𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑨𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒏

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The moment you set foot back into Mondstadt City, you let out a relieved sigh. "Hah... The breeze here felt so nice, much better than the cold snowy mountain." You said to yourself, enjoying the breeze that brushes against your skin.

"Dragonspine is too cold for Paimon," Paimon stated, she turned to you and Aether with a smile. "So is there anything we should do?" Paimon asked as Aether thought for a moment while you wondered if there's any quest that you three could do. That was until you heard footsteps from the side and to see Huffman rushing to you.

"Y/N. Traveler." He called your name and Aether which made you turn to him, looking a bit confused.

"Huffman? Is something the matter?" You asked him, wondering if there's something wrong that they needed help from you and Aether. Though you don't recall any quest started Huffman so maybe this is something that never happened in the game but it will happen here. Like that dance ceremony when you return from Liyue.

"In truth, the Acting Grand Master is looking for you. She said to find the Honorary Knights as soon as possible. She required your help with a certain mission." He stated as you wondered what could she probably need from you three to help her again.

You stopped thinking and immediately gave him a smile. "Alright, I see. We shall go and meet Jean immediately. Thank you for informing me." You turned to Aether and made your way to the Knights of Favonius' Headquarter.


You knocked on the door before entering and there stood Jean who seems to be looking quite guilty for calling on you guys. "...Thank you for coming on such short notice, Honorary Knight. I know you must be busy. Well, to make a long story short, there is a particular matter at hand that the Knights requires your assistance with." She said as you raised your eyebrows.

"Oh no, it's fine but I see the Knights are as busy as ever," You commented as she let out a sigh.

"Yes, it has been one thing after another recently. Neither myself nor any of the Mondstadt garrison is able to catch a moment of peace. I have received multiple reports from the Knights of someone within the Lawrence Clan having close dealings with the Fatui." She clarified as you looked at her in surprise, wasn't expecting Eula's story quest this early.

"The Fatui! Again!? But who are the Lawrence Clan?" Paimon questioned even though you, yourself knew the answer. Jean explained to you guys about the history of the Lawrence Clan in a simple manner that Paimon herself got the idea of who are the Lawrence Clan. "Oh, Paimon gets it. So the clan's descendants are now scheming with the bad guys to carry out more dubious deeds?" asked Paimon as Jean nodded.

"...We suspect as much, though we have yet to obtain any solid evidence. The reason I summoned you here today is to ask you to help us further investigate this matter," said Jean, looking at you guys with hope which made you unable to turn her down. After all, this can be helpful for future events.

"I see... I was going to wonder why you didn't ask the other Knights to do the investigation instead but after hearing the history, I'm guessing the Knights had been at odds with one another?" You asked as she turned to you.

"It is exactly what you said... No matter what stance we take when dealing with them, the outcome is always the same... Our efforts only result in adding more fuel to the flames. We could come knocking on their door on the grounds of a search warrant, but if the investigation were to come up empty, I'm afraid tensions and distrust would only increase. All of our past efforts would have been wasted..." She explained as Aether gave her a confused look.

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