Chapter 28: Virus's Landing

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Virus's mechanical arms had incredible reflexes as he blocked Larry's blade, which was emitting sparks from colliding with the metal. 8-bit used his new speed to run from the flanks and fire at Virus, but he blocked the bullets with his other middle arm.

"That all you got?" He smirked. The bottom two arms charged up some sort of core in its center at the head near the clamps. The two arms slammed and clamped onto the ground, digging itself into the earth and creating vibrations. Larry was knocked off, 8-bit held his ground and the other brawlers started aiming and preparing.

Virus used his bottom arms which now act as legs and start moving upwards. His steps made the planet shook. He took a step and grabbed Larry before throwing him into the wall of the building. 8-bit reloaded as he looked down to his gun. Virus turned and swung at him. Before 8-bit could react, a metal snake knocked him in the face and he hit the wall too.

Leon felt that Virus looked inspired... "He looks like Doctor Octopus from Spider-Man..." he thought.
(Yes Virus is a reference to Doc Ock.)
Leon was snapped out of his thoughts when a mechanical arm swooped at them. He was hit at the waist and rolled to the side. "Gah...that hurt...a lot." He got up and saw another three arms flying towards them.

One of the arms grabbed Frank, but he resisted and pulled the arm instead. Virus grunted in annoyance and pulled back his arm. He used the momentum to launch Frank like an insect. Frank landed on the ground, flat on his face, so he had an injury in his face. But he kept going.

Many brawlers started firing, projectiles flew everywhere, making it difficult to manoeuvre around. Leon assisted too as he stepped beside Colt, who was currently shooting a bullet storm.

Virus blocked from the front as projectiles bounced off. Belle's shot and Jessie's shot hit one arm but it went into the arm and disappeared. The brawlers spread their fire to his legs and arms and Virus was having a hard time trying to block everyone.

8-bit and Larry had recovered as they aimed and fired from the back. This caught him by surprise and some of the rounds hit his wrist and elbow. He growled and moved forwards quickly, all the while blocking. His mechanical legs and arms blocked everything and soon reached his wanted angle.

His top two arms surged forward and grabbed another two brawlers. The projectile made it hard to make out who it is. Both were slammed onto the ground where the brawlers were before the arms swooped to the sides, tripping most of the brawlers. Virus used the time when the brawlers were disoriented to grab onto the building behind them.

He clung onto the edge and retracted his top two arms. "Oooh new weapons! Let's try them out. Virus took out his laser pistol and his top two mechanical arms opened their clamps to have four surfaces, like a mouth. The core/light in the middle glowed and a ball of light formed on the light.

He fired his pistol as he rained death from above. The two arms fired projectiles of light and hit some brawlers. The fight went on as the two returned fire at each other. Byron and Pam were having a difficult time trying to heal all the brawlers.

While Virus was distracted, Larry climbed a ladder to the building and went on level with Virus. He drew his assault rifle and switched it to a machine gun on a bipod. Larry chuckled and aimed his gun towards Virus. He pressed the trigger and a spread of accurate bullets came out towards Virus.

His reflexes managed to allow him to block the bullets due to adapting to the ambush tactics. 8-bit placed down his turret with the brawlers and fired his gadget.

Virus realised that they weren't going to leave until something changes. He was getting suppressed on. It's just bullets after bullets. He used one of his arms and grabbed a brawler by random. He held the brawler up high and the other brawlers stopped firing.

The brawler that has been grabbed was Spike. Who was not struggling and just stood in the grasps of the clamp. "I have one of you hostage now! You will stop shooting!" Virus was threatening to kill Spike but Spike was charging up a attack as he readied to launch spikes from all around his body.

Virus was about to smile when he felt motion in his arm. He turned to look at Spike who had used his gadget. Spike still had a smile as he slammed a spike bomb on his arm clamp to finish it off. Virus dropped Spike onto the ground, in which Rosa caught him in her thorny gloves.

Virus looked at his arms as he felt his organic left hand. He growled, "I'll get you later." He used his arms to pull himself away as the brawlers stared at him with frowns of disgust...

Virus was moving away but looked at his jacket. He felt something inside and took a grenade out from his jacket. He smiled evilly and pressed the button. The timer went off and a small sounding beep was constant. He chucked it into the brawlers in which he heard screaming and then an explosion. He moved away as the flames engulfed the background behind him.

Leon was knocked back as he fell to the ground from the explosion. He got up without being wounded but he saw a horrifying scene.

Multiple tanky brawlers were severely injured and lots of other brawlers had injuries that were bad enough to stop them from fighting. Leon gulped, knowing that he was lucky not to be hurt like this.

8-bit came running over to the middle as he saw Brock, who was caught in the blast in a closer vicinity. Blood was trickling from the side of his head and his arms and torso were dappled in blood. He was still conscious due to brawlers being more resistant to deadlier threats.

8-bit kneel to the side of his friend, "Don't worry...I'll be fine. We're all still alive...but we won't last long on the battlefield." 8-bit glared at Virus as his eyes glowed cyan. From his visor, it was obvious he was pissed off, very pissed off.

He got up as he summoned his gun. He reloaded. And walked towards the building. Brock looked up to look at 8-bit. Knowing his friend well, he knew very well what he was up too, "8-bit...8-bit I know what you want to do...come back here! You'll get yourself killed! Get ba-" 8-bit ran away, leaving Brock in speechless.

Larry came from above and glanced at the brawlers. He huffed as he dashed into the building without letting brawlers see him. He will take care of this himself.

Colt, Jessie, Bibi, Leon, Nita, Dynamike, Piper, Pam and Byron were mostly unharmed and were only winded due to the shock from the blast. Colt was helping Shelly, Bibi was helping Bull, Jessie was repairing Nani, and Dynamike was trying to help Jacky and Carl. Leon and Nita sat near Bo and were trying to help heal him too. He was still conscious but his right arm was bleeding badly.

Multiple mildly injured brawlers were helping lethally injured brawlers.

The Mexican entertainers and the hero duo came from a evaluator and when they saw the scene, they came running, "Oh my gosh what happened?" Max asked as she limped over with Meg helping her. Ruffs was rubbing his injured snout with healing oil from Byron. "We were hit by a grenade from Virus."

Max suddenly felt that her injury wasn't as bad as the tanky brawlers. She sat down with them as Poco tuned his guitar to get his super. El primo had managed to get help and removed the sword which disappeared into the wires when it was removed. Amber sat down too as the brawlers slowly recovered up.

This was only the start to something more devastating. How long can they hold off before Virus destroys them all and fulfils his mission?

Author's note: This is part one of Vs Virus.

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