Chapter 44: Tracker

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Larry made his way back to the campsite as everyone recuperated themselves. "Today was a successful mission! Of course, we had casualties...I'm sorry. But we can now find where the weartens are! We can eliminate all of them at once." Some people cheered but it sounded depressing. "Well, you guys can rest. We have a few days until our mission starts. Only a few of us would be going."

Larry returned to his tent and sat down as he looked at the tracker. "We'll be meeting some enemy ships. Let's just hope we make it. Let's see here. He's heading to a stopping point. We'll check if he goes again...ports...bases...stores."

Cam was busy healing Leon up. He had switched his combat mircobots to become medi-bots. Leon felt the tingling sense of the bots healing his skin. Cam was looking at a screen showing Leon's internal systems, "All should be fine."

Leon looked in a mirror as he saw half of his body had scars. They were all healed but the scars would stay for a long time, "You want your scars to be healed?" Cam asked. Leon shook his head as he put on his hood, "I think I look pretty cool...thanks for helping me." Cam did a casual salute, "Anytime."

Leon left the tent and saw people burying their lossed brothers. "You were a good soldier." Leon could hear them saying. He sat down and thought how lucky he must have been to survive. To think that respawning wasn't an option due to the power only working in Brawltopia and Brawltopia only. Earth has been blessed by the powers of brawl stars and those powers will not be abused.

Leon went to bed and rested, night was falling anyway.


The Next Day

The morning chime of the bell sounded everyone up. Larry was standing with a bell the size of his head. He placed the bell down and clapped his hands together, "Had a good rest folks?"

The soldiers shouted foreign language that Leon and the other two couldn't understand. Larry nodded and told the brawlers to go beside him, "These young soldiers would be a great help to us. Yesterday was proof for you."

The soldier shouted the foreign language again.

Leon whispered to Larry, "What are they saying?"
"The native language of their homeplanet. Can't remember the name though."

After some time, the soldiers were dismissed and prepared to return to base.

Many ships arrived as they landed and prepared to make base on Silva.

The soldiers boarded a transport ship and left the planet. The giant spacecraft carrier was still there as it loaded defenses near the planet.



They arrived back on Cladis as they teleported back. Cam stored the tracking data and the coordinates for all the bases found so far in wearten territory.

Larry called the brawlers and some other people along. Cam sat with Larry along with two shield bearers and a rapien with sci-fi binoculars perched on top of his head.

Leon sat opposite Larry. Bibi and 8-bit sat beside Leon. A giant hologram of Bob was there and he was sitting down near Larry as a hologram.

"Alright! Let's discuss our mission. We have placed a tracker on Mark Ealizer and are waiting for him to dock at his base."

The soldiers watched the tracker.


Mark drove his ship forward as he felt an aching pain in his chest, "Failure cannot be tolerated...failure cannot be...will not be tolerated." He repeated. Mark placed his head on the wheel and stayed there a while.

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