𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒂 𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒖𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒔

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After Diluc had brought important stuff, you offered to carry his items using your inventory space, which he was a bit reluctant to let you before giving in after a lot of convincing. Now you were at the foot of the mountains, the camp was set and there were quite a lot of adventurers than the game would make out of it. You tried to find Iris, the one that will do the warning and stuff before leading you three to open up the mountain.

It didn't take you that long to see the glasses lady standing and seems to advise with a few adventurers before noticing you approaching her. "Excuse me? Did you want something?" She asked as you smiled.

"I do actually. We would like to scale up the mountains and I could feel the cold from here but I was wondering if there's a place to change our clothes. I really would like to change our clothes to warmer for the weather. I know that injurious weather like these cannot be underestimated." You stated as she looked a bit surprised.

"I see you've thought this through before going here. Impressive. Most adventurers would mindlessly charge in and underestimate the weather." She said as you smiled nervously. "There's a camp near the kitchen here, go there and change your clothes." She pointed at the camp that you don't actually remember being there but well, whatever.

You thanked her before looking at Aether, Paimon, and Diluc. "Now let's get dressed up before ascending. Oh and be sure to have your weapons ready. I have a feeling we might run into a couple of monsters and Fatui people." You warned them as Diluc raised his eyebrows.

"How do you know that we might run into Fatui?" He asked curiously.

"Instinct. Now let's not delay the quicker we end this the better." You replied before you guys went to change your clothes. It wasn't time-consuming as you let out a sigh after they finished changing. "Well, off we go. Bye warmth, hello eternal cold." You stated before entering Dragonspine with the bridge still being intact.

Just a few steps in and you already sneeze due to the cold. "I sometimes forgot, cold and I do not go well." You said before you glanced at where there's supposed to be a Fatui camp. Strangely, they were not there, rather the camp was empty.

"What a huge block of ice... Can you see what's stuck inside?" Paimon stated, looking in awe at the ice but you already know what is stuck inside it.

"Interesting... I guess that this is my part to melt the ice." Diluc stated but before you could say it won't work, he already did it and was surprised by its resistance. Paimon and Aether were also shocked by it and you didn't blame them. "Huh..." Diluc was quite confused before retrying again while Paimon and Aether looked at you who were busy mining the Crimson Rock with you clumsily swinging the claymore also with sneezing bothering you.

"Wait, hold on, Diluc. I'll do this one instead since this ice is rather special." You said, after managing to break the Crimson rock before picking up the crystal and approaching the ice. Now usually these things would circle around you and you only needed to do an attack but it's on physical form and you are holding it.

Perhaps... You threw the crystal at the ice before seeing it was slowly melting.  "This is quite lame if I had to be honest." You murmured to yourself before turning to them. "Try to look for the red-looking rock and mine them. *Achoo* Sorry, my bad. Not only does it keep you warm, but it also helps you break these special ice." You explained as they nodded.

You just leave it to them to open before it revealed a giant crimson tree. "Eek! That thing just flew up into the air... Looked like it was going towards the mountain's summit." Paimon said, freaking out but Diluc and Aether were rather fascinated by the appearance of the tree.

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