Chapter 54.

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"... and it can actually be found in the Forbidden Forest. But it's mostly used to produce Knotgrass Mead," Professor Sprout explained during Herbology.

Helena raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Rosemund?" the teacher asked.

"Professor, if Knotgrass is used to make the Polyjuice Potion, shouldn't it be classified as a level three ingredient? It's dangerous to have a plant like that growing without any supervision on who picks on it," Helena discussed on the subject, quill on her hand as she had finished writing down what the Herbology teacher had on the black board.

"Good argument, Miss Rosemund! But not necessarily," Professor Sprout replied. George, who was sitting next to Helena since they both shared the class, quietly snorted at the teacher's comment, having told the girl she was wrong but in a kind way. "Even when Knotgrass is a common herb to found laying around, it is quite tricky to get the Polyjuice Potion right. That's why it's classified as a level one ingredient. I'm sure you'll be seeing the matter soon with Professor Snape."

Professor Sprout continued to write other details on the black board on the plant they were studying. Meanwhile, George was doodling and making notes on new products for Weasley Wizard Wheezes, and Helena was helping him with the eatable products that needed specific ingredients and measurements to brew them together to not make them deadly.

"I can't believe what I'm going to say," Helena said to George. "But I can't wait for Snape to teach us about the Polyjuice Potion. If we know how to make it, we can adapt it to some of your products!" she whispered excited.

"That would be brilliant!" said George with a smile. "Imagine transforming into another person just by eating a gummy. But you would have to figure that out, Nina. Out of the three of us, you are the best at potions!"

"But I'm only second best in class this year," she muttered, knowing Cedric had the first place in Potions. It didn't bother her as much since she did like the academic competition she had with Cedric since first year. They had always found it fun to compete to see who the best in class was, although she hasn't had much interaction with Cedric lately these days because the boy was still tutoring a second year Hufflepuff boy and the girls from Ravenclaw she had met during the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. But whenever Cedric had a bit of time off, they would meet in the courtyard behind the castle to talk for a while.

"That's because you haven't got us this year," George mocked the girl. "You're the one who wanted to take Advanced Potions."

"Well, of course I had to if I want to become an Auror," Helena defended. "I don't know if you and your brother being in potions would make a difference. Although Fred is very clever and rather good at potions. He's the one who helped me the most making the Aging Potion, remember?"

"Maybe that's why it backfired on us," said George under his breath while writing the last bit that Professor Sprout had on the front of the class. "Fred's been distracted since we started sixth year. And I mean more than usual. I think you might know why..."

A sly smile formed on the boy's face as he looked down at her. Helena just wanted to know what George was thinking.

"... Is it because of the Tournament?" Helena asked clueless.

"Correction," he said. "I might know why," he chuckled at the confused expression on the girl's face. "Alright. What would you say if I told you that Fred has a crush on someone?"

"A crush? On whom? Wait a second... I would know that. We're friends. I would know. He would tell me, of course! If Fred had a crush on someone, I would know..."

Helena was babbling.

Does Fred really like someone and hasn't told me?

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