39| A nurse and a flirt

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"How are you feeling?" Asked the new nurse. I thanked the lord they changed my nurse. The other lady was a nightmare. 

This nurse was a twenty year old boy, a really cute one. But I barely noticed.

"Still a bit pained." I said refering to both my heart and my foot.

"Well that will not be a problem duo to the fact we gave you some pain killers that will be working in a few minutes." He smiles.

"Thank God." I say and he laughs.

"Wait.....you are that girl from that show my little sister watches!" He realises and I giggle.

"Yes I am indeed." I say. "How old is your sister."

"She is sixteen." He says and sits himself in the rolling chair.

"Hah, she is already a woman." I say.

"Yeah....well for me she still is my little baby sister so...." he protects.

"Well, what's her name?" I say as I take a paper and a pen from the bedside table.

"Hanna. Two N's and an H." He explains and I smile writing down 'Hey Hanna. Your brother is taking care of my foot and told me you like A&A. So I just wanted to give you a big kiss. - Love Laura.' I hand it to him and he reads it.

"Hah.....she will be so happy." He smiled and placed it in the safety of his back pocket.

"I'm Nate....By the way." He said and extended his hand to shake mine.

I gladly shooki it and presented myself. "Laura."

"It's a pleasure to..." a beep echos throw the room and he takes his phone out of his pocket. "Ugh...I'm sorry I have to go. Work calls but it was nice meeting you. I'll came back to check up on how you doing! Okay?" He smiles and I nod.

NEXT CHAPTER: We get a bit more of Nate and Laura as we see how Raura is holding up not being Raura.

QUESTION: So Ross has a girlfriend? What? And who would like for me to start like a book with stuff from R5 Family and who would keep up with it? And "Sometime Last Night" ahhha! CAN'T WAIT! And how to behave on a meet and greet? Can anyone help?

So just a little update. I might do this every day!



Dacy or Trylan? (Tracy and Dylan) ♡♡♡

Bye ♡

*Editing* Hating on my Co-Star (Raura Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now