Chapter 11 - My first spell

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"Wait, before we leave we have to find Rayne and get Link and the guys somehow. We can't leave them here." Said Haven. She was right but wasn't it selfish to find our friends and not find a way to get everyone out?

Suddenly I heard something. "Do you hear something? Sounds like crying near the stalls." I said looking in that direction. "We better ignore it. Everyone knows you shouldn't investigate random sounds you hear." Said Haven. "What if it's Rayne?"

"We searched earlier but she wasn't there." She was right but I still went to check. Luckily it was Rayne sitting on the ground crying into her hands. "Rayne! Are you okay? Where were you?" She looked up at my voice and I bent down and hugged her. Haven joined in too and we stayed like that as Rayne cried.

"I was here the whole time." She managed to say as we pulled away. "We checked and didn't see you." Haven told her and she looked at us in confusion. "Let's just find the guys and get out of here okay?" She nodded and we all stood up as she wiped her tears.

We walked toward the circus tent and it was quiet. "Let's just take a peek in." Said Haven and we nodded. The three of us poked our head around the corner and looked inside the tent. It was empty. There was literally nobody in there.

"What? Where did everyone go?" Questioned Rayne. "Do you think they followed Miss Kadakia?" I murmured. "There you are. Where were you?" We jumped slightly at the voice but turned to see the guys. "Where is everyone?" Asked Haven gesturing to the tent.

"I don't know, we left after you guys left." Said Link. "Mew's mom said that demon guy is outside the gate so we're going there." Said Haven. "What about the others?" Asked Larkin. "Our parents will probably figure that out."

We made our way to the gate and I stopped. There was nothing there but when I put my hand out I could feel a solid force. It was literally an invisible wall. "What is it? Why are we stopping?" Asked Rayne. "There's a barrier preventing us from leaving." I explained, stretching out my hand. "Evanescet." I said firmly.

I felt a strong breeze for a few seconds before I moved forward. I didn't feel the wall as I walked through the gateway. "It worked." I said excitedly and Haven clapped. "I'm so proud of you Mew!"

"There you are." A deep voice was heard and I realised it was Dargan's as he stepped out of the shadows. "Where's everyone else?"

"If you're talking about our parents then they're busy fighting that creepy clown." Said Haven. "They'll be fine. Let's go somewhere safe." Commanded Dargan.

"No." Everyone looked at me. "We need to help the other people. They just somehow vanished."

"But it's dangerous Mew." Said Rayne in a small voice. I put my hand on her shoulder. "I know but I'd rather not sit around knowing I could help but I didn't."

"I'm with her." Said Larkin as he stood next to me. Haven nodded. Dargan sighed. "Kyoka is going to be mad but fine. We'll go." I bit back a smile.

When we turned to go back I realised that the barrier was back so I chanted the word again and we walked through the gateway. "Were do we go now?" Asked Rayne. "The circus tent. There must be some kind of secret place they're keeping everyone." Suggested Macon. Dargan led the way back into the tent.

We noticed a small staircase leading to the stage. I stood there afraid to stand on the stage in case it opened and the spikes came out again. "Look there. A trail of blood." Rayne pointed to a trail that stopped just before the wall.

Dargan walked over there and touched the tent wall. "It's solid. There's definitely a door here." He announced. He turned to me. "Do you think you can open it?" I stared at him in shock. "Me? I don't know a spell for that."

"But you have another power. Telekinesis. Focus all your energy into your hand and try opening the door." I gaped at him. Telekinesis? I felt like some superhero instead of a witch but I did what he told me to.

I focused as much energy as I could into my hand and imagined the door opening. It was hard and I was starting to get tired. Dargan stood to the side and pushed the door with his hands and it eventually slid open. I don't know if it was me or him that opened it.

He walked inside with the rest following him. My legs wobbled and I stumbled a bit. I felt so dizzy. A arm wrapped around my waist. "You okay?" Larkin's face was close to mine when he asked. "I think so." I answered as he helped me down the stairs and through the door.


A/n: We made it too 100 reads , I'm so happy !! Thank you for reading and voting <3

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