Chapter 33: Priority

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Disclaimer: Suicide Bombing

Surge, Rico, 8-bit, Leon, Bibi, Jessie, Piper, Cam and Larry walked in a line, towards the two distressed villains.

Virus sighed and came forwards as he controlled his spear arms to act as shields. Zod reloaded and turned his laser cutter on.

Zod heard a message: 1 light-jump away. Hold on."
"Zod -Oridrod here, we are facing resistance, arrive swiftly."

The brawlers and fighters stopped in a line as 8-bit, Jessie, Piper and Larry readied to fire. Virus gulped and held ground as he winced.

8-bit placed down his turret as bullets came flying towards Virus. Surge jumped up into the air and started gliding towards Zod while Leon went invisible and Bibi charged forward. Cam charged to the side to flank and readied to change his blade to a claymore sword.

Virus blocked the bullets as he soaked up the pain, moving backwards. Zod took Virus as cover and fired while behind him.

He saw Bibi coming closer and fired at her first but she dodged. Virus then used on of his leg arms to quickly swipe her away. Surge came down from the air and tackled Zod. The weight made the wrestling fight uneven. Zod struggled to push him away but managed to slash Surge with his laser. Surge backed up as he readied his sword.

Before the two could continue, Leon appeared out of thin air and threw spinner blades at Zod who slipped and fell just to dodge them. Microbots swarmed behind Zod as Cam appeared. He grabbed Zod by the back of his shirt and threw him towards Virus. Who stumbles from the hit and falls down. The shooters stopped firing and came over. Piper stood behind just in case.

Virus groaned as he stood up uneasily, systems sizzling. Jessie fired a shot and Virus took it, kneeling down in pain. Zod was laying on the ground as he slowly backed away from Cam. He aimed his revolver but Leon kicked it away. Cam stepped on his leg and made sure to break it.

He screamed in pain as he clutched his leg. Cam looked at him sadistically and readied to do an execution.

Larry aimed his pistol at Virus's head as he gasped and looked towards Larry. His mechincal arms twitched and turned and he couldn't move swiftly without getting shot. Piper aimed for his head as well.

Cam looked at Zod sinisterly, "You'll pay for betraying your empire. You're are a disgrace to the Enicolliens. Prepare to die."

Cam was about to send his sword down into his chest...
Larry was about to pull the trigger...


But...the escort ship suddenly arrived! A door from the side unlocked and fired at all the people they saw, except for Zod and Virus. They came down closer to the two and hurriedly fished them out of the groups of fighters. Virus came in first and followed by Zod. But before Zod could enter, the brawlers together with Cam and Larry all fired or attacked with their ranged weapons.

"We gotta go."

The ship prepared to jump away at light speed but...Zod was still holding on. He was still holding on to Virus's arm...

Piper shot one last shot in anger as the projectile collided with Virus's shoulder and he was knocked back into the ship.

The sudden force flung Zod backwards as he struggled to process the situation. In a split second, the ship disappeared, leaving Zod, falling.


Virus POV

Owwww, my shoulder...I'm...I'm paralysed for real now...
I felt my arm and realised that something was missing...


I turned my still movable head to the pilot and shouted, "W-we have to ret-turn for Zod! He's too go-go-ood to loose!" The pilot seemed to shake his head. What? Why did he do that?

"You're more important. We gotta get our priorities straight. If we go back for him while withstanding that much damaged, we are sure to go down and the package would go down too." The pilot said sternly. "Package? What package?" I asked. The pilot sighed, "YOU ARE THE PACKAGE. IF YOU DON'T ALREADY KNOW, YOUR BODY IS NOT FOR YOU, ITS FOR OUR EMPIRE. NOW YOU HAVE FAILED US, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO FOLLOW OUR ORDERS AND HAVE NO QUETIONS ASKED!" I was taken aback and decided to look back at the planet from a small window. I guess I'll never have any true friends huh...Zod's gone...what will I do?

Normal POV

Zod fell down as he tried to process what happened. He turned and tried to fly but he already landed on the ground. He felt his ribs shattered and he couldn't move. "Gaaaaaah!" He shouted and turned around. He felt his ribs and knew it was broken. Taking out a needle, he prepared to jab himself with it. But he realised that Larry was coming towards him, with the others, so he hid it behind his back and acted as if his arms were broken.

Larry stood in front of him and pointed his sword to his throat. "You'll escape for the last time." Zod only laughed, "I know! But at least I'll die...I'll die with someone else. The weartens would be proud of that wouldn't they?" Larry was confused but continued pointing his sword into his throat. Zod silently injected himself with the needle and when Larry noticed this, he gasped and immediately stabbed his throat.

Zod breathe for air as he got up, neck slit. Larry backed away, "What the hell did you inject into yourself?" Zod smiled crazily as he turned on all his explosive grenades and coughed. "I don't feel alive anymore! Hahaha!" He tackled Larry while the grenades ticked.

Larry gasped in panic as he tried to kick Zod away. Bibi saw this and shouted, "He's a ticking time bomb!" She rushed to help Larry as the mad lad continued laughing.

Bibi charged as she went in for a home run hit. "Homerun!" She hit Zod away so hard he rolled back like a bowling ball. He looked at Larry and shouting one last word: "No-" Before bursting into a large explosion with different deadly colours. Acid, electricity and fire was everywhere, Zod, no where to be found.

Larry placed his arms over his eyes to shield them as he saw the explosion. He was panting constantly as he looked at Bibi. "Hey kid, thanks so much. You saved my life...I owe you one." Bibi scoffed, "Don't mentioned it. The brawlers gazed at the colourful explosion and was shocked at the way Zod reacted.

"Must have been some crazy serum." Cam commented. Larry nodded, "It was some sort of painkiller or body function disabling thing. He was walking towards with a freaking slit throat!" The explosion cleared and the laser cutter that was once on Zod, now landed in front of all the brawlers. Miraculously, it was undamaged. Larry scratched his head and took out a transparent bag, carefully placing it into the bag and placing it into his jacket.

Their silence was interrupted before long as Larry got a call, "Larry! This is Bob here, our defences are down! More ships have suddenly arrived! We don't have much time. Soldiers are fleeing in their ships, taking hideouts, we have to abandon this planet! Records show the entire planet is getting swarmed!" Larry was breathing hard when hearing the news.

Bob came back on the phone after shouting some commands, "I'll be coming down with a transport ship. Tell all your brawlers to gather, we really gotta go!"

Larry shouted for someone to call everyone, "Someone call the injured brawlers to the arena! Tell them to go where they last were when fighting Virus and go through the hole! Quickly, we got another problem!" Larry was purely anxious now.

"We got a reeeeaaaal big problem now."

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