Chapter 8: Unwanted Chase

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The scorpion wasted no time chasing them down. It dug its claws into the ground while running. The brawlers had a head start but soon, it caught up.

Squeak turned and started aiming his attacks. "What are you doing Squeak? You're losing speed!" Ruffs asked worriedly.
Squeak squeaked aggressively before throwing 4 shots at the scorpion, each hitting its joints on the claws and a pair of legs. It moved slower due to the stickiness but still moved quick.
"Make a mad dash crew! That stickiness won't last long!"

The brawlers ran as fast as they could, Max using her energy drink.

Larry was watching as Leon and 8-bit went through the portal and disappeared. "That's bad..." he turned to look at the situation for Team B and was caught shocked, "Holly heck! I gotta help them!" He quickly checked the other team and realised they already took over. Larry started running for the door as he busted through the shutters and grabbed onto his drone while flying it at full speed towards the tower.

Gene was inspecting the sand below them as he looked out the balcony. "What's up Gene?" Sandy asked as he walked to the balcony. Gene stared at the sand harder than before. "Do you feel vibrations under the sand?" Sandy closed his eyes, "Gene I don't thi-" Sandy suddenly clutched his chest and felt his head as he fell over. Gene ran towards him while Byron noticed this. "There's...there's a large metal object in the B..." Sandy fell asleep as sweat formed at his forehead. Gene did some magic and heaved a sigh. "It's okay. He just needs to sleep awhile."

Larry suddenly busted through a window and rolled into the brawlers, he stood up frantically and looked around, "Guys! Follow me as fast as you can! Your friends...they are getting attacked by a giant scorpion!" Sandy woke up hearing this. "That's what I thought it was!"

The brawlers rushed up through the floors as Larry quickly managed to get to the upper most floor. He kicked a door opened and took quick glances around the room. He pointed at the spaceship and call for the brawlers to enter.

He slid into the pilot seat easily and charged his gloved hand. Electric currents travelled through the glove so he touched the ship. This gave the ship a charge and it was ready for takeoff. The brawlers buckled their seatbelts as they saw the ship drive into the bland sky.

After flying for a few seconds, they reached the chase of the scorpion. Colt widened his eyes and asked, "You told us it was a scorpion! Not a  metal one!" Larry replied, "No time for that! Everyone! Eject and go help your friends! I'm gonna crash this thing." The brawlers jumped the jet and Larry drove towards the scorpion and full speed.

Before Larry could jumped out, he saw the long metal tail of the scorpion wrap around the ship and grabbed it. "What the..."
Now that the scorpion had covered the exit for Larry, he had no escape. He closed his eyes and focused. When he opened it, he realised everything didn't move anymore. As if time had stopped. He looked at the controls and thought, "This metal scrap..."

Time resumes as Larry turned the jet engines skilfully and blasted out from the scorpion's tail. It screeched before aiming it's naval guns at the ship and firing shots. Larry easily dodged it and saw that the scorpion had went underground. "That's a big problem..."

Belle was running from the scorpion but suddenly, she saw many other brawlers from Team A arriving. Before her thoughts could get to her, the giant metal scorpion appeared in front of her, blocking the way. Trapped, she threw a bear trap at it and slowed it down. She started to dodge gunfire and naval rounds. The scorpion decided to charged her while shooting automatic weapons but Sandy rosed the sand as a wall to protect her. "Go!" The sand boy shouted before sending sand waves at the scorpion.

Jessie fired a few shots and loaded EMP rounds. She aimed at the scorpion's body and fire the electric ball. It hit the body but with no effect. However, it bounced and hit its legs which costed it to deactivate a while. It could still walked and crawl. Jessie tried firing the last few EMP rounds but missed when it dove into the ground. It looked like a shark when it kept half of its body above ground. It dove up and down creating mass vibrations and throwing the brawlers' aim off.

The scorpion extended its tail and grabbed Jessie off her feet. She screamed as she was lifted off the ground and Pam stared at the scorpion with fire in her eyes. She charge the scorpion and used he scrap gun to disable its guns. She threw her turret at the scorpion and damaged it with her star power. Pam then landed a kick the the scorpion's face and continued punching it. Before it could grab the lady, she hopped onto of it and used a crowbar to pry metal platings off before stabbing the insides of the systems. The scorpion dropped Jessie and Pam did a running jump. She caught her daughter and started running.

The scorpion chased them down as it fired some shells towards the group but Sprout created a wall to block the attacks. Brock returned fire as he shot all four of his fire rockets into the scorpion. After that, he added his super on it which disoriented the scorpion. It waved its claws around and caused a sandy hurricane.

When the sand was shifted away by Sandy, Colt came in and started firing his super. It created a hole one of its front eyes. Rico saw this and took chance to fire his gum balls into the eye. The bullets bounced around and damaged its systems. The scorpion screeched so loudly even Buzz needed to cover his ears. The brawlers all had to cover their ears.

Larry came in and fired a beam that overheated the scorpion for a bit, deactivating it for a few seconds. He jumped out from the ship while it was deactivated and it glided towards the scorpion at high speeds. He did a free fall towards the scorpion as he held his sword.

The scorpion grabbed the falling ship without looking, after it activated again and soon realised the other falling object. It raised on its claws to grab Larry and he slammed it with his giant machine gun and continued flying towards its body. Larry landed and saw many brawlers surrounding the scorpion. Throwers were throwing their attacks while heavy weights tanked attacks.

Larry stabbed the scorpion deep into its head but it continued struggling. He the proceeded to attack its tail and called for Dynamike to help. The old miner nodded and threw a big barrel of explosives, which Larry slashed and the explosives scattered. Blowing multiple holes in the scorpion. Larry did one last thing before he ended his attack. Larry stabbed the scorpion's tail, interrupting its systems and shutting its tail down. The ship fell onto the scorpion and crushed it.

Larry jumped off as the sparks of explosions filled the air. He wiped his sweat of as he looked at the crushed scorpion. "Now that that's done, I say w-" the scorpion's tail suddenly came out from the wreckage and sended out a radio signal before shooting small darts in a 360 degree angle. Many brawlers including Larry were hit and everyone fell to the ground unconscious. Only a few shocked brawlers saw this. The scorpion tail rested and stopped moving for real this time.

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