Chapter 5: Warzone

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As the Star Cruiser zoomed towards the next planet, some brawlers were talking while other brawlers slept. Lou was trying to communicate with Tick, Leon and 8-bit were sleeping, Colonel Ruffs driving the ship, but is also close to sleeping, and etc.

Lou blinked at Tick. Tick blinked back. The two were using all sorts of methods to talk to each other. They settled with texting as Tick could still text with his cannon hands.(don't ask how)

UncleLou: I wonder what the planet's like?
Bomboi: I heard Shelly saying something about strange signals...
UncleLou: Did you hear what they said were the strange signals?
Bomboi: No...all I know is that we are finding this guy called Larry...
UncleLou: You know who he is?
Bomboi: Negative. I don't think we were there when he was on earth or something.

While the two were texting, 8-bit was busy trying to recuperate from the amount of battery he used for such a slow walker. Strangely, 8-bit had a dream...

"What? Where am I..." 8-bit thought as he examined the black surroundings. "Am I dreaming? Robots don't dream, not yet anyway..." the arcade bot thought as he walked forwards. The darkness felt denser, harder to push through. 8-bit tried shouting, "Hey!" Instead of his usual 8-bit voice, this time it sounded more glitchy and there was a sting in his voice. He quickly covered his screen mouth before waking up back to the real world.

Rico was still asleep while Brock was in the restroom. 8-bit glanced at Brock as came out of the restroom. Brock noticed this and shouted from across, "Hey 8-bit! Wanna come party? Me and Surge hosted one when Ruffs said he needed a break."

8-bit looked at the colonel as he was sound asleep. "I guess it wouldn't hurt if I joined right?" 8-bit said as he followed Brock into the disco room. Surge was rapping out vocals while many brawlers danced and drank beverages. 8-bit wasn't much of a dancer, so he just grabbed a cup of battery acid and stood at the side while many brawlers danced.

8-bit was trying to get the thought out of his mind, but he couldn't help thinking what the dream was about. Gale was standing beside 8-bit, he looked at him and realised that 8-bit wasn't pouring the battery acid into himself(that's how robots drink). Instead he was pouring it on the ground. Gale asked 8-bit after observing this, "You look restless friend, are you alright?" 8-bit snapped out of his daydream and immediately stopped pouring battery acid on the ground. "Sorry, bit tired recently..." 8-bit replied as he got lemon juice and cleaned the battery acid of the ground.

The Star Cruiser was on autopilot and driving towards the planet, they closed distance on a solar system. There seem to be other ships flying towards the different planets. Some brawlers were waking up and glancing outside the window. Lou woke up and looked outside the window. "Gosh golly! Look at that Tick!" Lou exclaimed as another spacecraft came closer. Tick came to the window due to Lou's reaction. Seeing the ship, Tick made his scared sound. Lou smiled as he reassured. "Don't worry friend! I'm sure they are frien-" the ship started firing lasers.
The music is by Ben Prunty, all rights go to him. I'm just adding the music since it sounds cool. (The following battle is based on the game FTL)

The lasers hit the ship and a siren started playing. Ruffs awoke in a jerk while everyone in the disco room fell over. "Woah! Their hostile!" Lou shouted as he ducked while the lasers collided with the ship. "It's an ambush!" Ruffs shouted as he went full speed and blasted away. 8-bit hit his head at the wall and yelped, "I guess it did hurt!"

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