4| Call it 'The Disturbing Blondie Big Head incidents' or call it nothing

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Chapter 4: Call it 'The Disturbing Blondie Big Head incidents' or call it nothing (don't you just love big titles? And participe in the contest, please? I'm thinking in giving some spoilers to the people who participe in the contest)

"Ok so did you decorated the scripts guys?" yelled Heath from the other corner of the huge set. For this two weeks we've been practicing the episodes, having meetings with the producers, hanging on the set, and guess what, I still hate the douche bag (which I believe you know who he is) does not loose a single opportunity to tease, bore or annoy me.

I've been trying to handell everything but is just I'm trying to ignore him which is impossible! But I swear I'm trying, trying hard.

"Yes!" we all screamed back in unison. Today was Monday. I'm now "out" of school for a couple of weeks to start filminging but then I'll go back.

The set was large, really big, a lot of space. We all had our dressing rooms that we could decorate the way we want. Mine was number 67 and guess who was 68? Yeah, douche bag, best known as Blondie.

Basically the set was a huge warehouse where it was inside built the set, and then a large hall was in one of the corners and it was directed to two more halls that had a lot of doors. One of them my dressing room. In this two weeks, we've learn where we can get in, what can we do in our spare time in the set and where you can eat.

We were now arriving at the set and walk directly to our dressing rooms, because today was the day were we start shooting. How awesome is that! But we, and by we I mean I had a problem.

Apparently, our characters (mine and Ross's) were supposed to built a crush for each other and they get along pretty well, they write songs together and worst of all, I have to act like I like him! Ugh. Of course it is only acting and I have to do it or else I'll be fired but is it really worth it?

Passing in the first hall with the three of them chatting animatedly. "And then he really jumped in. It was hilarious!" said Callum while I loosed myself with laughs.

It was when I noticed that my hysterical laugh was motive for Ross to stare at me with melting eyes. What the heck? I stopped laughing and glanced at him. When I reached his eyes with a mad face that he was staring at he quickly looked away with embarrassment.

"Ok, see you in a sec." said Raini before turning to the second hall that Callum followed because their room was in that hall. So me and Ross were left alone, which already seems on purpose, walking down the third hall, directed to our rooms.

"So, aren't you excited to go shooting? I mean how cool is that?" he asked. For a bit his excitement reached my chest, but I shove it away and didn't answer. "Oh, c'mon. I swear I'm trying to be nice!" he said turning to me while I ignored and kept walking.

"Stop bothering me!" I argued not turning my head to look at his pretty face.

"Ok, I'll stop bothering if you answer me properly, and I think you know the question!"

I didn't answer. I didn't really had an idea of what to say. "Is it because of my hair?" I glanced a 'really?-are-you-kidding-me' look at him. "Well, then I agree with you. It's to yellow for your liking. And way to messy, right? like what is this? I understand." he had really forced a mocking tone in his voice. But thoughtfully it was a kind one, that printed a small true smile on my hiding face. I didn't wanted him to know he could make me smile.

"Or maybe it's my brown eyes. Girls normally hate them. Chocolate orbs are too last year, I mean don't look at them or you might get way too vintage...." I laughed. But hard.

"You have a really big head. You know that?" I said, but for the first time nicely.

"Thank you." he replied easily.

*Editing* Hating on my Co-Star (Raura Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now