Chapter 17: Experiment [Redacted] Log: 4- Finale

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"Okay, we first need to hide somewhere, then I can take those trackers off you two." Cam explained. Leon widened his eyes, "We had trackers on this whole time? No wonder I couldn't escape, they were always tailing me!" Cam raised his screen displayed eyebrow and shrugged.

They managed to get into a side room and Cam was busy ripping out the trackers. Nanites came out from his arm and latched on to tiny square contraptions on Leon's neck. It stung a little but not that much. The nanites did the same for 8-bit, who did not flinch a little at all.

Cam stretched his arms and motioned, "We gotta get going, it won't be lo-" a soldier grabbed his neck from behind and pulled him on the floor. Leon gasped as he watch the scene.

However, loads of the nanites flowed from Cam's arms again and latched themselves on the soldier's arms. They pulled him down, making loose his grip on Cam and letting the camera bot stabbed him in the back with a dagger.

"Rude." Cam chided. He proceeded out the room expecting some soldiers running towards them. Instead of doing fancy moves, he just took out a pistol and shot all of them. Killing all five soldiers. "Those were grunts, they aren't train in sword deflection." Leon scratched his head and continued on.

"You guys are brawlers right? Summon your weapons to defend yourself." Cam requested. 8-bit got a little frustrated for some reason, "We would if we could! But we can't!"
"Pretty please?" Cam cajoled. 8-bit slapped him in the screen and raged, "Did you not hear me? We can't!" Leon grabbed 8-bit's arm and told him to calm down. 8-bit turned away and continued marching forward.

Cam felt his screen and frowned aggressively, "So tell me why you can't just defend your own a**es?" Cam snapped. Leon noticed his change of emotion and quickly explained, "No! No! Uhh...8-bit's not himself at the moment! We can't use our weapons because they injected a serum on us! Please don't mind 8-bit!" 8-bit grunted at the comments. Cam nodded slowly. "We'll then, just take my sidearms as self defence weapons." Cam snarled bitterly.

Leon accepted them and gave one to 8-bit. The load of the journey for the exit was silent, occasionally some kills, and a tense atmosphere.
Wingleton got up and healed his beak with healing tools. Cross ran towards him from behind, "What the hell man! Why'd you let the boy go? Only the arcade machine was suppose to escape! Not the boy! Argh!" Cross bellowed.

Wingleton shook his head, "The boy was too smooth, slipped out of my grasp. And Cam had his microbots to help." Cross huffed and ran towards the direction of the escapists, occasionally checking cameras on his clipboard.

Wingleton got up and proceeded to get his boss.
As Leon ran, he noticed 8-bit was becoming more and more aggressive by the day, and a rising suspicion that 8-bit was not on their side.

Cam decided to break the silence of jogging and spoke, "You guys will need to take some equipment off the barracks, I only have a set with me: Space Traveller Boots, Oxygen Skin, and a Gravitational Gyroscope. There must be some in the barracks area, get two sets and some weapons before coming back here."

Leon nodded quickly. Cam gave Leon a map, "Meet me near the exit, you should know where it is if you tried escaping before. If you see any wearten that has a badge, try to run. Silver badges may still put up a good fight, stay alert." Leon nodded as he waited for 8-bit. "What are you waiting for? Go! 8-bit stays with me. His too slow to catch up."

Leon went away before 8-bit slapped Cam again, this time, Cam slapped him back.

"Okay, the barracks should be...are there it is." Leon found the way to the barracks and quickly reached his designation. He looked at the signs and found the 'equipments' section. There were some soldier patrolling, so he kept himself stealthy.

Due to past experience of stealing things in Brawltopia, he could hide from others decently well. But this time, this time there was things threatening his life.

Leon reached the equipment section but there was a solider that walked from behind and bumped into him. The soldier was on a phone and quickly looked around. "Must have been the wall." He walked away, continuing his call.

Leon's heart was thumping out of his chest as he sat down for a bit to calm down. He got up again and went to the inside of the equipments store. He grabbed the required labeled materials, as well as a few light weapons. The Oxygen Skin and Gravitational Gyroscopes were rather light. But the boots posed a little weight problem. The weapons were hung on a belt that Leon got and he was ready to go.

Leon exited the room only to meet a soldier in the door way. He bumped into the figure and looked up. A barrel was in between his eyes as a light brightened. Instinct told him to kick the gun aside and run. So he did.

Leon kicked the weapon and it fired another side. The soldier grunted and swung at Leon with his rifle. Leon dodged back and quickly ran below the soldier's arm while he recovered from the swing.

Leon made a break for it, but the boots were too heavy. A siren started playing and the soldier was about to fire again. Leon got behind a wall as a beam directed it self onto the ground and charring it.

Leon took some time to think as adrenaline and blood circulated at lightning speeds. "Wait, if the sirens on, I wouldn't have to worry about the sound that I make because everyone's already after me!" Leon praised himself before putting on the rocket boots. He also wore the Oxygen Skin and Gravitation Gyroscope.

"This feels incredible!" Leon shouted as he flew out of the barracks. The hallway was wide enough for risky flying so Leon decided to fly only when necessary. He already had a large boost in advantage on not being captured and was proceeding to the exit.

Cam was waiting patiently at the side as he watch a flying green dot come closer and closer. "Hey. Hey! HEY!" Cam ducked before Leon crashed into him. Leon stopped rocketing and managed to land smoothly.

Cam smiled, "You learnt quickly, do you have what we need?" Leon nodded as he scattered the set for 8-bit. The boots did not fit 8-bit so he only used the Gravitational Gyroscope and Oxygen Skin.

Cam proceeded to the outside. It was the same place Leon had been caught a day ago. However, they entered from the side this time and the shutters was fully closed. "Why can't we use escape pods?" Leon questioned.

Cam shook his head, "That just paints a big target on us. The pods can only be used by certain people. When someone that isn't allowed is using the escape pod, a security drone would shoot it. However, it can only detected up to certain speeds and size. If we are the flying objects, it would not recognised us as a physical entity as we are too small for the scanner."

8-bit added, "That's dumb." Cam chuckled, "By the way, there's also turrets to watch out for. The pods get scanned and shot. You were kinda lucky to not escape your first time through here Leon. And they also wanted you alive."

Leon was a little worried about how many things are here to kill him. "We should get going then." Leon ended. Cam grabbed 8-bit and flew up into the air. They were preparing to leave when a beam struck Cam. He loss consciousness and fell out of the air, leaving 8-bit to drop. Leon quickly grabbed 8-bit and fired behind him with his pistols. There was that wearten in that blue suit again, with that stupid glove and pistol, again.

Leon was about to shoot when Cam woke up and flipped in mid air. The suited wearten was about to use the glove when nanites latched on and pulled his arms down. The other weartens started shooting but Cam started breakdancing and dodge everything as he threw a metal disc towards Leon's side.

The suited wearten broke free and when he was about to use the glove, Cam suddenly teleported away and teleported next to the disc. He grabbed it and rocketed away. Leon quickly followed. The suited wearten was out of range and he cursed.
But then he smiled sinisterly,
"Let's wait for the show."

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