loosing their weapons again and also their new, "friends"

Max was continuing to haul Surge up to the base, "Buddy! Huff... Why, huh, are you SO! Huff-heavy!" Max thought of an idea. She took out an energy drink and refilled Surge. He woke up saying, "Whoaaaaaa!" As he aimed his hand everywhere. Max shook her head as she explained. She told Surge to help out. The duo had a quick boost in mobility due to Surge being able to fly.

After a few rounds, Surge came to Max and asked, "Mortis asked if anyone had took Leon and 8-bit in...were they there when you guys were finding Larry's phone?" Max had a sudden burst of worry, she told Surge to check the base and rushed to the site herself.

As she skidded to a halt, she saw Bo sitting on a rock, " alright?" Bo was looking at the sunset as he sighed, not looking to Max's direction, "Leon's gone, he wasn't with us when fighting the scorpion. He is still loss somewhere...but I've looked for him at the previous location, nothing. I've called him, nothing. I shouted his name, nothing. We have lost two people today, one being my son, the other being the arcade robot." Max nodded her head solemnly and slowly walked away.

Max understood the pain Bo felt. When virus took control of Surge, her best friend, seeing him follow commands with no emotion is pain to her. Now that Leon was gone, Bo felt empty, having lost his child. Not to mention that Nita has never been so stressed before.

Max sighed as she entered the base. "Vibrations add up to an earthquake occurring soon, please make sure everyone's on board." Max widened her eyes after hearing that,
                "Bo! He's still out there!"

The Brawl For The Galaxy: Book 2- Brawl Stars Sci-Fi Fanfiction (OC story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя