Chapter 3: The Dragon Breach

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As the brawlers continue down the dark hallway, dimly lit by the glowing scales, they came across many rooms. Some were collapsed, others still intact, the brawlers did not explore them.

While Leon travelled through the hallway, he noticed many glass cells. All were unlocked. Seeing this made him feel uneasy, "Let's hope whatever escaped are nice creatures..." Leon murmured. "Keep your guard up, don't know whether any beast or alien would wanna pounce us." Belle advised, while aiming her rifle around. Everyone prepared their weapons and stayed close.

As they continued after the path, they came to a T-junction. Bo and Carl collected a few scales and scattered them. More scales brightened on the left side, so they collected the scales on the right and proceeded on. The path stopped at a collapsed door. Jacky cursed out loud after noticing this, "What the *drill* is that? I ain't getting rid of that *drill*" The scales balance  on gaps and protruding debris.

As more teleported on to the debris, the brawlers were discussing about ways to clear the pathway. After a short discussion, most came to the solution of Dynamike being the one to blow the path up. They gathered the scales and watched as Dynamike grabbed his barrel which was packed full of explosives.

Brawlers hid behind walls to avoid being hurt without reason. "This is gonna attract monsters for sure!" Bea fretted. Sprout made his sad sound quietly.

Dynamike marched towards the debris and cracked, "Hee Hee!" Dynamike started spinning as the barrel of explosives slid of his hands. He threw the barrel at the wall of debris and ran away. The wall blew up and it uncovered a large room with many round canister-like objects. The brawlers scattered the scales and they continued going in.

The canister-like objects were revealed to be generators. The scales continued leading the group and they stopped at a dead end. Ash huffed without thinking and started complaining, "We came all the way here just to find pure rubbish! Nah I'm done!" He started walking away.

Ruffs tried to stop him but Belle shook her head. She moved Ruffs aside and called Jessie over. She noticed one of the scales had teleported to the top of what seemed to be an electric box. "We can do this!" Jessie squealed, having an opportunity to help the greatest heist master ever. "Yup, you got a job to do." Belle chuckled as Jessie ran over to the electric box.

It was connected to more electrical boxes. However, only one of the electrical boxes had a scale on top. Jessie opened the box and started looking through the wires. Belle opened another and realised it was all set. "One fuse is missing! Just one. We may need to find it...but the scales made not be leading us." Belle nodded and picked the scales up. And scattered it. Some started teleporting to different positions. It formed a word after, "Cell 601.D" it reads.

Carl came forward and examined, "It's asking us to look for this cell, it's probably in there..." 8-bit had his smiling pin on his face. He jumped in the air and created smiles in his eyes, "It's just like in the video games! Let's find that fuse!" Rico pat his friend's head, "That may not always be good." 8-bit's screen became a "Mission Failed" sign and he played the fail theme. "Hey! That doesn't mean its bad either! Chill dude." Brock reassured. 8-bit had his usual face again as the group started off looking for the cell.

The group came to a large room with many hallways. Belle came forward and briefed, "Alright here's the plan, all the trios will be partnered with another trio. We be in groups of six. Because some of us had not met up with our other trio mates yet, we will stick together. Then we'll split to find this cell. The scales don't seemed to be working for now." There were some murmurs and then silence. "Okay Belle, sounds good."

The list:

Wild west with Shaman
Old town with Biologists
Pirate with Junker
Shower with Giftshop
Arcade with Retropolis
Hero with Mystic
Miner with Starr Force, Goldarm,
Stu Buzz and Ash, stays in the room.

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