Chapter 31: Betrayal's Rescue

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Larry could feel more anger burning in him. He got up to his feet and sprayed his wound. The bullet fell to the ground. Larry drew his sword as he faced Surge and Rico.

Zod smiled, "Get them. He directed his arm forward as he reloaded. Larry prepared to block them but they went behind to defend Virus and attacked the brawlers.

Surge pounced on Brock as he rocket jumped away. Colt fired but Surge punched him to the side. Surge them started to do a combo of attacks as he hit some injured brawlers. "Fall back! We have too many injured!" Poco and Pam yelled as the brawlers pulled other injured brawlers out of battle. Surge turned to see Rico attacking Leon's group.


Zod hopped back as Larry skated forward to attack. "Using melee aye? Sure then." Zod took out a small roomba like object and placed it on his wrist. He confidently stepped towards Larry, "Come one then!"

The detective did quick slices mid and at the head but a dim red laser parried them. Larry stepped back, "What the hell is that?"

Zod laughed, "Oh I've been wanting to use this for so long." He looked at Larry and replied, "Cost a bunch for me, this unique laser cutter was the top item sold in the black market. It's unlike any anyone has seen before."

He went into a stance, pushing his right hand forward and letting his left hand hold his gun, aiming downwards.

"Care to find out what it does?"

Larry gritted his teeth as he charged up his blade. "Not really." He answered. He sliced up, then down and did that consecutively. Blue energy waves formed from the blade and the harder Larry swung, the more deadly the waves.

Zod placed his laser cutter arm like a shield and the two lasers formed as they spun like a racing wheel. The waves were blocked by the laser shield and Zod spun himself before aiming the shield for an arched throw.

He threw the shield and it hit Larry. He blocked it with all his might as he was pushed backwards. Zod took the time and fired at Larry. But 8-bit came in with his turret as he tanked the shot with it. He placed down the turret and fired at Zod. The dragon dodged to the side and fired once again. 8-bit countered by shooting out the bullet.

Larry finally managed to push the laser shield away as it flew back to Zod's arm. "Not bad." Zod replied.

8-bit turned to Larry, "You're on your own now." He ran towards Virus and prepared to fire.

Virus was recovering as he looked around. He saw 8-bit coming towards him. "Shit. Someone please help?"

Rico was firing his gun as his head turn 360 degrees. He then turned his body and started running towards 8-bit. He took out a knife and stab his neck. Rico used his starpower to overdrive his systems and he moved increasingly fast. 8-bit didn't notice the robot running towards him.

8-bit was about to fire at Virus but a blue and purple figure launched themselves at the arcade owner. 8-bit was knocked into the side as he rag dolled. He crashed into a wall looked up. Rico was in front of him, damaged but moving incredibly fast.


Virus breathed a sigh of relief as he took the opportunity to escape. He grabbed the back wall and ripped it out, revealing the thunderstorm outside. He got up to his feet, and manually started running out of the building. His arms retracted, and the Infector slowly escaped.

Virus POV

Run. Run. Run. I felt so much pain. They shouldn't have added that. But it's a consequence of using galactic life force. I tripped by accident and fell down into the muddy grass. The droplets of rain trickled down on me as I looked back at the building. I was saved. I was saved by him. I need to thank him later. The weartens would be so mad that they may kill me. But whatever. I never thought I do this but. I talked into a walkie talkie that was in my coat the whole time. "Initiate backup plan: B...I'm sorry I failed you guys. Bring this up to him. He knows what to do in the backup plan. Escort me out of here. Most of the brawlers are injured and I got three guys on my side...I don't know how long they would last."

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